Diet kebab there: fish on skewers
An easy recipe for those who dream about the delicious barbecue, but the zero calories and maximum benefit. Have prepared a gorgeous sea bass and shared the popular food blogger Vlad Piskunov.
This is probably the most ancient way of cooking fish. And what else? Well, not jellied fish, and not fish under marinade, and gefilte-fish, of course.
The first thing that came to mind primal angler is to catch strung on sticks and roast directly over the fire. Do you remember how to cook wild-caught Mississippi fish young heroes of Mark TWAIN? Although not all the fish will be able to put on a skewer, it is best to do small and narrow fish: brown trout, small perch, red mullet or, for example, sea bass (Branzino). It is what we roast. And will prepare one of the most popular sauces for fish – Mediterranean.
2 small sea bass
1 lemon
1 lemon
3 cloves of garlic
a few leaves of sage
a handful of mint leaves
100 ml olive oil
a pinch of white pepper
How to cook fish on skewers with Mediterranean sauce:
1. First, prepare sauce. With a fine grater, remove the lemon zest, put it in a bowl. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice. Sprinkle with salt and stir.
2. Finely chop (do not press, namely the cut!) garlic. Put in a bowl.
3. Mint leaves and chop the sage very fine strips and add to the sauce.
4. Put in sauce a pinch of white pepper and pour olive oil. Stir with a fork, cover the bowl with film and put in the fridge. Let there while we prepare the fish. This sauce does not keep long, so it makes no sense to harvest it for future use.
5. Fish cleaning and gutting through the gills, not ripping of the abdomen. Otherwise it may fall off the skewer during cooking.
6. In the abdominal cavity can put some aromatic herbs or a lemon wedge, and you can do not put, just slightly prisolit through the Gill hole.
7. Strung the fish on a skewer, passing it through the mouth along the ridge. Sprinkle with lemon and sprinkle with fine salt.
8. Kindle the coals in the grill. When they are ready, rake them in two piles, leaving considerable empty space in the middle of the grill. Here in this space we place the skewers with the fish. The skin of the seabass is very delicate and will burn instantly when you put a fish close to the hot coals. Fry, constantly turning the skewers.
9. Serve fish directly on the grill, garnished with sprigs of fresh mint or sage. The sauce, again mix well and serve separately. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.domashniy.ru/article/eda/bystrye-recepty/ryba_na_shampurah_so_sredizemnomorskim_sousom.html
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