That categorically it is impossible to say at parting
10 worst phrases that can be pronounced at parting. Here they are, the modern version of excuses like "I'm scared to take responsibility" or "it's not you, it's me."
1. "I think we're moving too fast".If a person says this and then offers to slow down a bit (less likely to see/chat in the week or something like that), maybe it really is that relationships become serious quicker than he'd like.
This is normal. It is possible to understand! If a person says it is and offers in General to stop seeing each other (or "take a break"), this means that budding relationship not interested in it anymore, but he prefers disgusting "open-ended" risk of confrontation.
2. "I don't want to hurt you".
The problem is that in addition to "being in a relationship and hurt the partner" a" and "not being in a relationship and not to hurt the partner" there are still plenty of options.
For example, "being in a relationship and not to hurt the partner." Is it not clear that the breakee, also understands this? It is quite obvious that the person who hears this phrase, and if there is something grateful, not for caring about his feelings, but only because he managed to avoid a close relationship with the "piece of crap".
3. "I don't want a relationship".
Generally speaking, it is quite a normal statement. Not everyone wants a relationship. Moreover, sometimes two people who want a relationship want different things! As is known, on taste and color... But it is very bad to say that you don't want a relationship, to force the other side to think that she just went through a decent and honest breakup with a worthy man, of which she will be warmly remembered – and then three days later to announce on Facebook about a new relationship.
4. "I'm totally screwed".
You can just burst from laughter. Oh, Yes, it may be true. With people it happens. But, first, — and who of us easily? And secondly, can it be done?
"In the ass" is not an inherent property of the individual (and indeed not an identity, to be honest). Similarly, some people say, "I know I always late, but it's me!" Recognition is not everything. In the end, it is impolite to be late. And instead of making statements, it's better to just start coming on time.
5. "I don't deserve you".
The usual manipulation, at first glance representing the (possibly true), someone throw some untouchable deity, and really just allowing you to entertain victim complex. The result can even be obtained absurd sight: abandoned consoles drop! We're never going to blame insecure people, but if people are really interested in relationship with those to whom he is Blendable, it will do the same thing and all (that is, to pretend to be smart/funny/interesting etc. until, until will not be able to do without it).6. "I have no time."
No one who was really interested in a relationship with someone that has not lost this interest, because during the week he had too many meetings. "I'm too busy" is often just insulting and rude method to Express legitimate feelings. If you don't want someone to spend my free time — this is normal. However, the case in this man, and not in other liabilities. Especially because everyone always think that now they are terribly busy.
7. "I'm just bad with some things."
Another pathetic cliché, sounding as recognition of their shortcomings, but they are not. A close relative of the "I'm totally screwed", romanticized disadvantages such as inability to communicate, manage their time or respect others. To admit to yourself that you have work to do, and use their imperfections as an excuse is not the same thing. In the end, these kinds of problems affect not only its bearer, but those it has to deal.
8. "You still mean a lot to me"
Sometimes, of course, different, but don't say too many good and romantic words at parting. Compliments don't soften the blow, only rubbing salt in the wound. The longer you extolling the virtues of the other side, the more she thinks about the fact why you still leave. Hope to keep the "former" or "former" peace is fine, but we should not throw words, hoping to smooth out the effect of the gap.
9. "I would like to meet in a few years."
And we wish teleportation existed to eaten cakes burned calories and that lance bass was able to fly into space. However, what would the world be if all this was true? We don't know!!! And similarly, we don't know what it means "want to meet in a few years." Are you so sure that this moment will solve all their problems? How optimistic!10. “[Nothing]” / Disappear without explanation
Completely disappear without any explanation of human life, Dating more than a week, is perhaps the worst. This is irresponsible, vile and cruel, and don't let your longing for self-justification to convince you otherwise. I know that the simplest thing in the world? To write a text message. To break up with someone five seconds has never been so easy. If you can't do anything more, at least say something. Anything. Any item from the above list is better than nothing. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/10-hudshih-fraz-kotorie-nelzya-proiznosit-pri-rasstavanii
1. "I think we're moving too fast".If a person says this and then offers to slow down a bit (less likely to see/chat in the week or something like that), maybe it really is that relationships become serious quicker than he'd like.
