25 things that should not be allowed in marriage and relationships during
Above whatever it was you did not work - whether it be friendships, family relationships, or just chat in candy buketny period - you have to pay attention to detail and detail. That they are the foundation of your relationship. These tips will help your relationship to get better and stronger.
1. Do not rush things. Because of the desire to quickly feel the emotions happy "happy ending", people often overlook all the joys of current events. You live right now - do not miss the moment, because of the thoughts about the future
! 2. Do not expect that your relationship will solve all your problems. Strong relationships bring joy and pleasure, but happiness is within each of us. No one will make you happier and more cheerful than your own inner strength. No one but you do not heal your old wounds, void and no one will teach you to forgive. Lay not on anyone responsible for your own happiness.
3. Do not even think that building a relationship is easy. Long-term relationships are great, but they are difficult to build and not all turns out right the first time. Partners are increasingly visited by the thought that perhaps they made a mistake and chose the wrong person ... In short, a lot of thoughts that cause a terrible feeling of doubt. But on the other hand, is feeling the call to the uncertainty, the ability to reach a new level in your relationship. It forces you to move forward to a happy future. All feelings are contradictory, and the need to invest in the development of your work relationships.
4. Do not let fear get the better of love and sincerity. You never lose by loving, only fear going forward will keep you outsiders. Build a relationship is impossible without having a chance to give your loved one. Love is that you allow a person to hurt you, as you open your heart to him, and he was doing everything not to harm you, but on the contrary, to protect you. Without trust, love dies. You can not live with the thought that you were deceived, you need to learn to trust people. If you want to trust someone, you need people to be able to trust you.
5. In no case did not reveal the secrets of each other. Trust - the foundation of any relationship. And if suddenly it broke, then to restore confidence, it takes a lot of time and effort. Recently, master classes and training are increasingly saying "I'm not cheating on her, I just did not tell the whole truth." This statement is contradictory, because understatement - it is a lie and hurt
. 6. No need to hide their feelings. We can not pretend, when it comes to feelings. The pretense of love there is no room. We need to be real and sincere in all matters. Being present - means to be able to love
. 7. The main thing is to be yourself. There is nothing better for a relationship and happiness than to be himself despite all the vicissitudes of life. Strive to be the best.
8. No need to assert themselves at the expense of other people and their feelings. Do not expect other people permission to be yourself. Not everything depends on others. No one can allow or disallow you to be happy and to live happily. It is your personal decision, your creativity, your conclusions. All this makes of it that you who you are.
9. You can not get mad at each other. Now is the time! It is high time to let go of resentment and misunderstanding. Let's forget about all that pent up. Tell us what we do not like. Find a common language with those who are dear to you and do everything possible to this day. Even if something can not be forgiven, take himself in hand - and forget. Life is too short to remember the resentment.
10. The past can not be changed. We need to remember this. Happiness in a relationship is to accept the fact that the past has passed and nothing changed it is no longer possible. Sometimes you allow yourself to take past events, and sometimes they kill you from the inside. But you should always forgive favorite people. And look to the future with the world in the heart.
11. Do not think that your loved one will always be strong and powerful. Sometimes favorite upset us, because they can not support you, as we have to order. But people are not mind readers, and can not read minds. "I can not stand" does not mean "I do not like you." It simply means that "I, like you, still struggle».
12. It is impossible to focus on people's shortcomings. Have you done everything possible to convey your sincere love of others? The more goodness and light you see in them, the more goodness and light have in your heart. It can be seen in the other only what is inside you.
13. You do not need to do anything because of the sense of duty, to do everything in the heart dictates. Work out selfless deeds, not only for the people you love, but also to strangers. Begin to do it today. Carried out, because you can do it, and it will make the world a bright and happy. Always give more than you take. Slide the priorities of the "How can I get something?" To "How can I give something?", And the result you will be thrilled, because you get more than you give. Frankly, the happiest people in the strong relationship looking for ways to help each other. Unhappy people are asking themselves the question: "And what I will benefit from it?»
. 14. Over the relationship to work. The most crazy and wonderful things happen when you pay attention to someone. We need to breathe life into the relationship, pay attention and care. And now we think of those whom you want to take care of. With our crazy schedule we forget to rest and relax with loved ones. Often separation is measured not in miles, but in affection and ability to wait. Some may be very close physically, but spiritually will be hundreds of kilometers from each other. Therefore, do not ignore the favorite. The most annoying feeling - a feeling that you do not need that you ignore and overlook
. 15. It is impossible to make fun of each other. Stay close to the good and bad times, no matter what happens ... a joy or sorrow. Be prepared to be a lifeline, a reliable friend, a quiet listener and a good advisor in all circumstances. In stable relationships one has to be sure of his partner in his support and care.
16. It is impossible to believe that a man - a constant in your life if necessary, you just need to love him. Now I will try to explain. The art of caring for others is the basis of feelings of love and respect. Take care, then be able to listen, to give a sense of complicity in the problem and give people understand that they are heard and valued. It is not necessary to assume that a person in a constant need for your life. He was in it, because he loves you. And this is the only reason for his presence.
