How to choose a good mayonnaise

According to the European classification of real mayonnaise can be considered only sauce fat content of not less than 80%. We are they are with different fat content. If you want to buy a natural mayonnaise without a lot of additives, choose only high-calorie.
Carefully read the label: pay attention to composition, calorific value, shelf life. In traditionally mayonnaise contains: vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, etc.), eggs or egg powder, milk powder, cream, salt, sugar, acetic or citric acid, mustard, water, starch, flour, soy protein.
Although it is possible that manufacturers add and new ingredients, as "shy" forget to tell you on the label.
Good mayonnaise always prepared with olive oil of the highest quality. However, it is expensive and not all producers can afford. Often in order to save they mix it with cheaper sunflower.
To bring them to clean water, just look at the composition. DSTU all the ingredients are written in descending order of mass fractions. That is, if the olive oil is after sunflower, then added it a little.Avoid in the composition of the oil is "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated", then in mayonnaise contains TRANS fats modified the fatty substances. In fact, it is ordinary vegetable oil, which added hydrogen, so they are no longer contaminated. The shelf life of this product is markedly increased, but the beneficial properties are, alas, lost. And it's not the saddest thing.
Scientists have proven that TRANS fats disrupt cellular metabolism, increase the risk of diabetes, inhibit the immune system and contribute to the accumulation of toxins. In addition, they are almost not digested, so it is easy to accumulate and start to play against us in the fight against obesity. So mayonnaise with oil-centenarians is better not to buy.
P. S. And remember, just changing your habits — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Kak-vibrat-horoshiy-mayonez-2860.html