Your future is in your hands — stop lying in the past

"But, is it possible to change the past?", you may ask, "Why, that's impossible!" — you might say. And you're absolutely right, but not in all...
After all, what is the past? That's what he remembers about himself, what can you remember about him around, and that reflected in any records, photos, and videos. Now let us turn to the results of studies of human memory, which clearly States that we are able to remember not more than 40% of all of the events that happened with us yesterday, not to mention earlier time. Thus, a large part of our lives disappears from our memory almost immediately, unless we take action to preserve this information. Someone keeps a diary, someone has a personal chronicler, and with the advent of the social media world, we began to keep his past in the form of statuses, texts, photos and videos we share with friends. It is here that us and waiting for the worst...We are so constituted that decisions in the present based on the past, on the experience or knowledge that we managed to keep in his memory. What happened with the advent of social networking? People have begun to keep the events of his life and share them with society, with friends and with unknown people. Thus, the events of the private life of each person became public, which expressed their attitude to these events, approving or condemning them. But with this and began the global lie of all, everyone and everything.
After all, no one wants his life to look gray and dull when there are so many friends who live fun and interesting. Therefore, each "gray mouse" of the conditional "Kukuyev", became the first to upload photos of unreal makeup, and then reports on their visits to the Maldives, as well as stories about events that real life was not and could not be. Her entourage did not remain in debt and the answer is also regularly supplied a ton of lies about themselves, increasingly improving the ability of the most likely to describe important things to think and admire.
At first, it was a common pastime until several years have passed and not been conducted a study according to which people and their friends and acquaintances remember about certain periods of his life is nothing but social networks. Further — more, when the children began to ask them about trips to Madagascar and skydiving, then they would be told all the details, no doubt, that these events happened to them really! And if any man doubted and was confused in facts, friends and acquaintances with pleasure"reminded" him that he really had been in Monaco.
All anything, but most of the people, embellishing their lives in social networks, forgetting that eventually begin to lie to themselves about their past, changing their attitude in the future, which can only lead to inner conflict and depression, because in reality everything is different. Such people begin to demand in everyday life from others the same response that was in network. (Why me no one is paying attention, because I have all the pictures straight and a lot of likes?) These changes in identity occur quickly and quietly, and get rid of them is almost impossible, because the truth is simply nowhere!After that many questions arise, for example, what will happen to our society in a couple generations that grew up on such "memories"? What would it be for a society where truth is indistinguishable from falsehood?
We know that we often lie, we are sometimes glad to be deceived, but are we willing to continually lie to ourselves, forgetting who we really are? After all, we this is our past, as reflected in the memories. Or thinking better of ourselves, we will build a world that will be better?
The answers to these questions one will find for himself. I can only suggest to start keeping the good old journal to remember who you really are, to know the truth about himself.published
Source: boltai.com/topics/vashe-budushhee-v-vashih-rukah-prosto-perestante-vrat-v-proshlom/