You need to see this! The textbooks that teach our children
Forty six million four hundred sixty thousand three hundred fourteen
I am often asked "well what's wrong with school?" Trying to prove that I went to school... Yes I went. BUT school is not the same. And textbooks are not the same. Even in elementary school. If in my time the textbook was poorly written — the author could get lost somewhere in the boundless expanses of Siberia. But what to do with the authors of these textbooks?
I laughed. Laughed a lot. And then I still felt sad for our school.
A simple way to please classmates, not using alcohol and psychotropics.
A typical situation in the average family.
How long have you watched horror movies?
The psyche of any child could take it.
The last time the Germans are very depressed...
The French — they are French...
Here's an interesting professional orientation in French.
Look at the screens in your city: babacic is back!
An insect from your nightmares.
Fun. Tenants must drown.
and you're not a ferret?
Personally, I was very pleased with the reaction of parents to this task.
And this task is specifically for psychiatrists. published
Author: Kirill Budkevich
Source: www.b17.ru/article/30149/
I am often asked "well what's wrong with school?" Trying to prove that I went to school... Yes I went. BUT school is not the same. And textbooks are not the same. Even in elementary school. If in my time the textbook was poorly written — the author could get lost somewhere in the boundless expanses of Siberia. But what to do with the authors of these textbooks?
I laughed. Laughed a lot. And then I still felt sad for our school.

A simple way to please classmates, not using alcohol and psychotropics.

A typical situation in the average family.

How long have you watched horror movies?
The psyche of any child could take it.

The last time the Germans are very depressed...

The French — they are French...

Here's an interesting professional orientation in French.

Look at the screens in your city: babacic is back!
An insect from your nightmares.

Fun. Tenants must drown.

and you're not a ferret?
Personally, I was very pleased with the reaction of parents to this task.

And this task is specifically for psychiatrists. published

Author: Kirill Budkevich
Source: www.b17.ru/article/30149/