Full hi medicine
Five million eight hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred sixty three
The audit chamber has summed up the results going on all around health reform. Promised doubling of salaries of doctors, increase the quality of free help. But it's like in the parable about good intentions. In fact, there were mass closures of hospitals and paid services has become a quarter more expensive tests, the quality collapsed. The saddest – hospital beds increased mortality.
Where rushes medicine?
In hospitals one.
Amazing, how people change. All five years that Tatyana Golikova has been the Minister of health, she didn't hear a word of serious criticism of the situation in medicine. Everything just bloomed and smelled rose and prettier. Although in 2009. she came under the test Chamber, found tremendous irregularities in the construction of medical centers, the scandal broke with the scanners.
Now she heads the Accounts chamber, the subject knows well. And can be considered perfectly, that T. Golikova will not take. Medical flower garden suddenly appeared a cesspool. Frankly, in the current situation golikovskii times doctors will probably remember with nostalgia. The saddest figure is to pay for medical care increased by 24% - plus. It is in a severe crisis, when people have no money. Further more. Even money medicine many already available, especially in rural areas. In rural areas catastrophically collapsed the number of hospitals in 2005 was 8,249 million in 2013 remained 2,085 thousand. This reduction is four times! Many initially did not believe that was possible, I had to recheck the numbers.
Let's move on. Outpatient items in the village was cut three times, was 7.4 thousand, remained 2.56 thousand. The result is 17.5 thousand villages there are no medical, no paid or free, no. The doctors in our days is not available, as never before, the inhabitants of 11 thousand settlements have access to doctors, driving more than 20 kilometers. It came to the edge, just look in the news. Against the backdrop of massive regional crises with trains people stormed the train and lie down on the tracks to get to town and get some treatment. It happened in the Pskov region. You can say they're lucky. As the chamber has found, 900 villages, the Ministry of health forgot to attach to any clinic or hospital. Although the right to medical care prescribed in the Constitution.The disaster at the village accompanied by the number of beds crisis in cities. According to the Institute of health Economics HSE, in many regions the average bed is occupied 350 days a year, but the busiest offices for 480 days. What kind of statistical miracle? Just extra patients lay on cots in the hallway. To get to the clinic at all, because, in fact, they are no more.
It's in General. What we have with the government's support of motherhood and childhood? The last eight years, there was increase in the birth rate. At the same time the number of beds for pregnant women fell from 82 to 74.9 thousand. And beds for children across the country has decreased by 26.4 thousand (down from 200.3 to 173,9 thousand persons). About this rainbow in the reports at the meetings of the government forgot to mention.
In General, Russia has reduced 90 thousand physicians. In many regions wild shortage of staff, lack 55 thousand thousand doctors and 88 nurses and male nurses. This is only the beginning, what is happening now, can leave medicine without quarters, and even three people. Many doctors quit, because real wages have fallen one by 1.5–2, and one in 2-3 times. At the same time the load is increasing. "For a six-hour shift we have in the clinic need to take 50 people. This is a maximum of eight minutes per patient. By the middle of the day so tired that about any medicine can't think", – tell the doctors.
Homicide drop
How can you not remember the recent higher promises on the doubling of medical salaries. In fact, the national average real wage in hospitals over the past two years fell by 40%. Although, according to Rosstat, the income of doctors and already some of the lowest in the economy. Everything was kept in co-payments and premiums, they are slashed.
Creeping layoffs and the closure of hospitals under the guise of optimizing go across the country. According to T. Golikova, 2014 in the Russian Federation "optimized" 359 hospitals and clinics. 29 of them goodtimesroll to complete destruction. In 2015 the plan of the Ministry of health fall under the distribution of 472 hospital. It is already known: 41 medical institution will be liquidated. Just in the next four years will close 11% of hospitals and 7% of clinics.
Do not help any rallies downsized doctors, no strikes or even hunger strikes. In Ufa starving doctors in the capital region patients. Such a wild story happened in the summer of 2014 at the Russian children's clinical hospital, where the protest was starving parents who are terrified of a sharp reduction of children's beds. By the way, in the capital from disgruntled physicians paid off, the municipality has promised to reduced to 500 thousand rubles. Six thousand rally against the collapse of medicine, which was held in November last year, would scare anyone. In the cities, poorer doctors is banal intimidated.
All of this rebound has hit the population. Obviously, take it out in the end, in the extreme, that is sick. We have the medicine in reality is not free. In the end, not every doctor will dare to do as I have done in Tarusa hospital. The staff there openly held out his hand, creating a society that collects donations to support the work of medical institutions.
And the Ministry of health "gives". In January 2015, during the governmental discussion of strategy of development of healthcare Minister Veronika Skvortsova is in plain text offered to the public EN masse to buy the paid medical policies. It is called the CHI program Plus. Although, in fact, it is exactly the same once free of the MLA, only with decorative flounces and a lot of money. Simply put, we are facing something like universal health insurance, which will as rapidly and scheduled to go up from year to year. By the way, the laboratory tests, which account for a large part of spending on treatment since the beginning of 2015 has risen depending on the region of 10-25%.
