Caution – the charlatans from medicine!
Fifty six million ninety five thousand two hundred seventy eight
© Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria
Substituting for science, assigning the function of a doctor, pharmacist turning to the merchant, modern pharmaceuticals confidently leads the "official" medicine in the same "parallel" swamp. Farmaindustria today has forced most doctors to believe that patients suffering from the same disease, can be cured by the same medicine. And this belief makes the medic and a paramedic, no matter how they treat each other, the twins.
Roots paramedical beliefs about "universal means for all" in the humdrum of psychology, faith in miracles, desire for freebies. And modern medicine, powerful "heated" Pharma-business, came to the same conviction about the universality of drugs on the other hand.
Abolishing prescription preparation of drugs and becoming an independent branch of industry, medicine began to live by commercial, not scientific laws. But where big business — and there is a big sell. All the same craving for "universal" and "wonderful", only pseudo-scientific cover. Sometimes this leads to mass tragedies, next to which the war insignificant to seem.
TAMOXIFEN this drug is one of the most dirty, immoral pages in the history of modern pharmaceuticals.
It began to produce and use as antitumor agents in several countries in the 1970-ies. In 1991, the community of ferromagnetic decided to hold a global PR campaign. Tamoxifen was chosen among other anticancer drugs and "promoted" as a universal, almost miraculous remedy to cure and prevent breast cancer.
"Promotion" was conducted in the form of "international study programs". Organizers are Italian, German, English, American and other pharmaceutical companies. Tens of thousands of voluntary participants in several countries around the world signed up to become Guinea pigs. Within five years they had to take daily tamoxifen to confirm the main slogan of the experiment was that the drug prevents breast cancer.
The experimental women were selected to participate in the program in two ways. They had to be absolutely healthy but have blood relatives who suffered from breast cancer. Participating in dubious experiment convinced that by inheritance, they are doomed to get cancer of the prostate, and the drug, the disease must warn. Been said and printed many words about the omnipotence of science, of reason, etc.
The experiment ended disastrously, although the organizers a long time trying to avoid unwanted publicity for them. However, by 1995, the "veil of silence" collapsed. First in specialized medical editions, and then in the media for a wide range of readers were announced is evidence that tamoxifen promotes the formation of breast cancer — that is one of the disease, cure and prevention which drug has been announced! After four years of tamoxifen in the group of "Guinea pigs" the number of breast cancer cases has exceeded the incidence in the control group (it included women with the same heredity who were given a placebo — a neutral drug,"dummy").
In 1996 saw the light of another conclusion: even according to official statistics (as a rule, restrained and incomplete) in those countries where the experiment was conducted, tamoxifen in 2-7 times increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the uterus.
In the next few years was raised and re-digested the data of the 1970-ies, and it was definitely established that the very use of tamoxifen significantly worsened the sanitary situation in the regions where it is massively used. In other words, Pharma-Corporation was actually caught that from the "international program", they hid crucial information.
In the following years, the researchers found that regular use of tamoxifen it causes acute toxicity with consequences in the form of thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, visual impairment (damage to the cornea and disorders of the retina with vision impairment and possible blindness), edema, depression, bleeding and whiter, headaches, etc.
The next "wave of publicity" made public the information about the next side effects of tamoxifen: nausea and vomiting, inflammation and joint pain, hot flashes (flushed face), and also sexual dysfunction.
In the late 1990-ies it was found that tamoxifen increases the likelihood of disease phlebitis (inflammation of vein walls) and pulmonary embolism (a serious blockage of the artery with fatal outcome). The list of consequences of the use of tamoxifen also complemented changes in the blood picture, alopecia (baldness), violations (up to termination) of the menstrual cycle, cataracts, osteoporosis, hypercalcemia.
In the early 2000-ies began loudly "international program for prevention of development of cancer" was finally phased out, tamoxifen where quiet where the scandal of the market began to clean. Only in this inhuman experiment was sadashivan 15 thousand women in the UK, 16 million in the United States, 8 thousand in Italy, 2 in Switzerland, thousands, etc. the Total number of "Guinea pigs" in the world amounted to 100 thousand.
And now the most interesting. It happened and is happening in our country Russia.
The price of 2000 for the Russian pharmacy tamoxifen no.
By 2002 the market had only "polupiratskoy" copy from the firm bryntsalova (TAMOXIFEN CITRATE; produced to this day).
In 2003, this dubious the drug suddenly appeared immediately in all the references you dear "Register of medicines of Russia" — a reference to the book physicians of the country, and, of course, in pharmacies. It was delivered from England (called NOVODEX), USA (TAMOXIFEN GARMOS), Hungary (STATNUM), Austria (TAMOXIFEN-EBEWE). Started a typical "sink".
Further — more. In the literature 2004 the drug is already being touted "as one of the main contemporary anti-estrogens". In addition to the foreign suppliers (Orion, Нexal Gm Pharma, Ebewe, Egis, etc.), the firm bryntsalova (now it's called "Verein FAO"), its mass begins to produce other domestic pharmaceutical enterprises (JSC "Skopinpharm", "Searle Pharma" and others).
Final chord: tamoxifen include all of the information publicized in the power of the state, adopted with great fanfare, the approved Order of the Government of the Russian Federation "the List of vital and essential medicines". The last line of the document, the Government of the Russian Federation informs: "These drugs should be absolutely secured all state pharmacies, hospitals and stations "first aid".
Any mention of failure ended five years ago, "the international program of prevention of cancer using tamoxifen" in the information space of the Russian Federation was scrubbed clean (the book from which we took information about the inhumane experience of over 100 thousands of "rabbits" in Russia was not published).
