Insects, as an integral part of the national cuisine of different countries


Eat: in Asia and some parts of the US
The taste: as asparagus
Preparation: boil or fry, like shrimp

The larvae of wasps

Eat: Japanese
The taste: sweet and crunchy
Preparation: soy sauce and sugar


Eat: Vietnam, Thailand, China
On the palate: like a crab or shrimp
Preparation: skewers, fried in oil

Red ants

Eat: Thailand
On the palate: like lemon
Preparation: add to salads


Eat: in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe
On the palate: oily
Method: dried or smoked, served with sauce

The larvae of the beetle-barbel species Prionoplus reticularis

Eat: New Zealand
On the palate: like peanut butter
Preparation: Eat uncooked


Eat: Vietnam, China, Korea
The taste: as dried shrimp
Preparation: boiled or fried


Eat: in Cambodia and Venezuela
On the palate: like a crab
Preparation: I fried in butter with salt and sugar


Eat: Indonesia
On the palate: like a crab
Preparation: boiled or fried


Eat: Mexico
The taste: cinnamon
Preparation: milled chili or as a filling for tacos

Palm weevil:

Eat: in Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia
On the palate: like coconut, if raw, and like bacon when cooked
Preparation: raw or fried skewers


Eat: in West Africa, Australia, parts of South America
The taste: as carrots
Preparation: fried


Eat: Thailand
The taste: salty flavor with a fruity
Preparation: fried with spicy sauce or steamed


Eat: Mexico
On the palate: salty and spicy
Preparation: fried with chilli and lime

Eggs ants

Eat: Mexico
On the palate: oily and like nuts
Preparation: boiled or fried in butter, usually eat tacos



See also

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