What all about? The state abruptly became money, the cost of medicine is enormous, according to the plan in 2015 medical insurance Fund will spend 1,675 trillion rubles. These costs are amputated in the first place, not looking for anything, and about the anaesthesia forgotten. The more the state is no stranger, it is not the first cure medicine from unnecessary expenditures. Federal health spending over the past two years fell from 614 to 502 billion rubles. It's flowers in minfinovskih the draft budget for 2015 the line of health was cut by 23% to 421 billion. According to the chamber, the budget of the state Fund of health insurance without that gaping hole in the 55 billion rubles.
That is, funds from the Ministry of health, of course! For example, according to the "Agency", in April 2015, the Department has allocated 55.6 million RUB for the wonderful program "on formation of positive image of Russian health care". Ordered on television commercials to raise the prestige of doctors, etc. Here she is, showing off during the plague.
But on core activities save. Most annoying, the beat is not there, because the effect is particularly eerie. Take the same reduction doctors. As found by the chamber, the full effect of the cuts amounted to 3.28 billion rubles. This is a pathetic 0.5% of the total cost of salaries of medical personnel. A drop in the financial ocean, but how much harm.
The quality and quantity
Despite the shakeup, the typical level of service to patients in the Russian Federation through the floor. In 2014, our country took the last – 51-e a place in the international ranking of quality of care. We were ahead of even Brazil, Azerbaijan and Algeria. By world standards, Russian hospitals are terrifying. Here is an example from life. For example, in normal practice the patient with "fast" don't put two hours on the couch in the hallway. Immediately begin running around with the x-rays, imaging and diagnosis. We have the hours of waiting is normal. The hospital is overloaded because the therapists at the clinics do not help patients, and work as managers, redirecting to other specialists.
The smaller the clinic, the lower the returns. In the worst cities work small enterprises, located on the first floors of the houses. According to the rules they can not put equipment, even x-rays. So for pictures of patients go to the hospital. "In Europe, the therapist assumes 70% of health problems. We even have a diagnosis for sciatica it sends to the neurologist, he sends to the", – experts explain.
In figures the situation looks like. In the world of specialists falls 30% load to 80%. We have therapists only 16% of the total number of doctors. But raging an oversupply of doctors in the three most bread specialties: dentistry, urology, gynecology. The average number of physicians in the world – 33% in the US, Canada and the European Union – is under 50%. One doctor in Russia there are two nurses in France – three in the United States – four. It relieves the doctor from the office work.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Polniy-privet-meditsine-3253.html
The audit chamber has summed up the results going on all around health reform. Promised doubling of salaries of doctors, increase the quality of free help. But it's like in the parable about good intentions. In fact, there were mass closures of hospitals and paid services has become a quarter more expensive tests, the quality collapsed. The saddest – hospital beds increased mortality.
Where rushes medicine?
In hospitals one.
Amazing, how people change. All five years that Tatyana Golikova has been the Minister of health, she didn't hear a word of serious criticism of the situation in medicine. Everything just bloomed and smelled rose and prettier. Although in 2009. she came under the test Chamber, found tremendous irregularities in the construction of medical centers, the scandal broke with the scanners.
Now she heads the Accounts chamber, the subject knows well. And can be considered perfectly, that T. Golikova will not take. Medical flower garden suddenly appeared a cesspool. Frankly, in the current situation golikovskii times doctors will probably remember with nostalgia. The saddest figure is to pay for medical care increased by 24% - plus. It is in a severe crisis, when people have no money. Further more. Even money medicine many already available, especially in rural areas. In rural areas catastrophically collapsed the number of hospitals in 2005 was 8,249 million in 2013 remained 2,085 thousand. This reduction is four times! Many initially did not believe that was possible, I had to recheck the numbers.
Let's move on. Outpatient items in the village was cut three times, was 7.4 thousand, remained 2.56 thousand. The result is 17.5 thousand villages there are no medical, no paid or free, no. The doctors in our days is not available, as never before, the inhabitants of 11 thousand settlements have access to doctors, driving more than 20 kilometers. It came to the edge, just look in the news. Against the backdrop of massive regional crises with trains people stormed the train and lie down on the tracks to get to town and get some treatment. It happened in the Pskov region. You can say they're lucky. As the chamber has found, 900 villages, the Ministry of health forgot to attach to any clinic or hospital. Although the right to medical care prescribed in the Constitution.The disaster at the village accompanied by the number of beds crisis in cities. According to the Institute of health Economics HSE, in many regions the average bed is occupied 350 days a year, but the busiest offices for 480 days. What kind of statistical miracle? Just extra patients lay on cots in the hallway. To get to the clinic at all, because, in fact, they are no more.
It's in General. What we have with the government's support of motherhood and childhood? The last eight years, there was increase in the birth rate. At the same time the number of beds for pregnant women fell from 82 to 74.9 thousand. And beds for children across the country has decreased by 26.4 thousand (down from 200.3 to 173,9 thousand persons). About this rainbow in the reports at the meetings of the government forgot to mention.
