Why sugar makes us stupid. Shocking study!
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Intense eating chocolate can make us dumber. In literal sense.
At the University of California in Los Angeles conducted a study which first proved that a diet with a high content of glucose (or fructose) is guaranteed to make us dumber. In other words, if you love sweets, it is almost certainly not as smart as could be.
Sugar slows the brain, impairs memory, causes problems with concentration, makes us more likely to make mistakes when learning. And all because it destroys the omega-3 fatty acid, which is responsible for stable and durable connection of neurons in the brain.
If to speak as simply as possible, the results of the study are very simple: I want to become wise, eat salmon and nuts, but if you don't mind temporarily stupefied — you can continue to lean on sweets.
"The results of our tests show that what you eat affects what and how you think," said Professor of neurosurgery Fernando Gomez-Pinilla. "Foods with a high content of fructose and glucose over a long period of time degrades the ability of your brain to learn and remember new information. To keep damage at a minimum, you need to consume foods high in omega-3".
Scientists have long known that sugar leads to diabetes, obesity, fatty degeneration of the liver. But a study by the University of California for the first time decided to find out how chronic overeating sugar affects the brain. Their insights made a real stir in the scientific community.
Scientists are pushing that fear in the first place, you need not the sugar (e.g. in tea or coffee) and its refined versions contained in baby food, fast food, carbonated beverages and confectionery. The fructose contained in the fruit, scientists considered almost harmless in its pure form, even in bananas not so much as in other products from the store — for example, in Coca-Cola.
Gomez-Pinilla and his colleagues have conducted not only the chemical analysis of the processes in the brain, but also tested their hypothesis in rats. The animals were divided into two groups and forced to seek a way out of the maze. Along the way, the first group was given plain water, the second — sweetened. It turned out that the rats of the second group began to cope with the task much worse.
Now scientist says that if your work is intellectual work, then you should refrain from sweets, replacing them with fruits and berries. Well, an exception can be made except for dark chocolate, in which sugar not so much. Of course, you need to increase in your diet share salmon, walnuts and Flaxseed, rich in omega-3. And again, Gomez believes that sweets should be sold with fewer restrictions than alcohol and tobacco.
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/post/494
Intense eating chocolate can make us dumber. In literal sense.
At the University of California in Los Angeles conducted a study which first proved that a diet with a high content of glucose (or fructose) is guaranteed to make us dumber. In other words, if you love sweets, it is almost certainly not as smart as could be.
Sugar slows the brain, impairs memory, causes problems with concentration, makes us more likely to make mistakes when learning. And all because it destroys the omega-3 fatty acid, which is responsible for stable and durable connection of neurons in the brain.
If to speak as simply as possible, the results of the study are very simple: I want to become wise, eat salmon and nuts, but if you don't mind temporarily stupefied — you can continue to lean on sweets.
"The results of our tests show that what you eat affects what and how you think," said Professor of neurosurgery Fernando Gomez-Pinilla. "Foods with a high content of fructose and glucose over a long period of time degrades the ability of your brain to learn and remember new information. To keep damage at a minimum, you need to consume foods high in omega-3".
Scientists have long known that sugar leads to diabetes, obesity, fatty degeneration of the liver. But a study by the University of California for the first time decided to find out how chronic overeating sugar affects the brain. Their insights made a real stir in the scientific community.
Scientists are pushing that fear in the first place, you need not the sugar (e.g. in tea or coffee) and its refined versions contained in baby food, fast food, carbonated beverages and confectionery. The fructose contained in the fruit, scientists considered almost harmless in its pure form, even in bananas not so much as in other products from the store — for example, in Coca-Cola.
Gomez-Pinilla and his colleagues have conducted not only the chemical analysis of the processes in the brain, but also tested their hypothesis in rats. The animals were divided into two groups and forced to seek a way out of the maze. Along the way, the first group was given plain water, the second — sweetened. It turned out that the rats of the second group began to cope with the task much worse.
Now scientist says that if your work is intellectual work, then you should refrain from sweets, replacing them with fruits and berries. Well, an exception can be made except for dark chocolate, in which sugar not so much. Of course, you need to increase in your diet share salmon, walnuts and Flaxseed, rich in omega-3. And again, Gomez believes that sweets should be sold with fewer restrictions than alcohol and tobacco.
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/post/494