Cleansing beet kvass — old yeast-free recipe

Beet kvass cleanses the body of toxins. Kidney stones are released from the intestine from putrefactive fermentations, the blood vessels from blockage and the liver from all the junk.
Unleavened ancient method of preparation.
Kvass will be ready in three — five days.
— 1 beet (large)
— 2 liters of water (boiled cooled or purified)
— 4 tablespoons of sugar
— 1 rye bread (crust stale)
Refined beet finely chop or slice, place in a glass jar, pour boiled water, add sugar and a crust of rye bread. Close the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. Then brew filter, pour into bottles, sealed and cooled.published
Source: /users/1077