Whether men like smart women

Whether men like smart women? The issue has already been beaten so much that in my head and then flashing lights Yes / no. So "Yes" or "no", and why?
All men like beautiful women. It is a fact, useless to argue with him and even kind of silly. But the developed female mind is like an additional feature. Yes, one of the items in the list of skills that increases women's value in the market "married-vihovannya services." It's not bad and not good. It's either there or not.
For example, here is the man himself the microwave to buy. And he needed a beautiful (to fit interior), small (grace is still in fashion), not prohibitively expensive (well, he can not afford a diamond decorated on the front panel of furnace), and the grill was (one of his wildest fantasies, if you know what I mean), but the function of "Russian chef" he did not need. Why? And without this good.
"What is this oven that the recipe chooses and prepares, he thinks, and maybe she still is? Oh, no..." And is this super-duper-microwave on display, and waiting for his moment of glory.
So it's not a reason for her to shout all over the shop and the door slam — say, all buyers of goats, and suddenly he didn't take me, because I have the back panel is a thick, well of course, so it the cream with mirrored door and chose and I am all so clever and beautiful is supposed to be here and to sit alone! Well, you see, nonsense.
We all know that they go after her her buyer. Or someone in house Russian chef needs, or one who is for a collection of brilliant home appliances this instance is needed, or maybe one who falls in love with her at first sight, money, save up and buy it in the end. But that's the whole point.
Someone thinks the female mind is a virtue, somebody's fault, but just a man who loves a woman truly loves it all, with its "smart" disadvantages or advantages.
Still, it is considered that smart women like masochists-henpecked, who are happy to shift the responsibility for deciding on the fragile but clever shoulders, providing a comfortable life, encouraging and feeding the vanity of a woman. But against the female mind are a kind of rollicking men who fist on the table and not tolerate that woman was a smartass. Not a woman thing to talk about high — borscht her business to cook. This, of course, the most striking examples, which, alas, in life there are.
Self-sufficient and educated people to have fun with each other. They have a lot to talk about, discuss new literature, and film news in the world of science and sport, the political and economic condition of the state ...Yes one can endlessly list the topic. And it does not matter who the person is male or female.
But the people on different emotional and intellectual levels of common interests, I suppose, is not enough. That begs the question: is not dumb and lazy do men matter? He, then, too lazy to grow, to learn, to grow, and he came up with a beautiful story about how these bad women boast of his mind, and his poor, hurt, and complexes it is taught. And he-man, alpha male, bigger and smarter it anyone can not be. And how will order to live? All, depression...
Here, for example, Bob. He decided, then, to the girl to know at the next table sitting with a friend, a friend persuaded to his background handsome and clever to be closed up. And in the course of conversation casually throw that loves at leisure with a book in hand on a Park bench to sit (despite the fact that the first and last book in his hands was a primer, then only labor), and gets a very natural question: "What was the last book I read?".
Well, our prepared Bob proudly blurts out: "Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One hundred years of solitude". And it always worked, and here — for you, another question: "so, how was the image of Colonel Buendia?"
All the ridiculous mooing. After all, the sorry spawn of this masterpiece is not used to read. And he was already imagining that this girl is victorious clasped in his pen with thin fingers of his miserable conceit. He defeated, and she's a bitch. Philosophizes, he exposes to ridicule, and even happy.
That is our hero in the movie with her cute girlfriend that Marquez doesn't read and doesn't ask stupid questions. And left the Bob "one hundred years of stewing in his cauldron of solitude" the girl just studies at the faculty of Philology, and the entire second year she has consciously devoted to Latin American literature.
In the end, Bob was disappointed in a new friend, because in the cinema making out with her interesting, but the film to discuss not really. And it turns out that Bob girls like not occurred because one "read Marquez and the other did not read Marquez". And why? Because your level is necessary to improve, not to shamelessly lie, caught in a lie, blame. The focus should be not on how women mind brag, but on how the men were illiterate.
Eternal "excuses": "I'm here in social networks write with errors because I'm lazy, but in General I gramatno". Well, tell me, what are you 10 years to do in school to at least learn to write correctly?
So learn, dear men, and enough in the end to put up with us mind. For all kinds of measurements designed baths and the friends. Be taller, stronger, faster, smarter! At least to us, curious women, and had a lot to learn from you!
Source: www.syntone.ru/library/news/content/7933.html
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