Ryokichi Kawashima: Money for a real samurai should not matter
When Ryokichi Kawashima turned 94 years old, he announced his candidacy for election to Japan's Parliament and as an elective contribution used the savings to my own funeral. Despite all efforts, he lost and lost all the money. But did not upset. Why?
"I watched on TV pre-election debate and was terrified, — says Ryokichi Kawashima his decision — the extent to which these people are far from reality. I knew it was my time to go into politics".
Ryokichi Kawashima lives alone and does not depend on outside help. He drives a car and does not even wear glasses. Before to nominate his candidacy, he had a family Council: invited younger brothers (85 and 76 years old), sister (80 years old) and daughter (62). Relatives supported his decision and expressed willingness to help, although the daughter was unhappy with the decision to use the "funeral" savings.
Election Fund Kawashima spent on printing of posters, leaflets and flags with the promotion of their ideas: they relate to one of the most pressing issues of this election campaign — Japan's relations with China. 94-year-old candidate campaigned for it, to show wisdom and not to exacerbate conflict over disputed territories. In his address, he also referred another patient to Japan's problems — called for the abandonment of nuclear energy.
Despite the campaign, Kawashima failed to get the necessary number of votes to be elected to Parliament. But the former candidate absolutely no regrets about the lost money.
"The most important thing for me is the opportunity to Express their opinion, — he explained. And this opportunity I got. And the money for a real samurai should not matter".
If Kawashima will not be able to save up again for the funeral when his time comes, he plans to just go to die on the slopes of mount Fuji, "in order to be a part of it". And do not feel any anxiety about it. published
Source: www.ageofhappiness.ru/archive/blog/ryokichi_kawashima/364/
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