In the Altai it is very desirable. People who were there, except another dimension this place is not called. After some changes in his personal life, he wanted to plunge into the Altai energy and clean thoughts, but still there grew Shukshin stories which I really like.
Part of the picture is clickable
One day, while in June the sadness overcame me, I thought, but in actual fact, there Motik, vacation give what sad? Must go. The case remained for small - to find a traveling companion (s). Place your ad, he phoned his motoznakomyh and somehow avail. I admire the girls traveling alone, but probably the most guts. Two weeks before the holiday, I was sitting on their suitcases, not knowing where to go and with whom. And then the bell. Light aka Vredina with which we are familiar nodding at the gathering "Mototrevels 2009" said, "Yes." Sveta, thank you very much, without you there would not be this trip! As always, in the last week dosobirali Motyka, things, thoughts, and quietly come launch day. The report, largely written by smskam that I sent someone every night, so I apologize, the text difficult to read at times resembles a stream of consciousness.
Under a drizzling rain, staying in a light excitement on the occasion of the solemnity of the moment, we leave. Closer to Vladimir, when the weather improved, and the nerves calmed down, took the first moto crash Svetkin. At the next stop for a turn key unit does not respond. "We arrived ..." - we thought at the same time, "damn ... damn." But it was not scary, collapsed by the time the main fuse. The surrounding shops suitable replacement was not, so bought a car flag and strapped him to tape the two connectors "mother", which was presented to us courtesy of the guys from cargo services found nearby. For everything - minus three o'clock road time.
After Nizhny Novgorod began the traditional repair of roads, traffic jams and back on the rain. So when it got dark, so as not to tempt fate, we stopped for the night 150 kilometers short of Kazan. I am different: not only that there was a wet and dirty from the outside (due to weather), once again wearing a raincoat, not pulled over pants shoe covers, and water burst into me in motorboats, and she was not allowed to pour shoe. I also tightly closed bottle with water lying in the coffer, and I soaked money and documents, apparently in order not to disturb the overall picture.
On the second day utretsa arrived in Kazan, changed Svetkin Motu oil (it has passed the first thousand Refurbished) and decided today is no longer anywhere to go. As a result, we spent a wonderful day in Kazan with Sergey Bam and Andryukha Charon ("Jabal" in due time all related). It was walking on Kazan Kremlin and megaobschenie. Serge, as always, gracious host, and Andrei, as always, a great conversationalist ... sobut.
We go further. Continuing road repairs have Svetka began to leak antifreeze, but the tightening clamp solved the problem. Drivers 18 regions their driving style left us indelible memories. We stopped for the night in 60 km near Perm. Here we got the most delicious cafe for the whole way. For 54 rubles fed meat in French, very tasty cooked. It should be noted that we Svetlana Sergeyevna ate like two truckers each, so the cost of food for us was very urgent.
Chetvetry day's journey began with a fine of 300 rubles and has continued the traditional rain and repair of roads. The bonus is the Urals, which pleases the eye with its reliefs. After Plains - very nice. We stopped for the night somewhere near Kamenetz-Ural.
On the fifth day of the journey, thanks to the navigator, somehow suddenly appeared in front of the Kazakh border. They obeyed the truckers did not waste time at customs and take a detour on Russia. We passed a very beautiful place - Chastoozere malenkm with rain and a big rainbow. And the special stage with gravel and volbukami. Very afraid of punctures, but nothing happened. We spent the night at a hotel in Abatskii 270 kilometers from Omsk.
On the sixth day, our "Saturday", we entered the summer. I did not take the bug, so suffered from the heat. Rose strong side wind, overtaking trucks became extreme. I have a sore throat. Passed fires, recalled to Moscow in 2010. The sad spectacle. The time is different from Moscow for three hours. It is very difficult given the early climbs.
Week on the road. Instead of slugging in Novosibirsk today grader about 120 km. "KAMAZ" and dust. Thank Svetkin navigator, it is happiness after the course. For lunch, smoked fish from the river Ob and beer.
And this grandfather zdorovski we met on Gazprom's gas station. By the way, they are, in addition to the coolest grandparents, even the nicest gasoline and the most delicious coffee
Even in the darkness we reached Biisk. The storm covered our meeting with Andrei, who provided us with maps and detailed instructions where to go and what to see, but said he would not be able to join. Wet and went to sleep frustrated.
The first day of the second week of traveling, we finally got to the Chui tract. From this point we leave the severity federalki and a feeling of relaxation.
We drove an incredible 150 km to the north end of Lake Teletskoye, writing turns smoothly and inhaling the heady air - it was amazing. We spent the night at the old heliport in Artybash for $ 100 and got a sms from Andrew 'meet the next day in the area Chibit. " But life somehow getting better!
The next day - a resort. A ride on a boat on the edge of Lake Teletskoye with visiting the falls ... What a heady air!
Sveta ride horses, swim in the lake. In the evening we went back. On the way to see remarkable: two Sveta drive past this cafe, naturally, could not!
To Miami road just 15 minutes brought the guys from E-burg, riding Altai: Miha (SD250) and Anton. For me it is still a mystery, as in the darkness they saw us on the sidelines. They spent the night in a tent under Manzherok in place, which kindly told the guys.
In the morning we went to Chemal, visited the HPP and the island of Patmos. Beautiful, but for my taste, too much tourists.
We saw a beautiful bridge of the road. Kind, who opened it.
Let's go down the Chuysk. Gas stations are common, but it happens so.
