Robert S. Mendelsohn: confessions of a heretic of medicine
Two million one hundred forty six thousand nineteen
Instead of a prologue. My rejection of Veria not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. The purpose of my book is to make you heretics.
I was not always so. I once believed in Modern Medicine.
When I was in medical school, did not deeply delve into conducted by the hormone DES (diethylstilbestrol), because I believed. Who could have suspected that twenty years later we find cancer of the vagina and abnormalities of the genital organs in children whose mothers took DES during pregnancy?
I must confess that showed no suspiciousness in relation to oxygen therapy in premature infants. Although the guard had something — equipped with the latest technology offices to premature complete or partial loss of vision was noted almost ninety percent of infants with low birth weight. At the same time a few miles away, in a large, but less "advanced" hospital, the disease — retrolateral fibroplasia were less than ten percent of prematurity. I asked their teachers to explain this phenomenon. And I believed them when they said that the doctors in less equipped hospital simply could not make a correct diagnosis. In a year or two it has been proven that the cause of retrolental fibroplasia was a high concentration of oxygen brought into the incubators. Financially secure medical centres often did children blind just because they had the best equipment — the most expensive and modern plastic incubators, which all supplied the oxygen required to act for the child. However, in poorer hospitals were used to the old model — the bath loosely with adjacent metal lids. They gave such a leak, no matter how much oxygen is neither supplied to the incubator, this was not enough to blind the child.
I still believed in Modern Medicine, when he participated in writing the article about the use of the antibiotic terramycin for the treatment of respiratory diseases in premature infants. We announced the absence of side effects. And really — they were not. But our experiment was not long enough, so we found out that not only terramycin, but other antibiotics are very effective for the treatment of these diseases. As learned that terramycin, and other tetracycline antibiotics made the teeth of thousands of children yellow-green and the left deposits in the bones.
I also have to confess that believed in radiation therapy. Believed in its effectiveness in the treatment of increase of tonsils, lymph nodes, and thymus. And I believed my teachers when they said that radiation is definitely dangerous but used doses are so small that can't cause any harm.
Many years later we found that these "harmless small doses" received by patients in ten or twenty years ago, gave a rich harvest in the form of numerous cases of thyroid cancer. I was amazed when some of my former patients came back to me with the nodes in the thyroid gland, "Why are you coming back? — thought I, — me, who was the blame for what happened to you?".
Now I don't believe in Modern Medicine.
But I believe that, despite all the latest technology, despite the fact that the patient's equip as an astronaut, going to flight to the moon, the greatest danger on your journey to health is a doctor of Modern Medicine.
I believe that the treatment methods of Modern Medicine is rarely effective, but often more dangerous than the disease against which it is aimed.
I believe that this danger is exacerbated by the fact that harmful procedures are used which generally does not require medical intervention.
I believe also that if more than ninety percent of doctors, hospitals, drugs and medical devices will disappear from the face of the earth, it will have a positive impact on our health.
I'm sure Modern Medicine has gone too far, applying in everyday practice the methods developed for emergency situations.
Every day, every minute, Modern Medicine goes too far and is proud of it. For example, recently published the article "the Cleveland factory of medical miracles", praising the "achievements of the Medical center of Cleveland: in the last year held 2 980 open-heart operations, 1.3 million laboratory tests, shot 73 320 electrocardiograms conducted 7 770 full x-ray examinations, 210 378 other radiological studies, 24 368 surgical operations".
But whether it is proved any role of these procedures in maintaining or restoring health? No. In an article published in the journal Medical center of Cleveland, is not one commendable example of the benefits brought to people all these expensive fads. And all because this factory does not produce health.
And is it any wonder that when you come to the doctor, you are treated not like a human who needs help, but as a potential consumer of the products of the factory of miracles.
If you are pregnant, go to the doctor and he will treat you like a patient. Pregnancy — this is a disease that needs a nine-month treatment, and you will be sold dropper, equipment for examination of the fetus, pills, useless episiotomy and hit sales! — caesarean.
If you own thoughtlessness consult your doctor with the common cold or flu, the doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics, which not only will help with colds and flu, but forced to return to the doctor with more serious problems.
If your child is so playful that teachers are unable to cope with it, the doctor is ready to go too far, making the child dependent on drugs.
If the baby refused the breast within one day and because of this gained less weight than prescribed medical instructions the doctor may give up on breastfeeding by using medications that suppress lactation. And stomach your baby will be released for artificial feeding. And it is dangerous.
