Perfect vanilla Easter with candied fruits and almonds from Julia Vysotskaya 35 minutes

Photo: from the book Yulia Vysotskaya "Easter menu"
Perfect, soft, fluffy, airy Easter.
You will need exactly 35 minutes to cook this divine Passover. The most interesting in the recipe is vanilla, its intense aroma makes the taste delicate and refined!We actively started to prepare for Easter and to find proven, rare, old, interesting recipes. To whom else we could contact? Of course, by Julia Vysotskaya. The charming actress, TV presenter and the author of many bestselling cookery taught us to cook peerless vanilla Easter with candied fruits and almonds.
(4 servings)
500 g of dry low-fat cottage cheese
100 g of candied and dried fruits (papaya, melon, pineapple, cherries, cranberries, raisins, etc.)
90 g butter
80 g sugar
50 g almonds
2 egg yolks
100 ml cream
1 vanilla pod
How to cook vanilla Easter with candied fruits and almonds:
1. Curd RUB through a sieve.
2. The vanilla cut, remove the seeds and add to the curd.
3. Candied and dried fruits chopped.
4. Almond grind in a mortar.
5. Beat butter with a fork or small whisk.
6. Add the butter to the dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts.
7. Beat the yolks with sugar.
8. Pour cream into a small saucepan and bring to a boil, but do not boil.
9. Add to the cream the beaten egg yolks and, stirring constantly, heat on low heat until the cream thickens, then remove from heat, stir another 3 minutes and cool.
10. Add in cheese and butter with dried fruits and creamy yolk cream. Mix well.
11. Build the form for Easter with a double layer of cheesecloth and fill it with the cheese mass. The edges of the cheesecloth to wrap it crosswise, put on top load and put at least a day in a cool place. published
Source: www.domashniy.ru/article/paskha/vanilnaya_pasha_s_cukatami_i_mindalem_ot_yulii_vysockoj.html