Why on some Christian graves the cross is placed in the legs, and on others – in the headboard
Over 2,000 years of existence, Christianity has become the leading world religion, which has followers on all continents of our planet. Not surprisingly, even religionist It differs in different shapes, sizes and applications.
Even in cemeteries. cross It's different. Many people think that the Orthodox put the cross in their legs, and the Lutherans and Catholics in the headboard. But it's not. Or rather, not always.
Cross in Christianity is an object that is venerated in almost all Christian denominations (except Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Molokans). But in the early years of Christianity, it was far from being a sacred symbol. At the time, believers They took the cross as a mockery. Jesus' suffering, the weapon of his murder.
In the Hebrew alphabet was the letter “tav”, which was drawn in the form of an ordinary cross. This sign marked slaves and cattle. Hence the expression “to put the tavro” remains. This attitude of believers to the cross could be understood.
Instead of the cross, other symbols were painted, each of which signified something: the dove - the Holy Spirit, the anchor - mercy, the fish - the Christian faith. Only in the IV century by the Byzantine emperor Constantine the cross was recognized. sacred for Christians.
According to Christian traditions, the dead are buried in cemeteries with their heads to the west and feet to the east. This is how Christ was buried. In the New Testament It is said that before the end of the world Christ will be resurrected by lightning from the east. The dead will be raised up to face the judgment of God. They will be able to see Christ immediately.
The cross in the legs symbolizes support and eternal life. But if the cross is placed at the head of the grave, then signifieswhich man shall bear after the resurrection. In this case, the cross will symbolize victory over evil.
On this occasion, diocese of Minsk The democratic answer was given: “The practice of erecting the cross is not a capital truth. Therefore, it is better to adhere to those traditions that exist in the specific region where a person lives.”
According to the clergy themselves, the location of the cross depends not on church dogmas, but on local customs and religious beliefs of relatives of the deceased. Therefore, the cross can be installed in the head and in the legs. Although the first option is more popular in Catholic countries, and the second is Orthodox.
However, Orthodox clergy also have disagreements on this issue. Thus, one of the lines of the book “All are alive with God” tells that the cross should rise above the grave of a Christian. According to this canon, a strong Orthodox cross on the grave should be installed at the feet.
Priest Oleg Molenko He answered the question as follows: “When the dead are raised, they shall see the cross as a symbol of their salvation. Those who, because of ignorance or for other reasons, have a cross placed at the head, may only hit their heads on the base.”
Father Athanasius According to the Orthodox custom, one should bury the dead head to the west so that he sees the sunrise. And the cross of Christ is placed at the feet of the deceased, that they may see the face of the Savior when the hour comes.
As you can see, there are different interpretations about the method of placing the cross. Therefore, everyone can decide for himself whether to follow his beliefs or adhere to the tradition that exists in his region of residence.
Earlier we talked about how to wear a cross. There is much more certainty in this matter. Find out if you can wear the cross of a deceased relative. The answers of the priests are sometimes surprising.
Tell me what you think about it.

Even in cemeteries. cross It's different. Many people think that the Orthodox put the cross in their legs, and the Lutherans and Catholics in the headboard. But it's not. Or rather, not always.
Cross in Christianity is an object that is venerated in almost all Christian denominations (except Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Molokans). But in the early years of Christianity, it was far from being a sacred symbol. At the time, believers They took the cross as a mockery. Jesus' suffering, the weapon of his murder.

In the Hebrew alphabet was the letter “tav”, which was drawn in the form of an ordinary cross. This sign marked slaves and cattle. Hence the expression “to put the tavro” remains. This attitude of believers to the cross could be understood.
Instead of the cross, other symbols were painted, each of which signified something: the dove - the Holy Spirit, the anchor - mercy, the fish - the Christian faith. Only in the IV century by the Byzantine emperor Constantine the cross was recognized. sacred for Christians.

According to Christian traditions, the dead are buried in cemeteries with their heads to the west and feet to the east. This is how Christ was buried. In the New Testament It is said that before the end of the world Christ will be resurrected by lightning from the east. The dead will be raised up to face the judgment of God. They will be able to see Christ immediately.

The cross in the legs symbolizes support and eternal life. But if the cross is placed at the head of the grave, then signifieswhich man shall bear after the resurrection. In this case, the cross will symbolize victory over evil.
On this occasion, diocese of Minsk The democratic answer was given: “The practice of erecting the cross is not a capital truth. Therefore, it is better to adhere to those traditions that exist in the specific region where a person lives.”
According to the clergy themselves, the location of the cross depends not on church dogmas, but on local customs and religious beliefs of relatives of the deceased. Therefore, the cross can be installed in the head and in the legs. Although the first option is more popular in Catholic countries, and the second is Orthodox.

However, Orthodox clergy also have disagreements on this issue. Thus, one of the lines of the book “All are alive with God” tells that the cross should rise above the grave of a Christian. According to this canon, a strong Orthodox cross on the grave should be installed at the feet.
Priest Oleg Molenko He answered the question as follows: “When the dead are raised, they shall see the cross as a symbol of their salvation. Those who, because of ignorance or for other reasons, have a cross placed at the head, may only hit their heads on the base.”
Father Athanasius According to the Orthodox custom, one should bury the dead head to the west so that he sees the sunrise. And the cross of Christ is placed at the feet of the deceased, that they may see the face of the Savior when the hour comes.

As you can see, there are different interpretations about the method of placing the cross. Therefore, everyone can decide for himself whether to follow his beliefs or adhere to the tradition that exists in his region of residence.
Earlier we talked about how to wear a cross. There is much more certainty in this matter. Find out if you can wear the cross of a deceased relative. The answers of the priests are sometimes surprising.
Tell me what you think about it.
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