Why in the basis of productivity is managing energy, not time
It is believed that productivity is based on efficient time management. It would seem that everything is simple — spend less time on nonsense, and more — to achieve their goals. However, if you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in art, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is not exactly in the fact that they spent more time at work than others.
Winston Churchill was a prominent politician, even though he worked no more than his predecessors and followers, and Elon Musk became the most outstanding modern entrepreneur, although thousands of other entrepreneurs and startups did not work fewer hours on their projects.
It turns out that time management is, at least, is not the secret of success and not even the most important tool to achieve goals. It is logical — I can as much as necessary to efficiently plan your day, to have time to do a lot of business and maybe even to prioritize, but it does not guarantee my results, because, ultimately, it is important not how much I can handle, but as well have time to do it.
But if effective management of own time — not the basis of productivity, then what?
Captain business clearly recalls that the same thing can be done with a different result. Regardless of whether you hold meetings or training at the gym, write a business plan or just getting together with friends, the key metric is the final result — the quality time spent, not the quantity. Depending on how much you focused and full of energy to do a specific thing, you get a particular result. For a day, to work out a business strategy, and can avail to fight over it a month. Just as well the meeting can behave proactively and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, and it is possible to be passive and to sit vegetable. In the gym, depending on the physical and emotional state, you can start hitting the gym, and you can get injured by inattention. Well, in the end, the meeting with friends, you can charge others with energy and fun, and you can represent sadness, staring at the phone.
In all these cases, with time management all right — priorities are set, time allocated, do what you have to, not procrastinate. But in order to spend the time, you must also have motivation and focus. Simply put, in order to do something well, we need energy. Both physical and emotional. Unfortunately, unlike our smartphones, we are not able around the clock to process incoming information on the space velocity and with a stable quality of the result. Our body is based on a periodization of the continuous wear, which dictates a constant flow of incoming information and queries from the outside, leads to the accumulation of fatigue and, as a consequence, the drop in productivity, no matter how well we plan your day. Without sufficient energy the implementation plan and realize it does not work, even if we have plenty of time to spare.
Fortunately, learn how to expend their internal resources and effectively fill easy.
Energy management first, it is important to understand that energy consists of two components — from the physical readiness of the body for feats of labor day and his emotional readiness. Thus, in any case, both components are significant. The trick, thus, lies in the principle of "healthy body, healthy spirit", that is work on his physical condition inevitably leads to a General increase in vitality and motivation. So the gym is the first and probably most important step to increase capacity, both physical and emotional energy.
Why is the most important — it is because the principles complement and increase the capacity of physical and emotional energy are the same. As well as the gym we train your muscles to become stronger, and morally - emotional skills training on the same principles. As with fitness in improving psychological resilience, intrinsic motivation and drive is the principle of periodization of stress and recovery.
In the gym we first load the body (stress), and then give it a rest (recovery). Muscle growth and to increase their endurance occur during the rest, because the muscles are deformed, adapting to the increased load. Without rest muscles grow and work wear. Similarly, a motivation — on the one hand it is necessary to experience stress (called, usually, the exit from the zone of comfort), and with another — it is necessary to give time to recover, then to continue to work with new forces.
Simply put, instead tend to occupy all their time and to be this "more productive", you should understand that it is necessary to alternate periods of hard work with periods of not less diligent to replenish energy and be in fully functional condition in the process. To make energy in different ways — for some it's reading art books, for someone- an active holiday in the fresh air, but the rest need regular and mandatory. Helps to create a calendar meeting with yourself and reserve the time for recuperation.
In order for the day to be in a vigorous condition and to show some stability in results achieved, it is vital to have small rituals-sources of energy. Walk at lunch time, recording his thoughts in a journal, playing sports, daily communication with family, Hobbies — all this can serve as a source of motivation and charge, which gives power to achieve their goals. Renewable energy activity and recreation are also important for the business person, as a proper system of training and nutrition for the bodybuilder — without them, muscles don't grow.
As not to expend energy unnecessarily
Along with the importance of periodization "work-rest", many of us have the sense to reconsider its approach to energy. Often, we spend it on unnecessary people, unnecessary information and useless actions, depriving themselves of the opportunity to invest it in something that's really important.