17. You can not interrupt when you need to talk to your loved. We need the courage and the courage to stand up and express their views, but the ability to discover and listen to soul requires greater courage and strength. Care must be taken, first of all, you should always be a good listener. This skill will never be over for you. Since most people need are the ones who know how to listen to, rather than those who constantly expresses his point of view. The most valuable - is to get to the essence of the above. The main thing you need to understand that between the lines, said the source. You are so beautiful as feel the love, and so smart, how know how to listen.
18. Do not take anything personally. If you're going to take everything to heart, and always assume that people want to hurt you, then you're just going to sulk all life. People come anyway because of their internal beliefs rather than in person because of the fact that you have something to think about them.
19. Do not deny your identity. When two people meet each other, winning the one whose inner world is stronger. It is stronger in spirit, more confident and easier to find common ground with others. You can not kill yourself in a relationship.
20. No need to say "yes" when you mean "no". You can not always agree with all, people do not appreciate, and you lose yourself. Must be able to set limits and priorities.
21. Do not restrain yourself and your personal growth. We must learn to give people a second chance, but we must understand that the person with whom you are together, must always grow and not be a supporter of a static life. Try to spend less time with those who are afraid to take risks and is always in the area of their "personal comfort". If a loved one does not contribute to your development, then it's time to let him go. Your relationship should strengthen you with power in this long life of their own development, and not to cause you pain.
22. Do not interfere with the development and growth of a loved one. Stable personal relations promote growth as for the relationship as a whole and for each partner individually. If one of the partners is not happy the success of others, it is likely to measure the internal fear. Even if someone starts to feel that their paths diverge, the need to adequately disperse without causing harm to anyone. Mutual growth - is primarily a statement of personal goals of each partner
. 23. It is impossible to immediately after the break to find a replacement. Feeling the pain of losing a loved one or friend should not cause you to despair. You can not immediately find a replacement, not to feel alone. Such sudden decision would not help you to explore your thoughts and clear mind to make the right decisions.
24. Do not look at the relationship ended as a failure. Even if not all relationships lead to "happy End", it does not mean that they were your biggest failure and disappointment. Each person in your life brings you a new experience and learn something previously unknown. And it will make your future relationships stronger and more stable.
25. Do not let what is left behind prevent you live. As long as you keep thoughts of the problems and mistakes of past relationships, you can not create new ones. You can not be afraid of their own fears. We must deal with them. YOU - the owner of his life, in you lies the power to create a new, strong relationship. Do you already have experience, and you learn from your mistakes. It's time to become more intelligent.

1. Do not rush things. Because of the desire to quickly feel the emotions happy "happy ending", people often overlook all the joys of current events. You live right now - do not miss the moment, because of the thoughts about the future
! 2. Do not expect that your relationship will solve all your problems. Strong relationships bring joy and pleasure, but happiness is within each of us. No one will make you happier and more cheerful than your own inner strength. No one but you do not heal your old wounds, void and no one will teach you to forgive. Lay not on anyone responsible for your own happiness.
3. Do not even think that building a relationship is easy. Long-term relationships are great, but they are difficult to build and not all turns out right the first time. Partners are increasingly visited by the thought that perhaps they made a mistake and chose the wrong person ... In short, a lot of thoughts that cause a terrible feeling of doubt. But on the other hand, is feeling the call to the uncertainty, the ability to reach a new level in your relationship. It forces you to move forward to a happy future. All feelings are contradictory, and the need to invest in the development of your work relationships.
4. Do not let fear get the better of love and sincerity. You never lose by loving, only fear going forward will keep you outsiders. Build a relationship is impossible without having a chance to give your loved one. Love is that you allow a person to hurt you, as you open your heart to him, and he was doing everything not to harm you, but on the contrary, to protect you. Without trust, love dies. You can not live with the thought that you were deceived, you need to learn to trust people. If you want to trust someone, you need people to be able to trust you.
5. In no case did not reveal the secrets of each other. Trust - the foundation of any relationship. And if suddenly it broke, then to restore confidence, it takes a lot of time and effort. Recently, master classes and training are increasingly saying "I'm not cheating on her, I just did not tell the whole truth." This statement is contradictory, because understatement - it is a lie and hurt
. 6. No need to hide their feelings. We can not pretend, when it comes to feelings. The pretense of love there is no room. We need to be real and sincere in all matters. Being present - means to be able to love
. 7. The main thing is to be yourself. There is nothing better for a relationship and happiness than to be himself despite all the vicissitudes of life. Strive to be the best.
8. No need to assert themselves at the expense of other people and their feelings. Do not expect other people permission to be yourself. Not everything depends on others. No one can allow or disallow you to be happy and to live happily. It is your personal decision, your creativity, your conclusions. All this makes of it that you who you are.