In Svetka after the descent from Chike-volume rear brakes are gone. Soured the piston in the caliper. Designed and greased. He earned more or less. They arrived at night to the camp site "Nomad" under Chibit riding a mountain road on a night where runs large and small cattle, require special vigilance. On the morning of his eyes ached from the strain.
In the morning, a joy came Andryukha!
And we decided to go to Dzhazator, look at the snow peak Iktu. The ride is a pleasure. Beautiful views and a minimum of cars.
In Kosh-Agach has taken away a lot of time drawing passes in the border zone.
Along the way, a little plutanuli.
In order not to drive on dark, we decided to stop for the night in 30 km from the checkpoint on a mountain lake. Darkly beautiful place, there is no connection. From that moment I began to feel in another time and space.
Road to Dzhazator (p. Belyashi) - the part of the way I liked, the mountains - gorgeous and very different.
Snowy peaks and so we did not open, but the beauty of the road to compensate for this failure. Group photo at Chui.
We spend the night on the river bank at Aktas.
"Beshke" tired of looking like repairing "wells", he demanded attention to themselves. A day of repairs, mending dressing Sveta and I changed potekshuyu pump.
Then he went to the side Cartoons. We stopped to see the confluence with the Katun Chewie.
So far the weather is nice.
Whether because Sveta lost a shoe, or as a punishment for the Strait. liquids for the repair of my spendthrift, it started to rain. The road is very exhausting. Dark, damp, large and small holes. Very tired in the dark, we found a place to spend the night under the Ust-Kan in the morning turned out to be something of a local landfill, neighing.
Here Svetka "silver shoes". Temporary replacement of shoe covers.
In the morning we came in with. Zamulta camping. From his ascent to spend Multinskiye lakes. "Gas 66" along the roads of varying difficulty: climbs, riverbeds, and Kamenyuki gryazyuka generally bultyhanie at this time in his body - a separate pleasure. We come to the lower lake.
From him peshkodralom - the middle lake to see the unusual rocks at their boundary. The spectacle worthy, but it started to rain a little bit all the spoils. Go about six kilometers in three hours by road from the wet roots and Kamenyuki me was not easy, especially after so many days in the saddle, and colds.
We go further. In order not to break the tradition, the morning begins with rain. Pancake. Oh, these pits, dimples and yamischi all shapes, sizes and depths, and occasionally coming across wooden bridges! Who went in the rain, he will understand me!
Endurnye pumped their skills and health. At a gas station in Ust-heavy energy Cana broke off the fuel tank flap. Plastic collars and adhesive tapes - fixture of the future!
They turned back home. From this sad. We stopped for the night in a hundred "keme" from Biysk.
Again sawing on federalke, but in the opposite direction. Again trucks, the exhaust gases, civilization ... And the sight of the mountains are still standing. We spend the night in Novosibe, thanks to Max, who met us, fed, warmed, and revealed the secret trails, how to bypass the morning traffic jams in the city. Special thanks to his wonderful Aunt of warmth and fellowship.
Day trash. In the morning I realized that the disease forces me to go and won no thanks Sveta, who brought me a bunch of pills, and I was able to move on, then we broke, lost, dries, but it still survived this trash day.
First day of autumn. Unexpected weather gift, very warm and sunny, ehalos surprisingly easy and pleasant. We got up at night in 50 km in Tyumen
In the morning we found a puddle of antifreeze under my spendthrift again flowed pump. Pouring antifreeze, drove to E-burg. Special thanks to the young man by the name of Andrew, who saw, as I covered a couple of clubs (antifreeze dripping muffler and effectively smoked), standing on the sidelines, came and offered his garage for repair, left the phone and told him to go if need assistance. That is, the same person cool! Day spent at the incredible, bright and positive Micah (SD250) and his family, and even joined us from Lech Pervouralsk. And then all introduced at the time little "Suzuki Jebel." Repaired "beshku" three pairs of hands, laughed a lot, stained Mishka entire garage and ate all his food stocks, in general, had a wonderful time, and most importantly Motyka were ready to go further. Since repair was delayed until late, we have sheltered Mishka's parents.
We complained Micah on the road in the area of Perm and Izhevsk, and he offered us a shortcut, promising gorgeous grader with a few small puddles that are easy to avoid. When endurist offers a short way, you should know that it does not turn quickly! And despite the fact that he was gryazeluzhevy thrash with elements of orientation, we are grateful to you, Michael! Track funny! Washed Biisk Motyka again gained endurny views. And we had a small anniversary: Twenty days on the road. They spent the night in a strange place: outside the flophouse, and within three well-decorated room. Here lives a team of workers who build refueling opposite. Pryntsessa felt we were bags, fed dinner and freed us much room with six beds. Thanks guys!
Road to Dzhazator mountains, gorgeous and very different
We got to Kazan. Serge vkusnyuchy baked us a cake. Well, no, there is chelovechische!
Bam has prompted street from Kazan to Nizhny on the other side of the Volga. There were no traffic jams! We drove in one breath. We're home. Urya!
This road was the special and it was mostly people she sent us. People who were given shelter, assisted, prompted the road and did not stint on the good word of two stranded far from home girls.
Posted in [mergetime] 1349956755 [/ mergetime]
22 days 10 450 km - it turns out to be very small. I want more! Moreover, the Altai beauty we saw a five per cent. It will be a reason to return.
Once again naigromadneyshaya thanks Serege Bemu from Kazan, Max and his aunt from Novosibirsk, Andrei from Biysk, Micah and his family in Yekaterinburg, Lehi of Pervouralsk and Moskal Charon, as well as relatives, loved ones and friends who are waiting at home, worried and kept for We cams !!! You are very cool! Thank you for being there! :)
This post posleny
Source: mail.ru Author: Svetlana Yeliseyev
Part of the picture is clickable

