New bans from Apple, free Marmalade and new gadgets from Samsung and Amazon - major mobile news this week

New phones from Samsung and Amazon h4> Summer season promises to be hot in terms of releases of new handsets. Apple at WWDC said not a word about the new iPhone, as if teasing competitors who silyatsya fight the hegemony of the company from Cupertino.
Authoritative The Wall Street Journal сообщает, June 18, Amazon is organizing event in Seattle, in which, presumably, will be shown "that" new phone with 3D-control interface. Actually, this is clearly stated in the invitation is sent out to journalists. But representatives of the company had no immediate comment on the announcement of the next. It is obvious that Amazon is trying to expand its ecosystem for digital content distribution. There is no doubt in the deep integration of the device with the bookstore, but as there will be "live" application - an open question.
Samsung is also trying to expand its ecosystem. And if the fact of release of Amazon devaysa is an innovative step, the Koreans - emphasis on the release of the first phone running its own design. The company actively supports Android, but leaves no hope for the development of its platform Tizen.
We KamaGames Studio actively explore new opportunities platform and, of course, waiting for the release of the first phone to Tizen. The wait is long. Samsung Z officially announced , and its sales will begin in the third quarter of this year. Begin, notably, with Russia!
Apple no longer allows rewarding users for viewing ads and Sharing h4> Tonight there was a новость, now in the App Store under the ban fall applications in which users pay for Sharing in social networks and viewing of video advertising.
Blow for those game developers, the main income is not built on the internal purchases, and monetize non-paying players. While we were writing this post from our friends App2Top.ru already разобрались with the problem. Read their detailed analysis.
Marmalade becomes free! H4> This news should please many developers who are considering cross-platform development strategy for their projects! Free лицензия Marmalade allows you to create applications and games for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows Store, BlackBerry and Tizen, using a single code base. And most importantly, according to the creators, the result gives a good performance for all devices. Marmalade also boasts a wide range of additional features: advertising, social, services, working with graphics, analytical capabilities and functionality for working with databases.
In one recent study, Cross Platform Tool Benchmarking-2013 Research2Guidance company called Marmalade best performance among all cross-platform solutions, indicating that 88% of users Marmalade evaluate the performance of applications built using the Marmalade SDK, as equal or better compared to the native design! This is a serious blow in a competition with "sami_znaete_kem".
Apple slowly losing ground in the tablet market in Japan h4> According to the MM Research Institute, Apple in 2013 has weakened its position in the Japanese market tablets. The total number of tablets sold in Japan in 2013 totaled 7.48 million units, while Apple's share was 43, 8%. For comparison - in 2012 this figure was 52, 5%.
It is obvious that Apple is under pressure on the market from the tablets based on Android, which in 2013 for the first time surpassed the sales iOS-plates, the overall share of Android-plates was 45, 7%.
Trend continues. For the first quarter 2014 deliveries tablets based on iOS decreased by 16% compared with the previous year. According to rumors, in 2014 expect new tablet models from Apple - iPad Pro oversized. Let's see if it will help spur sales of Apple.
Co-founder of Playfish is preparing to launch a new MOBA-game h4> Super Evil Megacorp (great name for a company, is not it?) - A company that has been kept in the shadows, not so long ago was инвестиции in the amount of $ 15 million. Funds are likely to go to the flagship product MOBA-Vainglory. On certain remarkable coincidence, the willingness of investors to invest in powerful company coincided with the arrival of the position of COO and CEO Kristian Segerstrale, Playfish co-founder and one of the early investors Supercell (sic! And yet he worked at Electronic Arts).
The project is nowhere particularly light, but with its release (date not yet announced) Super Evil wants to prove that MOBA-games can perfectly live, work and earn money on mobile tablets. Especially since so many fans of the genre played on a PC. Also need to somehow poudachnee okuchit?
Dragon Quest VIII: access to the mobile for the anniversary h4> Notorious Japanese company Square Enix has decided to celebrate the launch of the Decade Dragon Quest VIII in Japan, выпустив iOS- and Android-port of the console game. Yes, management adapted for touch-control, yes, the combat system is adapted to the mobile players, yes, play the nostalgia will cost some $ 19.99. Is the game worth it? .. Uh, you decide. It seems that this is becoming a standard policy for ported games from Japan - to expose not the usual prices for mobile applications.
Capcom brings the game to the PSP on mobile h4> followed by Square Enix to port your game to another (mobile!) The PSP decided another, also familiar to many company Capcom. In the Japanese App Store came out port games , known in the West as Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (the Japanese name for iOS - MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 2nd G for iOS, we hesitate whether coolest names?).
Improved graphics - made ground under iOS management - also done ... Although it looks complicated. Yet on the PSP game involves a lot of control points, and move it so easy to completely touch-control, not changing the game, not the easiest task. Available joint campaign on the monsters in groups of up to 4 people, but only through Wi-Fi, networking is not supported. On the release of players for the West is not known yet. Oh yeah, the price - the Japanese do not fold with its special way: 1600 yen (this tier 14, $ 13.99 US).
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/kamagames/blog/225809/
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