9. You can not get mad at each other. Now is the time! It is high time to let go of resentment and misunderstanding. Let's forget about all that pent up. Tell us what we do not like. Find a common language with those who are dear to you and do everything possible to this day. Even if something can not be forgiven, take himself in hand - and forget. Life is too short to remember the resentment.
10. The past can not be changed. We need to remember this. Happiness in a relationship is to accept the fact that the past has passed and nothing changed it is no longer possible. Sometimes you allow yourself to take past events, and sometimes they kill you from the inside. But you should always forgive favorite people. And look to the future with the world in the heart.
11. Do not think that your loved one will always be strong and powerful. Sometimes favorite upset us, because they can not support you, as we have to order. But people are not mind readers, and can not read minds. "I can not stand" does not mean "I do not like you." It simply means that "I, like you, still struggle».
12. It is impossible to focus on people's shortcomings. Have you done everything possible to convey your sincere love of others? The more goodness and light you see in them, the more goodness and light have in your heart. It can be seen in the other only what is inside you.
13. You do not need to do anything because of the sense of duty, to do everything in the heart dictates. Work out selfless deeds, not only for the people you love, but also to strangers. Begin to do it today. Carried out, because you can do it, and it will make the world a bright and happy. Always give more than you take. Slide the priorities of the "How can I get something?" To "How can I give something?", And the result you will be thrilled, because you get more than you give. Frankly, the happiest people in the strong relationship looking for ways to help each other. Unhappy people are asking themselves the question: "And what I will benefit from it?»
. 14. Over the relationship to work. The most crazy and wonderful things happen when you pay attention to someone. We need to breathe life into the relationship, pay attention and care. And now we think of those whom you want to take care of. With our crazy schedule we forget to rest and relax with loved ones. Often separation is measured not in miles, but in affection and ability to wait. Some may be very close physically, but spiritually will be hundreds of kilometers from each other. Therefore, do not ignore the favorite. The most annoying feeling - a feeling that you do not need that you ignore and overlook
. 15. It is impossible to make fun of each other. Stay close to the good and bad times, no matter what happens ... a joy or sorrow. Be prepared to be a lifeline, a reliable friend, a quiet listener and a good advisor in all circumstances. In stable relationships one has to be sure of his partner in his support and care.
16. It is impossible to believe that a man - a constant in your life if necessary, you just need to love him. Now I will try to explain. The art of caring for others is the basis of feelings of love and respect. Take care, then be able to listen, to give a sense of complicity in the problem and give people understand that they are heard and valued. It is not necessary to assume that a person in a constant need for your life. He was in it, because he loves you. And this is the only reason for his presence.
17. You can not interrupt when you need to talk to your loved. We need the courage and the courage to stand up and express their views, but the ability to discover and listen to soul requires greater courage and strength. Care must be taken, first of all, you should always be a good listener. This skill will never be over for you. Since most people need are the ones who know how to listen to, rather than those who constantly expresses his point of view. The most valuable - is to get to the essence of the above. The main thing you need to understand that between the lines, said the source. You are so beautiful as feel the love, and so smart, how know how to listen.
18. Do not take anything personally. If you're going to take everything to heart, and always assume that people want to hurt you, then you're just going to sulk all life. People come anyway because of their internal beliefs rather than in person because of the fact that you have something to think about them.
19. Do not deny your identity. When two people meet each other, winning the one whose inner world is stronger. It is stronger in spirit, more confident and easier to find common ground with others. You can not kill yourself in a relationship.
20. No need to say "yes" when you mean "no". You can not always agree with all, people do not appreciate, and you lose yourself. Must be able to set limits and priorities.
21. Do not restrain yourself and your personal growth. We must learn to give people a second chance, but we must understand that the person with whom you are together, must always grow and not be a supporter of a static life. Try to spend less time with those who are afraid to take risks and is always in the area of their "personal comfort". If a loved one does not contribute to your development, then it's time to let him go. Your relationship should strengthen you with power in this long life of their own development, and not to cause you pain.
22. Do not interfere with the development and growth of a loved one. Stable personal relations promote growth as for the relationship as a whole and for each partner individually. If one of the partners is not happy the success of others, it is likely to measure the internal fear. Even if someone starts to feel that their paths diverge, the need to adequately disperse without causing harm to anyone. Mutual growth - is primarily a statement of personal goals of each partner
. 23. It is impossible to immediately after the break to find a replacement. Feeling the pain of losing a loved one or friend should not cause you to despair. You can not immediately find a replacement, not to feel alone. Such sudden decision would not help you to explore your thoughts and clear mind to make the right decisions.
24. Do not look at the relationship ended as a failure. Even if not all relationships lead to "happy End", it does not mean that they were your biggest failure and disappointment. Each person in your life brings you a new experience and learn something previously unknown. And it will make your future relationships stronger and more stable.
25. Do not let what is left behind prevent you live. As long as you keep thoughts of the problems and mistakes of past relationships, you can not create new ones. You can not be afraid of their own fears. We must deal with them. YOU - the owner of his life, in you lies the power to create a new, strong relationship. Do you already have experience, and you learn from your mistakes. It's time to become more intelligent.