Apricot marmalade recipe
Homemade marmalade - this is not only a delicious dessert, but also the most successful filling in buns, gingerbread, bagels and similar pastries. You can prepare marmalade according to this recipe from any berries. But the most delicious is from apricots.
Apricot Marmalade Today "Site" tell you, how to make marmalade without any thickeners, dyes and preservers. Great color and great taste!
Marmalade dries well and is not at all sugary. Before the apricots have passed, buy a couple of pounds and be sure to prepare this delicacy.
If you dry marmalade in the open air, it tastes like rickat-lukum. It is time-consuming, but the result is worth it. You can speed up the process in the oven.
The ingredients
This unusual dessert from the first piece "falls in love" once and for all, and all thanks to its wonderful taste. And the preparation is very simple! You can safely treat children, because the composition is absolutely natural!
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Apricot Marmalade Today "Site" tell you, how to make marmalade without any thickeners, dyes and preservers. Great color and great taste!
Marmalade dries well and is not at all sugary. Before the apricots have passed, buy a couple of pounds and be sure to prepare this delicacy.
If you dry marmalade in the open air, it tastes like rickat-lukum. It is time-consuming, but the result is worth it. You can speed up the process in the oven.

The ingredients
- 1kg apricots
- 1kg sugar
- 1 tsp citric acid
- 100 ml of water
- Carefully wash the apricots with a brush. Divide it in half and remove the bones. Dry the fruit on a paper towel.
- Put the apricots in a pot with a thick bottom and pour water. Cook on a slow heat under the lid until boiling. Let me cool down a little.
- If the berries are overripe or very juicy, a lot of liquid can form. It needs to be drained and then used for compotes.
- When the apricots cool a little, add the citric acid and pure the fruit with a blender or wipe through a sieve.
- Add the sugar, stir and put the puree on a slow fire, preferably using a cutter.
- It is important not to overheat the apricots, otherwise the puree will darken. During cooking, constantly stir with a wooden spoon.
- Cook marmalade in several receptions, in one or several days, bringing marmalade to a boil and then completely cooling. Weight should decrease by 2-3 times.
- Cover the pan or shape with a food film. Pour the puree into the mold with a layer no more than 2 cm thick. Let me cool, cover. parchment (this is a regular parchment moistened with alcohol and dried) and send to dry in a dry ventilated place. Sushi until the finished marmalade can be cut with a knife.
- In the oven, marmalade must be dried at a temperature of 30-40 degrees with the door ajar open.
- Thickened marmalade remove from the form, turning upside down. Take the film off, sprinkle cornstarch and cut it into pieces.
- Pieces fall in sugar or in a mixture of corn starch, powdered sugar and citric acid (in a ratio of 1: 3: 1).
- Ready marmalade fold in a sealed container, transferring parchment between the layers.
- Keep in a cool place for no more than 3-4 months. Bon appetit!
This unusual dessert from the first piece "falls in love" once and for all, and all thanks to its wonderful taste. And the preparation is very simple! You can safely treat children, because the composition is absolutely natural!
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