8 solutions to children's tantrums

Sometimes the direct child explodes for no apparent reason. You cooked macaroni and give him soup! You gave the daughter a white dress, and she wanted pink. The child falls to the floor, howling loudly - and even worse: furious rushes through the house, wreaking destruction everywhere, like a tornado. Hysteria is active, open emonstrate hand in the form of protest.
8 solutions:
Do not cave in! If you are going to change the rules because of the mood of the child, he will use the hysteria kamenopoulou.
Practise active listening. Always try to sink to the level of the eyes of a child
It is always better to remove yourself from the situation than trying to budge the baby.
Continue the development of their
Warn about prestoea activity or action in advance
Set rules and support them
Give the right of choice. You'll still retain control - but believe me, the availability of choice changes a lot for a toddler, prone to tantrums, especially right before you are going to do anything about it.
Better to ask questions than to order. You can often prevent tantrums, addressing the child issue, and not leading him to do something. published
Author: Natalia Heman
Source: www.b17.ru/article/30071/