This is normal. It is possible to understand! If a person says it is and offers in General to stop seeing each other (or "take a break"), this means that budding relationship not interested in it anymore, but he prefers disgusting "open-ended" risk of confrontation.
2. "I don't want to hurt you".
The problem is that in addition to "being in a relationship and hurt the partner" a" and "not being in a relationship and not to hurt the partner" there are still plenty of options.
For example, "being in a relationship and not to hurt the partner." Is it not clear that the breakee, also understands this? It is quite obvious that the person who hears this phrase, and if there is something grateful, not for caring about his feelings, but only because he managed to avoid a close relationship with the "piece of crap".
3. "I don't want a relationship".
Generally speaking, it is quite a normal statement. Not everyone wants a relationship. Moreover, sometimes two people who want a relationship want different things! As is known, on taste and color... But it is very bad to say that you don't want a relationship, to force the other side to think that she just went through a decent and honest breakup with a worthy man, of which she will be warmly remembered – and then three days later to announce on Facebook about a new relationship.
4. "I'm totally screwed".
You can just burst from laughter. Oh, Yes, it may be true. With people it happens. But, first, — and who of us easily? And secondly, can it be done?
"In the ass" is not an inherent property of the individual (and indeed not an identity, to be honest). Similarly, some people say, "I know I always late, but it's me!" Recognition is not everything. In the end, it is impolite to be late. And instead of making statements, it's better to just start coming on time.
5. "I don't deserve you".
The usual manipulation, at first glance representing the (possibly true), someone throw some untouchable deity, and really just allowing you to entertain victim complex. The result can even be obtained absurd sight: abandoned consoles drop! We're never going to blame insecure people, but if people are really interested in relationship with those to whom he is Blendable, it will do the same thing and all (that is, to pretend to be smart/funny/interesting etc. until, until will not be able to do without it).6. "I have no time."
No one who was really interested in a relationship with someone that has not lost this interest, because during the week he had too many meetings. "I'm too busy" is often just insulting and rude method to Express legitimate feelings. If you don't want someone to spend my free time — this is normal. However, the case in this man, and not in other liabilities. Especially because everyone always think that now they are terribly busy.
7. "I'm just bad with some things."
Another pathetic cliché, sounding as recognition of their shortcomings, but they are not. A close relative of the "I'm totally screwed", romanticized disadvantages such as inability to communicate, manage their time or respect others. To admit to yourself that you have work to do, and use their imperfections as an excuse is not the same thing. In the end, these kinds of problems affect not only its bearer, but those it has to deal.
8. "You still mean a lot to me"
Sometimes, of course, different, but don't say too many good and romantic words at parting. Compliments don't soften the blow, only rubbing salt in the wound. The longer you extolling the virtues of the other side, the more she thinks about the fact why you still leave. Hope to keep the "former" or "former" peace is fine, but we should not throw words, hoping to smooth out the effect of the gap.
9. "I would like to meet in a few years."
And we wish teleportation existed to eaten cakes burned calories and that lance bass was able to fly into space. However, what would the world be if all this was true? We don't know!!! And similarly, we don't know what it means "want to meet in a few years." Are you so sure that this moment will solve all their problems? How optimistic!10. “[Nothing]” / Disappear without explanation
Completely disappear without any explanation of human life, Dating more than a week, is perhaps the worst. This is irresponsible, vile and cruel, and don't let your longing for self-justification to convince you otherwise. I know that the simplest thing in the world? To write a text message. To break up with someone five seconds has never been so easy. If you can't do anything more, at least say something. Anything. Any item from the above list is better than nothing. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/10-hudshih-fraz-kotorie-nelzya-proiznosit-pri-rasstavanii