Special thanks

significance of this miracle of technology, like a washing machine in our lives is difficult to overestimate. Half the world's population in the face of the beautiful ladies should thank his creator, and the second is required to perpetuate the name of the inventor, who made such a wonderful gift to mankind. It remains only to determine the authorship and find out the name of the genius of engineering, applied to the practice of everyday life. In ancient times
In those days, when the laundry was done by hand, people had to use the means at hand to facilitate its process. And it's not that innovation - the lot of lazy. Quality hand-washing - is physical labor, time-consuming and requires a fair share of patience, for the most part peculiar to women. Because in their absence, the men had to show the wonders of nahodchivosti.Moryakam been easier: Overboard was water and soapy clothes, tied to a rope, washed in a stream, to create a movement korablya.No on the bank as there have always been places where it was much easier to get dirty, and water - much less. For example, in the mines during the gold rushes. Gold enough, not all, but many would like to earn. It is this circumstance owe the appearance of the first facilities in the world paid in 1851, in California. Used in this mechanical washing machine, a production capacity of 15 shirts was powered by a dozen pulled it mullahs. First popytki

First, in its classical form, has come down to our time, patented his washing apparatus in the same 1851 King James. American machine consists of two cylinders. Inside one, serves as a container around its axis rotates the other, provided with a plurality of holes that create all the same effect relative motion of the water and clothing. The design was quite compact, and therefore was designed only for manual transmission. But it was already proryv.Poyavleniem so successful prototype gave rise design ideas. By 1875, when William Blackstone was the first mass production of washing machines, the number of patents issued to him exceeded 2000.Iz European championship in this matter belongs to the German Carl Mill. In 1900, he created his own version of the washing machine, based on the design churn. In Russia, for some reason, the advantages of machine washable did not appreciate, but in Europe the device Millet is widespread. Step by shagom

Fully mechanized washing process failed in 1908, the American Alva Fischer, applying to the invention of the device as a drive electric motor. The machine was not very security, with open working arrangements, but still the first time in history will completely rid the process of manual effort truda.V future design of washing machines have been innovating, extending their functionality and improve the performance of various models. Competing manufacturers began to pay attention to the reliability of modular units, process safety and design of the external vida.Pervye model-machines become the property of housewives in 1949. Spin function first appeared in the 50s and in the 90s washing machines already able to perform a complete cycle of automatic washing, rinsing and spinning, doing it in a variety of user-defined modes, and are complemented by a set of related process functions. What people prachechnye

Washing machine in our time - a necessary attribute of domestic life that has any family. However, laundries, which begins with the use of a mechanical washing process, are still finding their consumers. They are relevant for students, people who are in business trips and long working away from home. In many large cities often have to change the rented apartment, which is not often a complete set of home appliances, including washing machine. In some countries, the cost of utilities, and water, including such that it is cheaper to use the services periodically prachechnoy.V US utilities apartment buildings are common laundry for residents. The owner of any apartment has access to a laundry room, located usually in the basement, and there is the opportunity to use the established technique for washing their own things. What is erased in mashinkeObychno in the washing machine wash clothes and underwear, but some consider it possible to erase and shoes. However, oddly enough, there are special machines for washing virtually everything to which you can effectively apply this process. From points to pets, although in the case of the latter, this is more like not washing and showering cycle. Museum stirki

Museums exist for almost any thing that has a rich history of facts. And wash is no exception. In these museums present, as exposure, acquainting visitors with the history of the washing process, its equipment and devices used in it, and presented the general attention of the collection of washing machines and devices for various time proizvodstva.Pobyvav the museum washing of Spa in Belgium, you will learn how to wash clothes in the Middle Ages. Will be able to see the old car, which is now in excellent condition. Acquainted with the reconstruction of the old laundry room. "Portomoynya" Yelabuga - Russia's first museum of laundry business, which collected a huge amount of material and reconstructed many production facilities, as well as reproduced in the form of exhibitions workflows nih.V city Eton, United States is a special Lee Maxwell Museum, which houses a collection of old washing machines and retroekzemplyarov, with over 600 exhibits, including steam mechanisms of the early twentieth century.