Source: ruslekar.info/Vrachi-s-sharlatanami-bliznetsi-bratya-2697.html
© Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria
Substituting for science, assigning the function of a doctor, pharmacist turning to the merchant, modern pharmaceuticals confidently leads the "official" medicine in the same "parallel" swamp. Farmaindustria today has forced most doctors to believe that patients suffering from the same disease, can be cured by the same medicine. And this belief makes the medic and a paramedic, no matter how they treat each other, the twins.
Roots paramedical beliefs about "universal means for all" in the humdrum of psychology, faith in miracles, desire for freebies. And modern medicine, powerful "heated" Pharma-business, came to the same conviction about the universality of drugs on the other hand.
Abolishing prescription preparation of drugs and becoming an independent branch of industry, medicine began to live by commercial, not scientific laws. But where big business — and there is a big sell. All the same craving for "universal" and "wonderful", only pseudo-scientific cover. Sometimes this leads to mass tragedies, next to which the war insignificant to seem.
TAMOXIFEN this drug is one of the most dirty, immoral pages in the history of modern pharmaceuticals.
It began to produce and use as antitumor agents in several countries in the 1970-ies. In 1991, the community of ferromagnetic decided to hold a global PR campaign. Tamoxifen was chosen among other anticancer drugs and "promoted" as a universal, almost miraculous remedy to cure and prevent breast cancer.
"Promotion" was conducted in the form of "international study programs". Organizers are Italian, German, English, American and other pharmaceutical companies. Tens of thousands of voluntary participants in several countries around the world signed up to become Guinea pigs. Within five years they had to take daily tamoxifen to confirm the main slogan of the experiment was that the drug prevents breast cancer.
The experimental women were selected to participate in the program in two ways. They had to be absolutely healthy but have blood relatives who suffered from breast cancer. Participating in dubious experiment convinced that by inheritance, they are doomed to get cancer of the prostate, and the drug, the disease must warn. Been said and printed many words about the omnipotence of science, of reason, etc.
The experiment ended disastrously, although the organizers a long time trying to avoid unwanted publicity for them. However, by 1995, the "veil of silence" collapsed. First in specialized medical editions, and then in the media for a wide range of readers were announced is evidence that tamoxifen promotes the formation of breast cancer — that is one of the disease, cure and prevention which drug has been announced! After four years of tamoxifen in the group of "Guinea pigs" the number of breast cancer cases has exceeded the incidence in the control group (it included women with the same heredity who were given a placebo — a neutral drug,"dummy").
In 1996 saw the light of another conclusion: even according to official statistics (as a rule, restrained and incomplete) in those countries where the experiment was conducted, tamoxifen in 2-7 times increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the uterus.
In the next few years was raised and re-digested the data of the 1970-ies, and it was definitely established that the very use of tamoxifen significantly worsened the sanitary situation in the regions where it is massively used. In other words, Pharma-Corporation was actually caught that from the "international program", they hid crucial information.
In the following years, the researchers found that regular use of tamoxifen it causes acute toxicity with consequences in the form of thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, visual impairment (damage to the cornea and disorders of the retina with vision impairment and possible blindness), edema, depression, bleeding and whiter, headaches, etc.
The next "wave of publicity" made public the information about the next side effects of tamoxifen: nausea and vomiting, inflammation and joint pain, hot flashes (flushed face), and also sexual dysfunction.
In the late 1990-ies it was found that tamoxifen increases the likelihood of disease phlebitis (inflammation of vein walls) and pulmonary embolism (a serious blockage of the artery with fatal outcome). The list of consequences of the use of tamoxifen also complemented changes in the blood picture, alopecia (baldness), violations (up to termination) of the menstrual cycle, cataracts, osteoporosis, hypercalcemia.
In the early 2000-ies began loudly "international program for prevention of development of cancer" was finally phased out, tamoxifen where quiet where the scandal of the market began to clean. Only in this inhuman experiment was sadashivan 15 thousand women in the UK, 16 million in the United States, 8 thousand in Italy, 2 in Switzerland, thousands, etc. the Total number of "Guinea pigs" in the world amounted to 100 thousand.
And now the most interesting. It happened and is happening in our country Russia.
The price of 2000 for the Russian pharmacy tamoxifen no.
By 2002 the market had only "polupiratskoy" copy from the firm bryntsalova (TAMOXIFEN CITRATE; produced to this day).
In 2003, this dubious the drug suddenly appeared immediately in all the references you dear "Register of medicines of Russia" — a reference to the book physicians of the country, and, of course, in pharmacies. It was delivered from England (called NOVODEX), USA (TAMOXIFEN GARMOS), Hungary (STATNUM), Austria (TAMOXIFEN-EBEWE). Started a typical "sink".
Further — more. In the literature 2004 the drug is already being touted "as one of the main contemporary anti-estrogens". In addition to the foreign suppliers (Orion, Нexal Gm Pharma, Ebewe, Egis, etc.), the firm bryntsalova (now it's called "Verein FAO"), its mass begins to produce other domestic pharmaceutical enterprises (JSC "Skopinpharm", "Searle Pharma" and others).
Final chord: tamoxifen include all of the information publicized in the power of the state, adopted with great fanfare, the approved Order of the Government of the Russian Federation "the List of vital and essential medicines". The last line of the document, the Government of the Russian Federation informs: "These drugs should be absolutely secured all state pharmacies, hospitals and stations "first aid".
Any mention of failure ended five years ago, "the international program of prevention of cancer using tamoxifen" in the information space of the Russian Federation was scrubbed clean (the book from which we took information about the inhumane experience of over 100 thousands of "rabbits" in Russia was not published).
Source: ruslekar.info/Vrachi-s-sharlatanami-bliznetsi-bratya-2697.html