Scientists have found a simple and effective way to lose weight without effort
Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants and known for its antibacterial properties. This citrus fruit contains huge amounts of vitamins A, B, C, D, E as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron. But researchers from the Mayo clinic proved that grapefruit juice also helps to burn fats, eat to drop weight.
How to cook it?
Take a fruit, cut it in half, remove the pulp with a spoon. Be sure to before eating grapefruit lying in the fridge. Mix the resulting pulp with honey. Then you need to grind everything in a blender.
The resulting beverage a lot of nutrients. The main one is pectin. It stimulates the production of "good" cholesterol, and only one glass of grapefruit reduces levels of "bad" cholesterol by 15.5%. The amount of harmful triglycerides decreases by 27%. Also pectin reduces insulin levels and regulates metabolism.
There is also lipoxin — a substance that rids the body of toxins.
To drink this drink should immediately after lunch, and 20 minutes after him. So you can guarantee that the juice will kill half the calories gained during the meal. Also grapefruit is recommended as a preventive measure against hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Recent studies have also shown that grapefruit is a great remedy against flu. And it hinders the development of some types of cancer. published
Source: lifter.com.ua/Peyte-eto-posle-edi--i-budete-hudet-ekstremalno-bistro#15095