20 Epic Tips for Those Still Married by a Divorced Man

In the Network appeared a memo recently divorced man Gerald Rogers, who honestly told about 20 mistakes he made. He now believes that no matter how difficult your family relationship is, it’s worth fighting for.
“Obviously, I am not an expert in relationships. But some of the experiences I had in my divorce made me wonder what I would have done differently if I had a second chance. I lost a woman I've lived with for almost 16 years. I don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, he said.
Here are his 20 recommendations to those who think his relationship is no longer a joy. Something to think about.
1. Never stop taking care of her. Never stop getting acquainted.
My biggest mistake was taking my wife for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you were sure that you would always fight for her heart and protect her. But over the years, those promises are probably forgotten.
Your wife is the most important and sacred treasure of your life. You chose him for yourself. Never forget that. And never be lazy to maintain your love.
2. Protect your heart.
You must be the protector not only of her heart, but of your own. Protect him from other women with great care. Love yourself and do not exchange for small things. No one should claim your heart except your wife. And she, on the contrary, must penetrate it at the first request.
3. Fall in love. Again, again and again.
You're constantly changing. You are not the same person who got married. In five years, you will not be who you are today. Change is constant, so you must consciously choose to live with each other every day. Fight, win her love - just as you did in the first weeks after meeting her.
4. Always look for the best in her.
Focus on what you love about it, not what annoys you about it. Only then will your love for her continue to grow. Focus on those moments in your life when you felt absolutely loved and absolutely happy. You married her for a reason.
5. Don't try to change it. It's not your job.
Your job is just to love her. Do not try to adjust the parameters of her personality to yourself. Don't break it. It will change in such a way that you will love it even more.
6. Take full responsibility for yourself.
Take full responsibility for your emotions. Your personal happiness is not your wife’s concern. It can’t make you happy if you don’t want to. It is your responsibility to make sure that all members of your family are happy. If you can be happy, you and your family will be happy.
7. Never blame her for being guilty, for being angry, if you are upset or angry with your wife, it is only your personal emotions and your own choices. Your emotions are your responsibility.
Your woman doesn’t have to heal your childhood traumas or run after you with an emotional drooler. If necessary, take a pause, be alone and understand yourself. As soon as you stabilize your emotional background, you will immediately notice that the relationship in the family began to improve.
8. Let your woman just live.
When she’s in a bad mood or terribly upset, don’t try to make things right. Her positive attitude is not your job. Just explain to her that getting angry, angry, and desperate from time to time is normal.
Women are so constructed that they perceive the world overly emotionally. There's nothing you can do about it. But let her know she can always lean on you. When she cools down, she will realize that you are a strong and strong-willed man. That she can trust you: you don't run away from the apartment every time she's upset. Give her the confidence to be there for her no matter how often she cries or what difficulties she encounters.
9. Be stupid.
Don't judge yourself too seriously. Better laugh more often. And make her laugh. Laughter makes life easier.
10. Enter her soul every day.
Find out what really makes her feel loved and protected. If necessary, make a list of 10 things that make her happy. Make it your priority. Try to make her feel like a queen every day.
11. Be present.
Take care of her life. If she tells you something, listen. Do whatever it takes to communicate with her in the evening with an empty head. Treat her as if she were your most valuable customer. Her.
12. Accept her sexuality
Don’t treat sex simply as a way to relieve stress. Sex is an opportunity for you to reach the deepest level of your soul. Allow yourself to dissolve in her tenderness. Let her know that she can trust you 100%, whether in bed or in life.
13. Don't be an idiot.
Don’t be an idiot, but don’t be afraid to be. You'll make mistakes. She'll make mistakes. Have the courage to admit it to avoid making a bigger mistake. You don't have to be perfect. But you must seem stupid to her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
14. Give her personal space.
Give her some free time. Let her meet her friends and have a hobby. Give her the opportunity to feed her soul with energy. Stay with your children periodically. Give her a chance to rest and relax. She needs rest as much as you do.
15. Be vulnerable.
Be willing to share your fears and feelings with her. Admit your mistakes. Excuse me.
16. Be completely honest with her.
If you want to have trust, be willing to share everything, especially the secrets you never shared. It takes courage. But only after you have fully opened your heart to her will true love begin. Wear the mask as long as you want, but always take it off when you get home.
17. Never stop growing together.
A standing pond is a breeding ground for malaria, and a fast-moving stream is always cool and fresh. Atrophy is a natural process for muscles that are not engaged.
The same thing happens with your relationship. If you stop working on your relationship, it will inevitably fade. Find common goals and dreams. Make general plans. And work on their implementation together.
18. Don't worry about the money.
Money is a resource that you have to manage as a team. They never help if you are afraid to use them. Learn to trust your partner. And remember: to hide money from your wife on a sock is a moveton.
19. Forget it.
Farewell quickly and never remember old grievances. Focus on the future and don’t let the past interfere with your plans. Don’t let your past history hold you hostage. Remember the mistakes you made, but only for practical purposes. Don't reflect.
Mistakes made in the past can be a heavy anchor for your marriage. They're pulling you down. On the other hand, forgiveness is liberating. Just cut off the anchor chain and swim away without looking back.
20. Always choose love.
In the end, this advice may be the only one. Use it as the principle of your life that can change everything. If you choose love, nothing will jeopardize your happiness. Love will always endure. He will.
"Marriage is not 'and they lived happily ever after.'" It's work. It is a willingness to constantly invest in your relationship. Only then can they pass the test of time. Work on the relationship and happiness will come. Marriage, like life, has its ups and downs. Learn at all stages. Learn to love each other, it will give you strength and perspective. The only way to preserve this building is to change one broken brick every day.”
These are lessons I learned too late. And in my own skin. These are lessons I learned too late.
Remain to your wife the husband she cannot but boast about.
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/post/681