Why the French eat everything but not get fat
Ninety three million nine hundred eighty nine thousand seven hundred twenty four
The reason for the "French paradox" seems to be discovered.
Everyone knows that the French eat a variety of food, including a rather fat, but they have no such problems with overweight as the Americans or Germans. But still nobody understood what was the matter. Hell, the French eat tons of cheese and bread, washed down all this business a lot of alcohol, but still not get fat!
And they eat a lot, and early childhood.
Despite the fact that obesity levels are rising in France, the overall numbers here are negligible in comparison with the US or perhaps Britain. In 2001, excess weight suffered only 8% of the French, in 2011 — 14%. For comparison: in the UK these people - 25% USA - 35%.
New research published this Wednesday in the journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, sheds light on the reasons for the "French paradox". It seems, it's all about the cheese and that some varieties accelerate the metabolism.
With the exception of France, other countries of the Western world declared war on cheese. "Eating meat and cheese is like Smoking" - proclaims Women's Health, based on studies showing that a diet high in fat and protein provoke cancer. One Green Planet calls the cheese is the main source of saturated fat in America. "Cheese is a hell of a mix of fat, sodium and cholesterol," — say the journalists.
How, then, remains the French stay slim and healthy despite the fact that, it appears, at least Camembert here eat everything and always?
Seventy million eight hundred seventy seven thousand two hundred eighty four
Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen have found the answer. They took urine and stool samples of 15 healthy French men reported that eating a lot of cheese and a regular drink regular milk. Some of them also leaned on butter.It turned out that lovers of dairy products of different composition of intestinal bacteria. In their stomach — increased levels of butyrate is anti-inflammatory fatty acids. She helps him hard to develop a useful digestive enzymes. It has been proven that high levels of butyrate — the key to low cholesterol, a great metabolism and a great prevention of obesity.
But here's the thing: cheese cheese strife, as well as to consume it in different ways. The Americans and Slavs often add it to pasta and pizza make him sandwiches. For a Frenchman, cheese is an independent meal, which is perfect for some fruits and red wine. So, the level of beneficial acids and bacteria in the digestive tract increases when cheese is mixed in the stomach with the polyphenols contained in grapes and some other Mediterranean fruits.
Plus, the important varieties of cheese. The key to a great figure — brie cheese and Camembert.And most importantly: the French understand the importance of a balanced diet. They are extremely rare — rarer than we are in their country — eat foods.
Dr. Jean-Marc Chatelain, an expert on obesity and well-known nutritionist, said: "the French know how to cook. And often do. This is our national trait of good protects us from obesity. We are a country with strong rural traditions. We have great respect for agriculture and appreciate organic food from farms".
According to him, from obesity mainly in France suffer in areas where people want to live immigrants.
"When I was in USA, I was struck by the fact that everything is constantly eating something on the streets. No culture of food of people in many other countries too. People eat sandwiches, wash it down with Coca-Cola, and then want to have a normal figure. For starters: stop that-that is, at least at the Desk and in the car" — outraged Katelyn.
Bertrand Dubois, however, said that globalization and American culture is changing and the French.
Eighty five million five hundred twenty eight thousand nine hundred eighteen
"We, the French youth, just copy what we see in American TV shows. I am now in Paris you see people with bottles of soda in his hands. Even 10-20 years ago it was impossible even to imagine," he says.
But France still protects the fact that in this country is extremely low, the demand for food products.published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/Pochemu-frantsuzi-edyat-vse-podryad-no-ne-tolsteyut#26329
The reason for the "French paradox" seems to be discovered.
Everyone knows that the French eat a variety of food, including a rather fat, but they have no such problems with overweight as the Americans or Germans. But still nobody understood what was the matter. Hell, the French eat tons of cheese and bread, washed down all this business a lot of alcohol, but still not get fat!
And they eat a lot, and early childhood.
Despite the fact that obesity levels are rising in France, the overall numbers here are negligible in comparison with the US or perhaps Britain. In 2001, excess weight suffered only 8% of the French, in 2011 — 14%. For comparison: in the UK these people - 25% USA - 35%.
New research published this Wednesday in the journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, sheds light on the reasons for the "French paradox". It seems, it's all about the cheese and that some varieties accelerate the metabolism.
With the exception of France, other countries of the Western world declared war on cheese. "Eating meat and cheese is like Smoking" - proclaims Women's Health, based on studies showing that a diet high in fat and protein provoke cancer. One Green Planet calls the cheese is the main source of saturated fat in America. "Cheese is a hell of a mix of fat, sodium and cholesterol," — say the journalists.
How, then, remains the French stay slim and healthy despite the fact that, it appears, at least Camembert here eat everything and always?
Seventy million eight hundred seventy seven thousand two hundred eighty four
Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen have found the answer. They took urine and stool samples of 15 healthy French men reported that eating a lot of cheese and a regular drink regular milk. Some of them also leaned on butter.It turned out that lovers of dairy products of different composition of intestinal bacteria. In their stomach — increased levels of butyrate is anti-inflammatory fatty acids. She helps him hard to develop a useful digestive enzymes. It has been proven that high levels of butyrate — the key to low cholesterol, a great metabolism and a great prevention of obesity.
But here's the thing: cheese cheese strife, as well as to consume it in different ways. The Americans and Slavs often add it to pasta and pizza make him sandwiches. For a Frenchman, cheese is an independent meal, which is perfect for some fruits and red wine. So, the level of beneficial acids and bacteria in the digestive tract increases when cheese is mixed in the stomach with the polyphenols contained in grapes and some other Mediterranean fruits.
Plus, the important varieties of cheese. The key to a great figure — brie cheese and Camembert.And most importantly: the French understand the importance of a balanced diet. They are extremely rare — rarer than we are in their country — eat foods.
Dr. Jean-Marc Chatelain, an expert on obesity and well-known nutritionist, said: "the French know how to cook. And often do. This is our national trait of good protects us from obesity. We are a country with strong rural traditions. We have great respect for agriculture and appreciate organic food from farms".
According to him, from obesity mainly in France suffer in areas where people want to live immigrants.
"When I was in USA, I was struck by the fact that everything is constantly eating something on the streets. No culture of food of people in many other countries too. People eat sandwiches, wash it down with Coca-Cola, and then want to have a normal figure. For starters: stop that-that is, at least at the Desk and in the car" — outraged Katelyn.
Bertrand Dubois, however, said that globalization and American culture is changing and the French.
Eighty five million five hundred twenty eight thousand nine hundred eighteen
"We, the French youth, just copy what we see in American TV shows. I am now in Paris you see people with bottles of soda in his hands. Even 10-20 years ago it was impossible even to imagine," he says.
But France still protects the fact that in this country is extremely low, the demand for food products.published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/Pochemu-frantsuzi-edyat-vse-podryad-no-ne-tolsteyut#26329