10 types of toxic people that it is better to stop communicating in the New year
Seventy two million five hundred seventy eight thousand five hundred eight
When you say goodbye to 2014, think how much easier could your life be if you refused to communicate with people who drag you down.
Here are 10 types of people.
In life there are people who tell you only about their problems. There are people who constantly spoil your mood with his whining. There are people who convince you that nothing will happen. There are people who do not motivate you, and the opposite pull down.
Life is full of stress, without this in any way. But don't need it regularly became your "friends". Which are really just energy vampires.
Sometimes among our friends are people who ask us about the services the time — to the detriment of our own interests. And if we refuse, they get offended and we feel guilty. We call these people "parasites".
Let them have no place in your life in 2015.
And another thing: if you will tolerate the condescending attitude to yourself, sooner or later it will become part of your life. And the negative impact on your self-esteem.
Don't let other people use you instead of a punching bag.
Fill your life with people you trust. And it will be much better.
These people can ruin your reputation, although they may seem harmless. Only idiots will chat in the new year with people whispering behind you.
These people are particularly "bad" for you because they give you the illusion that they're your friends. You think you can rely on their support when they themselves con the shoulder. But when a similar situation happens to you, they will let you fall to the ground.
Life brings satisfaction and happiness only when we are constantly moving forward, constantly improving yourself and your environment, attain something new.
You should break up with people who pull you back and hinder your progress.
We all change with age. Our hopes and goals change too. So our relationships tend to "obsolete".
That's why you have to be careful not only with what you want to do, but with those with whom you are going to do it. You can maintain strong relationships with a limited circle of people — you will have no energy and time to meet regularly, for example, with hundreds of people. So you have to make a choice and concentrate.
If you fill the lives of people who don't inspire you, it is unlikely to be able to live a full life. Eliminate from your life people who don't bring you no moral, spiritual or motivational value.
Source: lifter.com.ua/10-types-toxic-people/
When you say goodbye to 2014, think how much easier could your life be if you refused to communicate with people who drag you down.
Here are 10 types of people.
- The people who make your life more stressful
In life there are people who tell you only about their problems. There are people who constantly spoil your mood with his whining. There are people who convince you that nothing will happen. There are people who do not motivate you, and the opposite pull down.
Life is full of stress, without this in any way. But don't need it regularly became your "friends". Which are really just energy vampires.
- People who use you
Sometimes among our friends are people who ask us about the services the time — to the detriment of our own interests. And if we refuse, they get offended and we feel guilty. We call these people "parasites".
Let them have no place in your life in 2015.
- People who don't respect you
And another thing: if you will tolerate the condescending attitude to yourself, sooner or later it will become part of your life. And the negative impact on your self-esteem.
- People who always manage to hurt you
Don't let other people use you instead of a punching bag.
- People who can't stop lying to you
Fill your life with people you trust. And it will be much better.
- People who smile at you in the eye, but when you insult others
These people can ruin your reputation, although they may seem harmless. Only idiots will chat in the new year with people whispering behind you.
- People who are always concerned about themselves and not about you
These people are particularly "bad" for you because they give you the illusion that they're your friends. You think you can rely on their support when they themselves con the shoulder. But when a similar situation happens to you, they will let you fall to the ground.
- The people who pull you back to the old way of life
Life brings satisfaction and happiness only when we are constantly moving forward, constantly improving yourself and your environment, attain something new.
You should break up with people who pull you back and hinder your progress.
- The people with whom you are friends only because you are "the first class together"
We all change with age. Our hopes and goals change too. So our relationships tend to "obsolete".
- People who just take up your personal space
That's why you have to be careful not only with what you want to do, but with those with whom you are going to do it. You can maintain strong relationships with a limited circle of people — you will have no energy and time to meet regularly, for example, with hundreds of people. So you have to make a choice and concentrate.
If you fill the lives of people who don't inspire you, it is unlikely to be able to live a full life. Eliminate from your life people who don't bring you no moral, spiritual or motivational value.
Source: lifter.com.ua/10-types-toxic-people/
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