What is the hypostasis, or what the wives of Shiva with Mr. Hyde

© Maximus Chatsky
We often use the word "hypostasis" to denote one embodiment of a multi-faceted human personality. For example, "well-known public figure appeared before us in a new incarnation". But in order to right and proper to use that term, it is necessary to understand how person differs from the image, alter ego and other similar concepts. And for this you need to turn to etymology.
The word "hypostasis" comes from the Greek language and literally means "person", "essence". In the second value it and used the ancient Greek philosophers. For example, the founder of the Neoplatonic school, Plotinus wrote a treatise on world order under the project name "On three primordial essences". The philosopher divided the Universe into understandable feelings of space and three extrasensory beginning, or hypostases: Soul, intellect and the one. At this point, the word "person" still refers to abstract phenomena, but not to the individual.
But that all changed when the term started to work Christian theologians. At first, the words "hypostasis" and "essence" and in Christianity, remained synonymous. But in the second half of the IV century to the "incarnation" looked Cappadocian fathers of the Church and realized that is a little to shift the focus, and this concept is perfect for one of the main Christian phenomena: a triune God.
Clark Kent is just a cover, but not the alter ego of Superman. But multiple personality is consistent with the definition of hypostasis: Jekyll and Hyde exist by themselves, but are equally manifestations of one being. Why, for Father, Son, and spirit found no other indications? At first, scholars tried to use the term "person" — but this has led to controversial and even heretical interpretations (Face = "identity", i.e., the mask, and the mask implies the lie that is the prerogative of the devil). But the word "hypostasis" at the same time allowed to Express and unity, and independence, and mutual relationship of the different aspects of deity.
However, the different embodiment not only has the Christian God but also other gods. For example, the Hindu God Shiva, the four wives: Parvati, Sati, Kali and Durga, and the different interpretations they are considered something different goddesses, incarnations of the same woman. And if the gentle Parvati, the embodiment of love and devotion, the terrible Kali is the personification of destructive forces of nature. Still, in conversation with religious studies, the word "hypostasis" is better to use only in relation to the Trinity: the theological term it is rigidly secured for Christian theology.
But back of theology in the life of this world. In some cases, it is appropriate to use that word? When a famous singer radically changes the image, but remains recognizable to the ear, this is not a change of perspective because it changed only the external signs, but not the inner content of personality. The creative alter-ego — for example, literary pseudonym or lyrical character, with whom man associates himself, alter ego is not: for this different manifestation of personality should be independent and equal. For this reason, are not suitable and "masking" options: for example, Clark Kent is just a cover, but not the alter ego of Superman. But multiple personality is consistent with the definition of hypostasis: Jekyll and Hyde exist by themselves, but are equally manifestations of one being.
However, in order to have multiple forms, not necessarily to go crazy enough to show myself in different aspects. If the harsh Colonel house grows roses and cross stitching, and a caring mother-hen works as a stunt woman, it is quite a change of forms.
How to speak
Wrong: "I Saw Rihanna in a new incarnation? I don't like her this style."
Correct: "in a new way."
Correct: "She knew her husband in a completely different incarnation, unknown to others".
Correct: "In its dark incarnation of this ancient deity was absolutely ruthless."
Source: theoryandpractice.ru