Scientists have created biomatrica able to generate energy from sweat
In the United States created biomateria able to generate electricity in contact with moist human skin. The prototype battery demonstrated at the meeting of the American chemical society.
The new technology will allow scientists to create a device that can provide infinite energy digital clocks, monitors, smartphones, and other mobile electronics. As one of the project participants Dr. Venicio Jia, their device became the first in the world able to produce energy from sweat. This is the principal novelty of their biomotorai.
While that new development is able to generate only four microwatt. But scientists are trying to increase the power of biomotorai to begin to energize it with small electronic devices.
It is interesting that originally the scientists was not in the plans to develop biobattery – they tried to create a portable indicator of lactic acid. This parameter is important for athletes during training, as it is possible to control the level of exertion and fatigue. The existing practice of measuring the level of lactic acid are associated for athletes with a lot of inconvenience, so as to find it necessary to take a blood test.
Source: scienceblog.ru
The new technology will allow scientists to create a device that can provide infinite energy digital clocks, monitors, smartphones, and other mobile electronics. As one of the project participants Dr. Venicio Jia, their device became the first in the world able to produce energy from sweat. This is the principal novelty of their biomotorai.
While that new development is able to generate only four microwatt. But scientists are trying to increase the power of biomotorai to begin to energize it with small electronic devices.
It is interesting that originally the scientists was not in the plans to develop biobattery – they tried to create a portable indicator of lactic acid. This parameter is important for athletes during training, as it is possible to control the level of exertion and fatigue. The existing practice of measuring the level of lactic acid are associated for athletes with a lot of inconvenience, so as to find it necessary to take a blood test.
Source: scienceblog.ru