Squatting with the barbell correctly

Squats with a barbell is one of the most basic and popular exercises not only in bodybuilding, but also in general physical training. Its implementation is shown to the widest range of athletes. All you have to do is follow security measures!
Squats with a bar involve almost all large and many small muscles of the body and have a powerful positive effect on the body. Classic squats with a barbell on the shoulders involve in the work primarily quadriceps, gluteal muscles that drive the thigh muscles and flounder muscles. The stabilizers are the biceps of the thigh and calf muscles. Also, the load falls on the abdominal muscles, back extensors and some other small muscles of the legs and trunk.
Despite the apparent simplicity, it is better to start performing squats with a barbell under the guidance of a coach. The correctness of the technique in this exercise guarantees not only its effectiveness, but also safety. In short, this technique consists of the following steps:
1. Stand in a stand with a barbell facing her neck, then place her on the trapezoidal muscles.
2. Clutch the neck grip from above a little wider than your shoulders and straighten up. Step back a little with the barbell. Legs on the width of the shoulders, socks are slightly spread out to the sides. Back and legs straight. Watch for a uniform distribution of the weight of the barbell on both legs.
3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and slide down smoothly in a squat. Do not slouch, do not take your heels off the floor, look forward.
4. Continue to hold your breath until your hips are parallel to the floor, then strain your hip muscles and climb up. Exhale after overcoming the most difficult part of the ascent, and continue until you return to the original position.
To minimize the risk of injury during squats with a barbell, in addition to the performance technique, you should be aware of the following safety measures:
- before approaching the bar, it is necessary to warm up well;
When choosing the weight of the bar, you should realistically assess your physical capabilities and degree of training; it is the inadequate weight of the projectile for physical form that is the most common cause of injuries in this exercise;
When approaching the tag, ask a coach or experienced partner to insure you; this rule is especially true for beginners!
When working with large weights, do not ignore protective aids such as special shoes, a belt to support the spine and knee pads.
If for some reason you start mastering this exercise without a coach, make sure not to make the most common mistakes in squats with a barbell.
1. Don't round your back! Throughout the exercise, your back should remain slightly bent in the lower back. Do not relax the lumbar muscles until you lower the bar on the stops.

2. Relax the muscles of the abdomen - they should be constantly tense. This ensures the stability of your position and helps prevent rocking. However, do not strain the press too much, otherwise you will involuntarily begin to round your back.
3. Keep your heels on the floor. Squatting on socks, you risk damaging the knee joints, as well as losing balance.
4. Make sure that at the bottom of the squat, your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes.
5. Control the depth of the squat by your ability to keep the spine in a bent state without taking your heels off the floor. If you feel that you are beginning to slouch and / or raise your heels above the floor, do not try to sit deeper.
The absolute world record in a squat with a barbell belongs to an Israeli athlete Vlad Alkhazov It's 567 kg.
* You can reduce the risk of injury in this exercise by squatting with a barbell on your chest. According to recent studies, in this case, the load on the knee joints is reduced by 18%. published
Source: fitfixed.com
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