One day, while in June the sadness overcame me, I thought, but in actual fact, there Motik, vacation give what sad? Must go. The case remained for small - to find a traveling companion (s). Place your ad, he phoned his motoznakomyh and somehow avail. I admire the girls traveling alone, but probably the most guts. Two weeks before the holiday, I was sitting on their suitcases, not knowing where to go and with whom. And then the bell. Light aka Vredina with which we are familiar nodding at the gathering "Mototrevels 2009" said, "Yes." Sveta, thank you very much, without you there would not be this trip! As always, in the last week dosobirali Motyka, things, thoughts, and quietly come launch day. The report, largely written by smskam that I sent someone every night, so I apologize, the text difficult to read at times resembles a stream of consciousness.

Under a drizzling rain, staying in a light excitement on the occasion of the solemnity of the moment, we leave. Closer to Vladimir, when the weather improved, and the nerves calmed down, took the first moto crash Svetkin. At the next stop for a turn key unit does not respond. "We arrived ..." - we thought at the same time, "damn ... damn." But it was not scary, collapsed by the time the main fuse. The surrounding shops suitable replacement was not, so bought a car flag and strapped him to tape the two connectors "mother", which was presented to us courtesy of the guys from cargo services found nearby. For everything - minus three o'clock road time.
After Nizhny Novgorod began the traditional repair of roads, traffic jams and back on the rain. So when it got dark, so as not to tempt fate, we stopped for the night 150 kilometers short of Kazan. I am different: not only that there was a wet and dirty from the outside (due to weather), once again wearing a raincoat, not pulled over pants shoe covers, and water burst into me in motorboats, and she was not allowed to pour shoe. I also tightly closed bottle with water lying in the coffer, and I soaked money and documents, apparently in order not to disturb the overall picture.
On the second day utretsa arrived in Kazan, changed Svetkin Motu oil (it has passed the first thousand Refurbished) and decided today is no longer anywhere to go. As a result, we spent a wonderful day in Kazan with Sergey Bam and Andryukha Charon ("Jabal" in due time all related). It was walking on Kazan Kremlin and megaobschenie. Serge, as always, gracious host, and Andrei, as always, a great conversationalist ... sobut.

