Because tablets and computers children do not fill up your vocabulary
In our time, people used to communicate through gadgets, sms, e-mail, it's incredibly convenient. But experts fear that children, from an early age using a variety of devices and services for communication, risk severely limit their vocabulary.
Marco Catani, of the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College in London, says: "We started to talk less with each other and with our children. Most of the time they spend on the use of computers, tablets, smartphones and sitting on the Internet. The visual perception of information can not effectively recharge your vocabulary, so that the next generation will be worse to own spoken language ».
Dr Qahtani put 27 volunteers of the experiment, during which volunteers had to remember the made-up word. It was found that the participants managed much more quickly memorize new words as they hear them and then uttered several times.
"That's what is happening completion of a set of words used by man - you hear a new word, and" master the "him, saying aloud. On average, every adult has a vocabulary of 30 thousand words "- explains the scientist.
Qahtani Investigations revealed that the main role in remembering the words plays a brain area called the arcuate beam, which is directly linked with the center of speech and of the brain responsible for recognizing sound. That is why it is best to accept the new terms "by ear" - so they will be recorded in memory.
Today's children are a significant part of the information obtained from the screens and tablet computers, with the replenishment kit used words almost does not occur, as the visual perception makes it difficult to memorize unknown terms.
"It is important that we have preserved the tradition of the oral transmission of knowledge from generation to generation," - said Qahtani. Scientists believe that these studies it can help in the treatment of various mental disorders - from autism to dyslexia.
By the way, a recent study conducted by the London Design Museum, found that of 994-x polled 53% believe that the Internet has significantly expanded their horizons, 37% believe that the use of gadgets adversely affected their erudition, and 10% found it difficult to answer this question .
via factroom.ru