Your Incarnation Cross and Profile – Your purpose and Suit Life

This article is a logical continuation of our conversation about the system of human Design(the Human design) started in the article - the System of Human Design as the art of being Yourself.
Every person is a aspect together with unique contributions he can make it as interactive part of the whole. Our life is expressed as our purpose arises from our Incarnation cross and is lived through our Profile, the costume we wear.
Man is born with a purpose and a destiny. This goal reflects the theme of Incarnational cross. Incarnation cross shows what can be the theme and purpose of life, if man will live his nature.
The knowledge of his Incarnation cross allows you to see your life from a bird's perspective and to answer the existential questions “why am I here” and “I can find meaning in their lives”:
Our Incarnation Cross is not shown automatically, when we are in the process of retabulation, as well as gives a momentary satisfaction; it is something much more. When we function in the world as their differentiated I'm using your Strategy and Authority, our cross and profile to the letter, but quite naturally begin to guide our lives. The realization of their mission requires a lifetime of patient and disciplined attention to the decisions that are right for us, United with the dedicated fine tuning our self-awareness. We do not awaken to our cross – we are awakening in him. Our cross embodies all the expression potential of our consciousness and our process awakened life.
Rectangle Incarnation crosses.
People with any Rectangle Incarnation cross is the life of one is about 64 percent of parity taken in RA. In this life they have no power of providing them a particular support. Their destiny is their own hands, and the people they meet and situations that get in, in a way only create karma and lay the basis for the following embodiments. Such people are immersed in their life process, they explore it, and in this regard tend to think about themselves than about others
Leopoldii Incarnation crosses.
General characteristics of people born under any Levorinum Incarnation cross: a number of the world of such people is 34 percent.
Strong interest and focus on others than on themselves. Almost always such people are subject to high expectations – parents, teachers, and friends. They can easily find common language with any other person, they often understand others better than himself. In the life of every Leopoldova person has, and from time to time will appear "allies" – other people, bringing support and assistance
Incarnation crosses Juxtaposition.
These people around 2 percent throughout the world . They are distinguished by a fixed, predetermined fate. This fate, painted the theme of Incarnational cross, may comprise elements separate ways, meeting the "allies", an unusual synchronization and coincidence. Events in the life of such a person, often find the reason and understanding at the level of "why is it needed" only over the years
Cross Laws: those laws or bringing new laws.
The cross of the Sphinx: People who are born to give direction to others.
Cross Tension: People promoting evolution through tension.
The cross of Eden: People embodying wisdom through loss of naivety.
Cross Shock: People who shake the world, shocking the others.
The cross of Vessel of Love: People who guide others with love.
The cross of Denial: People, establishing boundaries through denial.
The cross of the Trickster (Deceiver): People finding their purpose, by fooling others.
The cross Risk: People finding his target, risking.
Cross Healing (Healing): People born in order to heal others or
to heal itself
Cross horn: People born in order to bring the new message into the world
Cross Improve: People born in order to beautify the civilization.
Cross Migration: People finding purpose through movement and change.
Cross Masks: users using different roles to Express their particular vision.
The cross of Wishes: People, inspiring others in movement to new horizons.
Source: /users/4158