"Thank you, life!"

Thank you, life, for that day comes again,
What's brewing grain, and that older children.
Thank you, life, for all of you dear people,
Living on such a huge light.
Thank you, life, for what this generous century
Sounded to me the generosity, the pain,
For the breadth of thy ways in which people,
All experienced, becomes him.
Because you are not the shores of the river,
For your every spring and winter,
For all the friends and even enemies - Thank you, life. For all thank you!
For tears and happiness in reality,
For that, you did not feel sorry for me,
For every moment in which I live,
But do not for one in which the stop.
Thanks to life, that I owe you,
Over the past and the future force.
For all that, I still have time, and I can,
Thank you life, thank you indeed.
Robert Rozhdestvensky
Photos in the preview: esparist
via www.flickr.com/photos/esparist/page1