If you are so reckless that pass the annual examination, you can be sure that the rudeness of the employees at the reception, smoke of someone's cigarette, and the very presence of the doctor raise your blood pressure. And it is possible, to a degree that you will go home empty-handed. And — Hooray! another life saved thanks to anti-hypertensive medications. Another intimate life will go down the drain, as impotence in most cases is called a side effect of the drugs, not psychological problems.
If you are "lucky" to spend your last days in the hospital, you can rest assured the doctor will make every effort to have your death-bed, with a cost of $ 500 per day was the newest electronic equipment and protruded a full staff of strangers, ready to listen to your last words. But to say you will have nothing, as these people are hired in order to keep you from seeing family. Your last sound will be the beeping of the electrocardiograph. Yes, your family will take part in your death — they will pay the bill.
No wonder children are afraid of doctors. They know what it is. Their sense of danger is impossible to cheat. In fact, everyone is afraid. And adults, too. But we can't admit it even to myself. And begin to fear something else. Not the doctor, and that leads us to him: his body and of ongoing natural processes. When we are afraid of something, we avoid doing this. Disregard. Go around the party. Pretend it doesn't exist. Pushes the responsibility on other people. So the doctor gets his power. We ourselves are given to him, saying: "I don't want to mess with that, Doc. With this body and all its problems. Worry for a minute about this, Doc. Do their job.»
And the doctor is doing his job.
When doctors are accused that they do not tell patients about the side effects of the drugs, the doctors begin to make excuses. They say that excessive openness to the patients will be to the detriment of the latter — hurt their relationship with the doctor. This means that the relationship between doctor and patient are not based on knowledge but on faith.
We don't know that our doctors are good. We say that we believe in them. We trust them.
Do not think that the doctors don't see the difference. And not for one minute do not believe that they are not playing their best. Because the question price — all their lives, all these ninety percent or more of the unwanted Modern Medicine that exists to kill us.
Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because it is not art and not a science. Modern Medicine is a religion.
According to one definition, religion is the attempt to organize interaction with a strange and mysterious. The Church of Modern Medicine deals with the most mysterious of things: birth, death, those mysteries, which gives us our body (and we him). In "the Golden bough" religion is defined as an attempt to gain the trust "of a higher power that, according to the notions of them, are governed by natural processes and human life."
If people did not spend billions of dollars to the Church of Modern Medicine, to gain the trust of the higher powers that guide man and guide him — what would they spend it?
Source: slavs.org.ua/robert-mendelson-ispoved-eretika-ot-meditsiny-fragment
Instead of a prologue. My rejection of Veria not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. The purpose of my book is to make you heretics.
I was not always so. I once believed in Modern Medicine.
When I was in medical school, did not deeply delve into conducted by the hormone DES (diethylstilbestrol), because I believed. Who could have suspected that twenty years later we find cancer of the vagina and abnormalities of the genital organs in children whose mothers took DES during pregnancy?
I must confess that showed no suspiciousness in relation to oxygen therapy in premature infants. Although the guard had something — equipped with the latest technology offices to premature complete or partial loss of vision was noted almost ninety percent of infants with low birth weight. At the same time a few miles away, in a large, but less "advanced" hospital, the disease — retrolateral fibroplasia were less than ten percent of prematurity. I asked their teachers to explain this phenomenon. And I believed them when they said that the doctors in less equipped hospital simply could not make a correct diagnosis. In a year or two it has been proven that the cause of retrolental fibroplasia was a high concentration of oxygen brought into the incubators. Financially secure medical centres often did children blind just because they had the best equipment — the most expensive and modern plastic incubators, which all supplied the oxygen required to act for the child. However, in poorer hospitals were used to the old model — the bath loosely with adjacent metal lids. They gave such a leak, no matter how much oxygen is neither supplied to the incubator, this was not enough to blind the child.
I still believed in Modern Medicine, when he participated in writing the article about the use of the antibiotic terramycin for the treatment of respiratory diseases in premature infants. We announced the absence of side effects. And really — they were not. But our experiment was not long enough, so we found out that not only terramycin, but other antibiotics are very effective for the treatment of these diseases. As learned that terramycin, and other tetracycline antibiotics made the teeth of thousands of children yellow-green and the left deposits in the bones.
I also have to confess that believed in radiation therapy. Believed in its effectiveness in the treatment of increase of tonsils, lymph nodes, and thymus. And I believed my teachers when they said that radiation is definitely dangerous but used doses are so small that can't cause any harm.
Many years later we found that these "harmless small doses" received by patients in ten or twenty years ago, gave a rich harvest in the form of numerous cases of thyroid cancer. I was amazed when some of my former patients came back to me with the nodes in the thyroid gland, "Why are you coming back? — thought I, — me, who was the blame for what happened to you?".
Now I don't believe in Modern Medicine.
