Modular bionaturae makes a wide range of biomass into energy
Biogas is a gas formed by the decomposition of organic matter by fermentation or under the action of anaerobic bacteria. Biogas production is an interesting addition to other renewable energy technologies, because it not only produces electricity with minimal impact on the environment, but creates a biofuel, fertilizer and motor oil.
However, one of the problems of such a process is that the installation, as a rule, work only with few organic substances as raw materials.
New installation for production of biogas, developed by the specialists from the Fraunhofer Institute, can solve this problem, as they are able to work with a large spectra of materials such as industrial waste, wastewater sludge, straw, sawdust or manure. Their processing was made possible thanks to a flexible modular design. Input is solicited through a gateway in a vacuum environment with a continuously rotating screw. There the material is heated and decomposes into biochar (solid fuel, produced artificially from biomass by means of heating in an inert atmosphere) and volatile gases.
The final products can be used in different ways. Oil can become fuel for ships and planes, gases can be used for electricity production in CHP, and the biochar can be used as fertilizer.
The design capacity of the prototype is able to process 30 kilograms of biomass per hour, is currently being tested in Germany, but it is obvious that the concept is economically viable even on a small scale.
In accordance with the financial analysis scientists, even a small enterprise with this kind of installation does not require large financial investments will be recouped fairly quickly with the ability to use several types of raw materials and production of several types of the final product. published
Source: greenevolution.ru
However, one of the problems of such a process is that the installation, as a rule, work only with few organic substances as raw materials.

New installation for production of biogas, developed by the specialists from the Fraunhofer Institute, can solve this problem, as they are able to work with a large spectra of materials such as industrial waste, wastewater sludge, straw, sawdust or manure. Their processing was made possible thanks to a flexible modular design. Input is solicited through a gateway in a vacuum environment with a continuously rotating screw. There the material is heated and decomposes into biochar (solid fuel, produced artificially from biomass by means of heating in an inert atmosphere) and volatile gases.
The final products can be used in different ways. Oil can become fuel for ships and planes, gases can be used for electricity production in CHP, and the biochar can be used as fertilizer.
The design capacity of the prototype is able to process 30 kilograms of biomass per hour, is currently being tested in Germany, but it is obvious that the concept is economically viable even on a small scale.
In accordance with the financial analysis scientists, even a small enterprise with this kind of installation does not require large financial investments will be recouped fairly quickly with the ability to use several types of raw materials and production of several types of the final product. published
Source: greenevolution.ru