About the spiritual imitation

Almost every time when I communicate with people who consider themselves walking the spiritual path, I see the same favorite spot, sitting in which they imagine their way. To stay easily. So much so, that most spiritual seekers have not even entered the path, nestled at the stop called "Modern spirituality". And at this stop is all that your heart desires.
Here a long line of enlightened Masters and Gurus with even more long ranks of its followers. Here is the Scripture library, and the best texts of the enlightened leaders of humanity. Here's a group of yogis in twisted poses and here are the free Mat waiting for you for a modest fee. Next enthusiastically sing the mantra and whirling in ecstatic dance, the people with the blessed persons. And here, having tasted some exotic drink, or chewing a magic mushroom, you can experience the highest mystical experiences. And there, nearby, in a row lined up a series of ashrams, from which emanates the peace and quiet. And tout everywhere, offering tea ceremonies, meditation techniques and breathing secrets of the martial arts, energy, magic tricks, shaman rituals, ancient artifacts, and spiritual merchandise for any taste... ugh... just not listed.
The sin here is not to stop — there's a great choice. And the demand is obviously there. And if demand is high and people coming out of burning eyes, then is a good thing and you need to try, right? The correct logic?
That's why people get stuck at this stop. They are guided by the logic of the era of consumption in which even spirituality exhibited on the shelves. And here consumers go from branch to branch, choosing different outfits spiritually advanced seekers. And then they show them to each other, as trophies, obtained in the spiritual supermarket.
I think I am against all the above? No. Don't mind. It's not at all that I have listed. All of this door. How can I be against the doors? If you know what to do, then that through which you're walking, walking to their goal, and if you don't, it's just walking to different sites promoted tourist route with spiritual commentary. And spiritual tourism is now very popular phenomenon.
Spiritual tourismSome spiritual traditions compare the first stage on the spiritual path with the life of bees. In fact, this is not the way to go, but only a prelude to it. The bee flies from flower to flower and tries their pollen to the taste. And the spiritual seeker meets with different approaches, religious streams, philosophical beliefs, practices and specific knowledge holders and conditions.
It is understood that the spiritual seeker at this stage, at least in theory will deal with basic questions, understand what is the purpose of the spiritual path, what his own inclinations and some of the tried directions closer to him. This stage can last for several years, and after it the spiritual seeker, like the bee returns to the hive, in order to digest the pollen and start giving honey. Return to the hive – it is stopping the external search, the cessation of active accumulation of information and experience, and start digesting everything that has been accumulated in the past. This is the beginning of the path.
But what do I see? I see that insatiable bees flying your whole life without getting tired, and not returning to the hive, and not starting the process of digestion and did not begin to highlight the honey. Here it is
spiritual tourism.
The goalis Very rare to meet someone who bothered to honestly answer the questions about the purpose of what he is doing in the area of life, which he considers to be spiritual. What is all this? What is the ultimate goal? What should be in the end?
In 99.9% of cases, behind this question lies the same answer. He masciola spiritual terms and lofty language, but with an honest review there are always the same. Often people talk about spiritual awakening and liberation, but mean at the same happiness, bliss, harmony, ecstasy, power, peace, recognition, the role of the enlightened master and stuff like that. If you look honestly, everything is hidden and perceptions of pleasure. Pleasure, wrapped in a wrapper of spirituality.
In fact, all notions of fun are rooted in our past experiences, so if the goal is fun, then you will always be dealing only fragments of their past in different combinations. At times whimsical and mystical combinations, but nevertheless...
Know that the world satisfies all requests without exception. He tripled. And if the situation in the world is that spiritual seekers by the millions, and the awakened beings of unity, then the conclusion is simple: people don't want revival, they want something else. And this is another disguised as spirituality.published
Source: aayurveda.ca/spiritual/imitation/#more-6223