We go further. Continuing road repairs have Svetka began to leak antifreeze, but the tightening clamp solved the problem. Drivers 18 regions their driving style left us indelible memories. We stopped for the night in 60 km near Perm. Here we got the most delicious cafe for the whole way. For 54 rubles fed meat in French, very tasty cooked. It should be noted that we Svetlana Sergeyevna ate like two truckers each, so the cost of food for us was very urgent.

Chetvetry day's journey began with a fine of 300 rubles and has continued the traditional rain and repair of roads. The bonus is the Urals, which pleases the eye with its reliefs. After Plains - very nice. We stopped for the night somewhere near Kamenetz-Ural.

On the fifth day of the journey, thanks to the navigator, somehow suddenly appeared in front of the Kazakh border. They obeyed the truckers did not waste time at customs and take a detour on Russia. We passed a very beautiful place - Chastoozere malenkm with rain and a big rainbow. And the special stage with gravel and volbukami. Very afraid of punctures, but nothing happened. We spent the night at a hotel in Abatskii 270 kilometers from Omsk.

On the sixth day, our "Saturday", we entered the summer. I did not take the bug, so suffered from the heat. Rose strong side wind, overtaking trucks became extreme. I have a sore throat. Passed fires, recalled to Moscow in 2010. The sad spectacle. The time is different from Moscow for three hours. It is very difficult given the early climbs.
Week on the road. Instead of slugging in Novosibirsk today grader about 120 km. "KAMAZ" and dust. Thank Svetkin navigator, it is happiness after the course. For lunch, smoked fish from the river Ob and beer.
And this grandfather zdorovski we met on Gazprom's gas station. By the way, they are, in addition to the coolest grandparents, even the nicest gasoline and the most delicious coffee

Even in the darkness we reached Biisk. The storm covered our meeting with Andrei, who provided us with maps and detailed instructions where to go and what to see, but said he would not be able to join. Wet and went to sleep frustrated.
The first day of the second week of traveling, we finally got to the Chui tract. From this point we leave the severity federalki and a feeling of relaxation.

We drove an incredible 150 km to the north end of Lake Teletskoye, writing turns smoothly and inhaling the heady air - it was amazing. We spent the night at the old heliport in Artybash for $ 100 and got a sms from Andrew 'meet the next day in the area Chibit. " But life somehow getting better!

The next day - a resort. A ride on a boat on the edge of Lake Teletskoye with visiting the falls ... What a heady air!

Sveta ride horses, swim in the lake. In the evening we went back. On the way to see remarkable: two Sveta drive past this cafe, naturally, could not!

To Miami road just 15 minutes brought the guys from E-burg, riding Altai: Miha (SD250) and Anton. For me it is still a mystery, as in the darkness they saw us on the sidelines. They spent the night in a tent under Manzherok in place, which kindly told the guys.

In the morning we went to Chemal, visited the HPP and the island of Patmos. Beautiful, but for my taste, too much tourists.

We saw a beautiful bridge of the road. Kind, who opened it.

Let's go down the Chuysk. Gas stations are common, but it happens so.

In Svetka after the descent from Chike-volume rear brakes are gone. Soured the piston in the caliper. Designed and greased. He earned more or less. They arrived at night to the camp site "Nomad" under Chibit riding a mountain road on a night where runs large and small cattle, require special vigilance. On the morning of his eyes ached from the strain.
In the morning, a joy came Andryukha!
And we decided to go to Dzhazator, look at the snow peak Iktu. The ride is a pleasure. Beautiful views and a minimum of cars.

In Kosh-Agach has taken away a lot of time drawing passes in the border zone.
Along the way, a little plutanuli.
In order not to drive on dark, we decided to stop for the night in 30 km from the checkpoint on a mountain lake. Darkly beautiful place, there is no connection. From that moment I began to feel in another time and space.

Road to Dzhazator (p. Belyashi) - the part of the way I liked, the mountains - gorgeous and very different.

Snowy peaks and so we did not open, but the beauty of the road to compensate for this failure. Group photo at Chui.

We spend the night on the river bank at Aktas.
"Beshke" tired of looking like repairing "wells", he demanded attention to themselves. A day of repairs, mending dressing Sveta and I changed potekshuyu pump.
Then he went to the side Cartoons. We stopped to see the confluence with the Katun Chewie.
So far the weather is nice.

