Desire and fear as two sources of life energy

DESIRE and FEAR are the only two ENERGY SOURCE of LIFE.
If your life disappear DESIRE is the FEAR.
If the disappear and DESIRE and FEAR.
Comes Spiritual DEATH.
Just because the BODY has more time life, a person does not die immediately, but continues to exist a while in apathy and automatism.
However, in LIFE you have been called not FEAR, but DESIRE. With this DESIRE are your of DEEP MEANING on why you're here.
If you will be able to combine my life of DESIRE AND FEAR, You will find an endless source of energy. Filled with energy You will be able to remember Who You are and what You are.
If anyone has an illusion about sestrasveti adventurers and other people, then You are sadly mistaken.
Most MAKES PEOPLE Afraid. Afraid of doing.
Fearlessness is not the absence of fear, when there is something ELSE more important than fear — that called.
Author: Natalia Walicka
Published Econet.ru
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/