But I believe that, despite all the latest technology, despite the fact that the patient's equip as an astronaut, going to flight to the moon, the greatest danger on your journey to health is a doctor of Modern Medicine.
I believe that the treatment methods of Modern Medicine is rarely effective, but often more dangerous than the disease against which it is aimed.
I believe that this danger is exacerbated by the fact that harmful procedures are used which generally does not require medical intervention.
I believe also that if more than ninety percent of doctors, hospitals, drugs and medical devices will disappear from the face of the earth, it will have a positive impact on our health.
I'm sure Modern Medicine has gone too far, applying in everyday practice the methods developed for emergency situations.
Every day, every minute, Modern Medicine goes too far and is proud of it. For example, recently published the article "the Cleveland factory of medical miracles", praising the "achievements of the Medical center of Cleveland: in the last year held 2 980 open-heart operations, 1.3 million laboratory tests, shot 73 320 electrocardiograms conducted 7 770 full x-ray examinations, 210 378 other radiological studies, 24 368 surgical operations".
But whether it is proved any role of these procedures in maintaining or restoring health? No. In an article published in the journal Medical center of Cleveland, is not one commendable example of the benefits brought to people all these expensive fads. And all because this factory does not produce health.
And is it any wonder that when you come to the doctor, you are treated not like a human who needs help, but as a potential consumer of the products of the factory of miracles.
If you are pregnant, go to the doctor and he will treat you like a patient. Pregnancy — this is a disease that needs a nine-month treatment, and you will be sold dropper, equipment for examination of the fetus, pills, useless episiotomy and hit sales! — caesarean.
If you own thoughtlessness consult your doctor with the common cold or flu, the doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics, which not only will help with colds and flu, but forced to return to the doctor with more serious problems.
If your child is so playful that teachers are unable to cope with it, the doctor is ready to go too far, making the child dependent on drugs.
If the baby refused the breast within one day and because of this gained less weight than prescribed medical instructions the doctor may give up on breastfeeding by using medications that suppress lactation. And stomach your baby will be released for artificial feeding. And it is dangerous.
If you are so reckless that pass the annual examination, you can be sure that the rudeness of the employees at the reception, smoke of someone's cigarette, and the very presence of the doctor raise your blood pressure. And it is possible, to a degree that you will go home empty-handed. And — Hooray! another life saved thanks to anti-hypertensive medications. Another intimate life will go down the drain, as impotence in most cases is called a side effect of the drugs, not psychological problems.
If you are "lucky" to spend your last days in the hospital, you can rest assured the doctor will make every effort to have your death-bed, with a cost of $ 500 per day was the newest electronic equipment and protruded a full staff of strangers, ready to listen to your last words. But to say you will have nothing, as these people are hired in order to keep you from seeing family. Your last sound will be the beeping of the electrocardiograph. Yes, your family will take part in your death — they will pay the bill.
No wonder children are afraid of doctors. They know what it is. Their sense of danger is impossible to cheat. In fact, everyone is afraid. And adults, too. But we can't admit it even to myself. And begin to fear something else. Not the doctor, and that leads us to him: his body and of ongoing natural processes. When we are afraid of something, we avoid doing this. Disregard. Go around the party. Pretend it doesn't exist. Pushes the responsibility on other people. So the doctor gets his power. We ourselves are given to him, saying: "I don't want to mess with that, Doc. With this body and all its problems. Worry for a minute about this, Doc. Do their job.»
And the doctor is doing his job.
When doctors are accused that they do not tell patients about the side effects of the drugs, the doctors begin to make excuses. They say that excessive openness to the patients will be to the detriment of the latter — hurt their relationship with the doctor. This means that the relationship between doctor and patient are not based on knowledge but on faith.
We don't know that our doctors are good. We say that we believe in them. We trust them.
Do not think that the doctors don't see the difference. And not for one minute do not believe that they are not playing their best. Because the question price — all their lives, all these ninety percent or more of the unwanted Modern Medicine that exists to kill us.
Modern Medicine can't survive without our faith, because it is not art and not a science. Modern Medicine is a religion.
According to one definition, religion is the attempt to organize interaction with a strange and mysterious. The Church of Modern Medicine deals with the most mysterious of things: birth, death, those mysteries, which gives us our body (and we him). In "the Golden bough" religion is defined as an attempt to gain the trust "of a higher power that, according to the notions of them, are governed by natural processes and human life."
If people did not spend billions of dollars to the Church of Modern Medicine, to gain the trust of the higher powers that guide man and guide him — what would they spend it?
Source: slavs.org.ua/robert-mendelson-ispoved-eretika-ot-meditsiny-fragment