Whether because Sveta lost a shoe, or as a punishment for the Strait. liquids for the repair of my spendthrift, it started to rain. The road is very exhausting. Dark, damp, large and small holes. Very tired in the dark, we found a place to spend the night under the Ust-Kan in the morning turned out to be something of a local landfill, neighing.
Here Svetka "silver shoes". Temporary replacement of shoe covers.

In the morning we came in with. Zamulta camping. From his ascent to spend Multinskiye lakes. "Gas 66" along the roads of varying difficulty: climbs, riverbeds, and Kamenyuki gryazyuka generally bultyhanie at this time in his body - a separate pleasure. We come to the lower lake.

From him peshkodralom - the middle lake to see the unusual rocks at their boundary. The spectacle worthy, but it started to rain a little bit all the spoils. Go about six kilometers in three hours by road from the wet roots and Kamenyuki me was not easy, especially after so many days in the saddle, and colds.

We go further. In order not to break the tradition, the morning begins with rain. Pancake. Oh, these pits, dimples and yamischi all shapes, sizes and depths, and occasionally coming across wooden bridges! Who went in the rain, he will understand me!

Endurnye pumped their skills and health. At a gas station in Ust-heavy energy Cana broke off the fuel tank flap. Plastic collars and adhesive tapes - fixture of the future!

They turned back home. From this sad. We stopped for the night in a hundred "keme" from Biysk.
Again sawing on federalke, but in the opposite direction. Again trucks, the exhaust gases, civilization ... And the sight of the mountains are still standing. We spend the night in Novosibe, thanks to Max, who met us, fed, warmed, and revealed the secret trails, how to bypass the morning traffic jams in the city. Special thanks to his wonderful Aunt of warmth and fellowship.
Day trash. In the morning I realized that the disease forces me to go and won no thanks Sveta, who brought me a bunch of pills, and I was able to move on, then we broke, lost, dries, but it still survived this trash day.
First day of autumn. Unexpected weather gift, very warm and sunny, ehalos surprisingly easy and pleasant. We got up at night in 50 km in Tyumen

In the morning we found a puddle of antifreeze under my spendthrift again flowed pump. Pouring antifreeze, drove to E-burg. Special thanks to the young man by the name of Andrew, who saw, as I covered a couple of clubs (antifreeze dripping muffler and effectively smoked), standing on the sidelines, came and offered his garage for repair, left the phone and told him to go if need assistance. That is, the same person cool! Day spent at the incredible, bright and positive Micah (SD250) and his family, and even joined us from Lech Pervouralsk. And then all introduced at the time little "Suzuki Jebel." Repaired "beshku" three pairs of hands, laughed a lot, stained Mishka entire garage and ate all his food stocks, in general, had a wonderful time, and most importantly Motyka were ready to go further. Since repair was delayed until late, we have sheltered Mishka's parents.

We complained Micah on the road in the area of Perm and Izhevsk, and he offered us a shortcut, promising gorgeous grader with a few small puddles that are easy to avoid. When endurist offers a short way, you should know that it does not turn quickly! And despite the fact that he was gryazeluzhevy thrash with elements of orientation, we are grateful to you, Michael! Track funny! Washed Biisk Motyka again gained endurny views. And we had a small anniversary: Twenty days on the road. They spent the night in a strange place: outside the flophouse, and within three well-decorated room. Here lives a team of workers who build refueling opposite. Pryntsessa felt we were bags, fed dinner and freed us much room with six beds. Thanks guys!
Road to Dzhazator mountains, gorgeous and very different

We got to Kazan. Serge vkusnyuchy baked us a cake. Well, no, there is chelovechische!
Bam has prompted street from Kazan to Nizhny on the other side of the Volga. There were no traffic jams! We drove in one breath. We're home. Urya!
This road was the special and it was mostly people she sent us. People who were given shelter, assisted, prompted the road and did not stint on the good word of two stranded far from home girls.
Posted in [mergetime] 1349956755 [/ mergetime]
22 days 10 450 km - it turns out to be very small. I want more! Moreover, the Altai beauty we saw a five per cent. It will be a reason to return.
Once again naigromadneyshaya thanks Serege Bemu from Kazan, Max and his aunt from Novosibirsk, Andrei from Biysk, Micah and his family in Yekaterinburg, Lehi of Pervouralsk and Moskal Charon, as well as relatives, loved ones and friends who are waiting at home, worried and kept for We cams !!! You are very cool! Thank you for being there! :)
This post posleny
Source: mail.ru Author: Svetlana Yeliseyev