In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to simple principles:
The ability to correctly determine the goals and desired results is the most important skill any busy man. Sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and queries from the outside, we forget about the main thing — why we do what we do, and strive for. In fact, the Chaos control created in order to have always before our eyes as their goals and not to forget about what we need to do to achieve them
We are often consumed information is too reactive. We check email on their smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then viewed in the social sphere, while going to work. We also sit down one day and spend an hour to answer emails and process their requests. Then we go to the meeting and for dinner, usually we are already overloaded with the information that comes from outside. Consumed in this mode, the information — energy absorber. It is not surprising that forces them to do something really important and correlated with our own goals and objectives, remains. In order to avoid this, it is possible to urge to check email and social networks are not before lunch, freeing up time in the first half of the day exclusively to work on their own goals and desired results
A good practice is to allocate time slots to address specific strategic objectives. The task is two times more likely to be done if it is not only in the to-do list for the day, but in the calendar. If you know for sure that were working on developing requirements for a new product version from 9 to 11 am, then you will be able to resist the temptation to check at this time email and to waste internal energy on thoughts like "now I will meet a colleague and then sit behind requirements". In addition, having such an entry in the calendar, you will be able to plan a 15-minute break from 11 to 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next thing
Very large energy absorber — compliance with inflated expectations of others. And we often find ourselves in a simple trap — promise someone something that we never had to ask, and that we were not supposed to promise. But then the promise of hanging a dead weight on the neck, forcing yourself to think and feel guilty if we did not get to implement it. The problem is that too many of us want to please others, taking on unnecessary obligations. This was not need to promise less and do more. And, of course, fulfillment of obligations — the Foundation of a personal brand. It is important to recognize in this report
Usually when people understand the need to control their energy (and time), it turns out that they need to develop a number of habits to change their lives for the better. Early to rise, early to bed, to exercise, to read in the evenings, often to call family and friends, practice playing the guitar, to get out to events, etc. There is nothing pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. It is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed early, going to the gym and to educate ourselves, not only back to normal, but there is a feeling that way of life can not be changed.
In fact, everything is possible, just a habit we need to develop one at a time. Start with in order to get rid of dependence on social networking, for example. Then develop the habit to go to bed early. Then refrain from the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge burst of energy that inevitably transformirovalsya in the results and satisfaction from them
The basis of efficiency is the energy, motivation and the will to achieve the objectives. In order to do something meaningful and normal for it to feel worth to pay attention to their habits, and also what, for whom and how we spend our energy. This, in the end, it is what distinguishes successful people from accidents.published
Author: Dmitry Tarasov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: osokina.com.ua

Winston Churchill was a prominent politician, even though he worked no more than his predecessors and followers, and Elon Musk became the most outstanding modern entrepreneur, although thousands of other entrepreneurs and startups did not work fewer hours on their projects.
It turns out that time management is, at least, is not the secret of success and not even the most important tool to achieve goals. It is logical — I can as much as necessary to efficiently plan your day, to have time to do a lot of business and maybe even to prioritize, but it does not guarantee my results, because, ultimately, it is important not how much I can handle, but as well have time to do it.
But if effective management of own time — not the basis of productivity, then what?
Captain business clearly recalls that the same thing can be done with a different result. Regardless of whether you hold meetings or training at the gym, write a business plan or just getting together with friends, the key metric is the final result — the quality time spent, not the quantity. Depending on how much you focused and full of energy to do a specific thing, you get a particular result. For a day, to work out a business strategy, and can avail to fight over it a month. Just as well the meeting can behave proactively and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, and it is possible to be passive and to sit vegetable. In the gym, depending on the physical and emotional state, you can start hitting the gym, and you can get injured by inattention. Well, in the end, the meeting with friends, you can charge others with energy and fun, and you can represent sadness, staring at the phone.
In all these cases, with time management all right — priorities are set, time allocated, do what you have to, not procrastinate. But in order to spend the time, you must also have motivation and focus. Simply put, in order to do something well, we need energy. Both physical and emotional. Unfortunately, unlike our smartphones, we are not able around the clock to process incoming information on the space velocity and with a stable quality of the result. Our body is based on a periodization of the continuous wear, which dictates a constant flow of incoming information and queries from the outside, leads to the accumulation of fatigue and, as a consequence, the drop in productivity, no matter how well we plan your day. Without sufficient energy the implementation plan and realize it does not work, even if we have plenty of time to spare.
Fortunately, learn how to expend their internal resources and effectively fill easy.
Energy management first, it is important to understand that energy consists of two components — from the physical readiness of the body for feats of labor day and his emotional readiness. Thus, in any case, both components are significant. The trick, thus, lies in the principle of "healthy body, healthy spirit", that is work on his physical condition inevitably leads to a General increase in vitality and motivation. So the gym is the first and probably most important step to increase capacity, both physical and emotional energy.
