10 most healthy sweets
As you know, under the influence of sweet the body produces endorphins, which not just so called "hormones of joy". Because without it our life will become too dull and monotonous. Therefore it is necessary, even vital (!) pamper yourself and your taste buds. We offer to your attention the ten most wholesome desserts that are guaranteed to protect us from a bad mood:
Dark chocolate
Will have to forget about the amazing taste of milk chocolate and bitter love. It has less calories and sugar, but a lot of other nutrients, such as antioxidants, flavonoids (take care of the capillaries and have a sedative action), calcium, protein, iron, magnesium and vitamins.
Much lower in calories than most sweets. Contains much iron and phosphorus, as well as proteins that enhance muscle tissue.
Useful, first of all, thanks to the natural component – pectin, which gives it a jelly-like form. Pectin lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins and normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has relatively few calories!
In reasonable quantities candy you can eat, not fearing for the figure. She, like marmalade, reduces the negative effects of radiation and removes from the body salts of heavy metals.
Contains the same amount of calories as sugar. However, it is much sweeter and therefore need it less. For example, if you are accustomed to put in tea, two sugars, replacing it with honey, it is possible to do the same. Additionally, the honey are necessary for the body vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. In 100 g of honey is the daily rate of magnesium, manganese and iron. However, recall that we are talking about natural honey, not artificial substitutes.
She is not only tasty, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Vitamins a, E and b group consisting of halva a beneficial effect on the skin, and strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is no secret that halva anciently used for cosmetic purposes. For example, the mask of halva is effective on dry skin.
Natural product, which contains many valuable vitamins-antioxidants: beta-carotene, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Candied improve memory, help you better focus, relieve fatigue, and keep their nerves under control. While they are useful and low-calorie.
A storehouse of vitamins and minerals. However, to preserve the useful properties it cannot be cooked in "grandma's recipe". Need to cook jams-five minutes or cold jam. The most useful considered to be raspberry, quince, dogwood and walnut jam.
Cane sugar
20 years ago Western nutritionists said that brown cane sugar is much more useful classic white cleaned. Passed the minimum industrial processing, cane sugar useful for the organism, because molasses contains a complex of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium).
Fruits and berries
They contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, mineral salts and antioxidants that are essential for our health and longevity. Fruits and berries are very nutritious as they contain many organic acids, essential oils, proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, pectin and so important for digestion of fiber. Since ancient times they were valued for their medicinal properties. For those wishing to lose weight fiber fruits and berries – the best helper.
All a pleasant appetite!
Source: i-gency.ru/news/lifestyle/822-top-10-samyh-poleznyh-sladostej
Dark chocolate

Will have to forget about the amazing taste of milk chocolate and bitter love. It has less calories and sugar, but a lot of other nutrients, such as antioxidants, flavonoids (take care of the capillaries and have a sedative action), calcium, protein, iron, magnesium and vitamins.

Much lower in calories than most sweets. Contains much iron and phosphorus, as well as proteins that enhance muscle tissue.

Useful, first of all, thanks to the natural component – pectin, which gives it a jelly-like form. Pectin lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins and normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has relatively few calories!

In reasonable quantities candy you can eat, not fearing for the figure. She, like marmalade, reduces the negative effects of radiation and removes from the body salts of heavy metals.

Contains the same amount of calories as sugar. However, it is much sweeter and therefore need it less. For example, if you are accustomed to put in tea, two sugars, replacing it with honey, it is possible to do the same. Additionally, the honey are necessary for the body vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. In 100 g of honey is the daily rate of magnesium, manganese and iron. However, recall that we are talking about natural honey, not artificial substitutes.

She is not only tasty, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Vitamins a, E and b group consisting of halva a beneficial effect on the skin, and strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is no secret that halva anciently used for cosmetic purposes. For example, the mask of halva is effective on dry skin.

Natural product, which contains many valuable vitamins-antioxidants: beta-carotene, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Candied improve memory, help you better focus, relieve fatigue, and keep their nerves under control. While they are useful and low-calorie.

A storehouse of vitamins and minerals. However, to preserve the useful properties it cannot be cooked in "grandma's recipe". Need to cook jams-five minutes or cold jam. The most useful considered to be raspberry, quince, dogwood and walnut jam.
Cane sugar

20 years ago Western nutritionists said that brown cane sugar is much more useful classic white cleaned. Passed the minimum industrial processing, cane sugar useful for the organism, because molasses contains a complex of minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium).
Fruits and berries

They contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, mineral salts and antioxidants that are essential for our health and longevity. Fruits and berries are very nutritious as they contain many organic acids, essential oils, proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, pectin and so important for digestion of fiber. Since ancient times they were valued for their medicinal properties. For those wishing to lose weight fiber fruits and berries – the best helper.
All a pleasant appetite!
Source: i-gency.ru/news/lifestyle/822-top-10-samyh-poleznyh-sladostej