In General, Russia has reduced 90 thousand physicians. In many regions wild shortage of staff, lack 55 thousand thousand doctors and 88 nurses and male nurses. This is only the beginning, what is happening now, can leave medicine without quarters, and even three people. Many doctors quit, because real wages have fallen one by 1.5–2, and one in 2-3 times. At the same time the load is increasing. "For a six-hour shift we have in the clinic need to take 50 people. This is a maximum of eight minutes per patient. By the middle of the day so tired that about any medicine can't think", – tell the doctors.
Homicide drop
How can you not remember the recent higher promises on the doubling of medical salaries. In fact, the national average real wage in hospitals over the past two years fell by 40%. Although, according to Rosstat, the income of doctors and already some of the lowest in the economy. Everything was kept in co-payments and premiums, they are slashed.
Creeping layoffs and the closure of hospitals under the guise of optimizing go across the country. According to T. Golikova, 2014 in the Russian Federation "optimized" 359 hospitals and clinics. 29 of them goodtimesroll to complete destruction. In 2015 the plan of the Ministry of health fall under the distribution of 472 hospital. It is already known: 41 medical institution will be liquidated. Just in the next four years will close 11% of hospitals and 7% of clinics.
Do not help any rallies downsized doctors, no strikes or even hunger strikes. In Ufa starving doctors in the capital region patients. Such a wild story happened in the summer of 2014 at the Russian children's clinical hospital, where the protest was starving parents who are terrified of a sharp reduction of children's beds. By the way, in the capital from disgruntled physicians paid off, the municipality has promised to reduced to 500 thousand rubles. Six thousand rally against the collapse of medicine, which was held in November last year, would scare anyone. In the cities, poorer doctors is banal intimidated.
All of this rebound has hit the population. Obviously, take it out in the end, in the extreme, that is sick. We have the medicine in reality is not free. In the end, not every doctor will dare to do as I have done in Tarusa hospital. The staff there openly held out his hand, creating a society that collects donations to support the work of medical institutions.
And the Ministry of health "gives". In January 2015, during the governmental discussion of strategy of development of healthcare Minister Veronika Skvortsova is in plain text offered to the public EN masse to buy the paid medical policies. It is called the CHI program Plus. Although, in fact, it is exactly the same once free of the MLA, only with decorative flounces and a lot of money. Simply put, we are facing something like universal health insurance, which will as rapidly and scheduled to go up from year to year. By the way, the laboratory tests, which account for a large part of spending on treatment since the beginning of 2015 has risen depending on the region of 10-25%.
What all about? The state abruptly became money, the cost of medicine is enormous, according to the plan in 2015 medical insurance Fund will spend 1,675 trillion rubles. These costs are amputated in the first place, not looking for anything, and about the anaesthesia forgotten. The more the state is no stranger, it is not the first cure medicine from unnecessary expenditures. Federal health spending over the past two years fell from 614 to 502 billion rubles. It's flowers in minfinovskih the draft budget for 2015 the line of health was cut by 23% to 421 billion. According to the chamber, the budget of the state Fund of health insurance without that gaping hole in the 55 billion rubles.
That is, funds from the Ministry of health, of course! For example, according to the "Agency", in April 2015, the Department has allocated 55.6 million RUB for the wonderful program "on formation of positive image of Russian health care". Ordered on television commercials to raise the prestige of doctors, etc. Here she is, showing off during the plague.
But on core activities save. Most annoying, the beat is not there, because the effect is particularly eerie. Take the same reduction doctors. As found by the chamber, the full effect of the cuts amounted to 3.28 billion rubles. This is a pathetic 0.5% of the total cost of salaries of medical personnel. A drop in the financial ocean, but how much harm.
The quality and quantity
Despite the shakeup, the typical level of service to patients in the Russian Federation through the floor. In 2014, our country took the last – 51-e a place in the international ranking of quality of care. We were ahead of even Brazil, Azerbaijan and Algeria. By world standards, Russian hospitals are terrifying. Here is an example from life. For example, in normal practice the patient with "fast" don't put two hours on the couch in the hallway. Immediately begin running around with the x-rays, imaging and diagnosis. We have the hours of waiting is normal. The hospital is overloaded because the therapists at the clinics do not help patients, and work as managers, redirecting to other specialists.
The smaller the clinic, the lower the returns. In the worst cities work small enterprises, located on the first floors of the houses. According to the rules they can not put equipment, even x-rays. So for pictures of patients go to the hospital. "In Europe, the therapist assumes 70% of health problems. We even have a diagnosis for sciatica it sends to the neurologist, he sends to the", – experts explain.
In figures the situation looks like. In the world of specialists falls 30% load to 80%. We have therapists only 16% of the total number of doctors. But raging an oversupply of doctors in the three most bread specialties: dentistry, urology, gynecology. The average number of physicians in the world – 33% in the US, Canada and the European Union – is under 50%. One doctor in Russia there are two nurses in France – three in the United States – four. It relieves the doctor from the office work.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Polniy-privet-meditsine-3253.html