Why is the most important — it is because the principles complement and increase the capacity of physical and emotional energy are the same. As well as the gym we train your muscles to become stronger, and morally - emotional skills training on the same principles. As with fitness in improving psychological resilience, intrinsic motivation and drive is the principle of periodization of stress and recovery.
In the gym we first load the body (stress), and then give it a rest (recovery). Muscle growth and to increase their endurance occur during the rest, because the muscles are deformed, adapting to the increased load. Without rest muscles grow and work wear. Similarly, a motivation — on the one hand it is necessary to experience stress (called, usually, the exit from the zone of comfort), and with another — it is necessary to give time to recover, then to continue to work with new forces.
Simply put, instead tend to occupy all their time and to be this "more productive", you should understand that it is necessary to alternate periods of hard work with periods of not less diligent to replenish energy and be in fully functional condition in the process. To make energy in different ways — for some it's reading art books, for someone- an active holiday in the fresh air, but the rest need regular and mandatory. Helps to create a calendar meeting with yourself and reserve the time for recuperation.
In order for the day to be in a vigorous condition and to show some stability in results achieved, it is vital to have small rituals-sources of energy. Walk at lunch time, recording his thoughts in a journal, playing sports, daily communication with family, Hobbies — all this can serve as a source of motivation and charge, which gives power to achieve their goals. Renewable energy activity and recreation are also important for the business person, as a proper system of training and nutrition for the bodybuilder — without them, muscles don't grow.
As not to expend energy unnecessarily
Along with the importance of periodization "work-rest", many of us have the sense to reconsider its approach to energy. Often, we spend it on unnecessary people, unnecessary information and useless actions, depriving themselves of the opportunity to invest it in something that's really important.
In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to simple principles:
The ability to correctly determine the goals and desired results is the most important skill any busy man. Sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and queries from the outside, we forget about the main thing — why we do what we do, and strive for. In fact, the Chaos control created in order to have always before our eyes as their goals and not to forget about what we need to do to achieve them
We are often consumed information is too reactive. We check email on their smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then viewed in the social sphere, while going to work. We also sit down one day and spend an hour to answer emails and process their requests. Then we go to the meeting and for dinner, usually we are already overloaded with the information that comes from outside. Consumed in this mode, the information — energy absorber. It is not surprising that forces them to do something really important and correlated with our own goals and objectives, remains. In order to avoid this, it is possible to urge to check email and social networks are not before lunch, freeing up time in the first half of the day exclusively to work on their own goals and desired results
A good practice is to allocate time slots to address specific strategic objectives. The task is two times more likely to be done if it is not only in the to-do list for the day, but in the calendar. If you know for sure that were working on developing requirements for a new product version from 9 to 11 am, then you will be able to resist the temptation to check at this time email and to waste internal energy on thoughts like "now I will meet a colleague and then sit behind requirements". In addition, having such an entry in the calendar, you will be able to plan a 15-minute break from 11 to 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next thing
Very large energy absorber — compliance with inflated expectations of others. And we often find ourselves in a simple trap — promise someone something that we never had to ask, and that we were not supposed to promise. But then the promise of hanging a dead weight on the neck, forcing yourself to think and feel guilty if we did not get to implement it. The problem is that too many of us want to please others, taking on unnecessary obligations. This was not need to promise less and do more. And, of course, fulfillment of obligations — the Foundation of a personal brand. It is important to recognize in this report
Usually when people understand the need to control their energy (and time), it turns out that they need to develop a number of habits to change their lives for the better. Early to rise, early to bed, to exercise, to read in the evenings, often to call family and friends, practice playing the guitar, to get out to events, etc. There is nothing pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. It is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed early, going to the gym and to educate ourselves, not only back to normal, but there is a feeling that way of life can not be changed.
In fact, everything is possible, just a habit we need to develop one at a time. Start with in order to get rid of dependence on social networking, for example. Then develop the habit to go to bed early. Then refrain from the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge burst of energy that inevitably transformirovalsya in the results and satisfaction from them
The basis of efficiency is the energy, motivation and the will to achieve the objectives. In order to do something meaningful and normal for it to feel worth to pay attention to their habits, and also what, for whom and how we spend our energy. This, in the end, it is what distinguishes successful people from accidents.published
Author: Dmitry Tarasov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: osokina.com.ua