Mastery of neat washing
Progress has given the hostess a wonderful helper. washing machine. It wonderfully saves time and helps to preserve the beauty of women's pens and the health of the lower back. But even with its help, washing takes a lot of strength, because things are not always washed completely or, conversely, quickly lose their presentation. But even worse, the washing machine itself can upset the flood or sometimes refuse to work. It's not cheap.
Today's edition. "Site" Here are 10 tricks that can significantly reduce the time spent doing boring washing.
How to wash properly in the washing machine
Do not forget that on every thing there is a label that says, laundry Her: temperature, means, manual / automatic. If you have forgotten the meaning of all these symbols, you can read this article.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Today's edition. "Site" Here are 10 tricks that can significantly reduce the time spent doing boring washing.
How to wash properly in the washing machine
- Clean the washing machine.
It is impossible to wash clean things if there is dirt on the drum of the washing machine. In addition, regular cleaning and disinfection contributes to the service life of the machine. For this case, a mouthwash is perfect. Just pour half a glass of means into the powder hole and turn on the full laundry cycle - mold fungi, harmful bacteria and unpleasant odor will be destroyed. Do that once a month.
DepositPhotos - Give up air conditioning.
Do not use air conditioning when wash white. It reduces the effect of the bleaching particles of your product. It is best to simply use a small amount of bleach, even without the addition of powder, to keep things perfect white. Foreign components clog tissue fibers and prevent the penetration of bleach.
DepositPhotos - Don't sort clothes by color.
What a twist! Workers of dry cleaners and laundries are advised to sort things not by color, but by density of fabric. This is because coarse tissues absorb more water than lungs. Because of this, the powder is washed out of different things in different ways, and also washing mixed spoils clothes from thin fiber. The temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees, otherwise, when washing together, colorful things water. But at the same time, the rule about white things remains unchanged: white is washed with white.
DepositPhotos - Foil balls
Forget about the problem of electrification of things will help you foil balls, because aluminum is able to absorb electric charge. Just put some small foil balls in the washing machine drum.
DepositPhotos - Don't wash your hats in the washing machine.
To keep cap visors from dents, do not wash them in the washing machine. Use the top compartment of the dishwasher for this purpose. Or do it by hand.
DepositPhotos - Baby shampoo
To return knitted things to their former shape and size, use baby shampoo instead of powder. It will smooth out the twisted fibers and give them their original volume. But keep in mind that you need to dry such clothes in a horizontal position, otherwise all the work will be wasted.
DepositPhotos - Don't dry your clothes.
Things should not only be washed properly, but also dry. Due to overdrying, clothes are very difficult to iron - fabric fibers twist and become resistant to thermal effects. Even steaming may not help. Therefore, it is better to iron even slightly wet things or sprinkle them with water on purpose.
DepositPhotos - shaving foam
Very often on women's clothes are stains from cosmetics. Nothing removes them as well as men’s shaving foam. Note, it's foam, not gel. Just apply it to a stain of lipstick or tonal cream for a couple of minutes and send it to the machine to wash. There will be no trace of pollution.
DepositPhotos - Washing socks and tights
The main pollution on socks is sweat. And under the influence of high temperatures, it simply folds, but does not wash out. Therefore, we recommend washing socks and tights at a temperature of 30 degrees.
DepositPhotos - Use a hair dryer.
With the help of a hair dryer, namely hot air, you can get rid of old spots from drinks, grass, earth. Heat up the dryer contamination and put a stain on it. Send the machine to wash. A local increase in temperature will allow the ingredients of the product to act better.
Do not forget that on every thing there is a label that says, laundry Her: temperature, means, manual / automatic. If you have forgotten the meaning of all these symbols, you can read this article.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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