Attraction is a hormonal surge-proximity-combined life and...
Frightening to observe the speed with which relations are created among many of us. Gaze-attraction-hormonal surge-proximity-euphoria-combines life-and-here-is-children-how-not-take... No, don't teach us how to live, we have all the first time itself. Hard, thoroughly and without unnecessary problems. And Yes, of course, for life. We are the generation of the brilliant and gifted children intuitively feel in the first second that this person sent to us from life to create a family, right? Not true.
We are several generations of blind beggars who know nothing about themselves, unable to love, unable to see the beauty of life, because heart is closed since childhood. We know how "should be", but I do not believe that the answer to the big questions of life, trapped inside ourselves, in our heart. In the heart, not the head. A strong mind with a closed heart is more like razminochnye compass — like all as should be, only the arrows are pointing the wrong direction. But the heart never deceives and is not mistaken, but he's way Oh what a long one.
Undoubtedly, sometimes the love arises at first sight, people meet and hold together for a lifetime, but in today's world, such stories are more the exception than an everyday reality. Often high speed of convergence due to nevalennyi injuries, not of a highly sensitive mental organisation. Close inner emptiness by someone external or something important, to stick the new patch on old wounds, to escape from myself into another "pleasant adventure" of struggling to try to fit unclear who coined the standards of life, instead of listening to the true voice of his soul.
To be loved, to be needed, to be valuable — the greatest desire of every person on earth, especially if he has been able to connect with the source of light and harmony within myself. When we are cold inside, you really want someone to came and warmed, but the problem is that in addition to beauty and warmth, such an external source brings a lot of suffering — fear that all this will one day end, and warming there will be nobody to obsessions to have an external source of heat beside him twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and next on the calendar. But if all the time under the sun can severely damage your health. The sun shown in the appropriate dosages, and without him was not cold, you need to learn to warm yourself from the inside out. All that you need to learn.
Can come to mind to get on the ice and perform a triple Axel, if you're barely able to stand on skates? But the splits with a running start to try to sit up if you've never done? And rod dvohsotkilohramovi traction with an injured knee? No, it can't, of course, at least, we fear to do it, and it is quite reasonable. So why in the sphere of the relations of so many foolish actions? It turns out that we learn everything except the most important — the basics of healthy relationships and creating a family, the art of fine living, coorientation without deep self-inquiry and the pursuit of maximum realization of our inborn potential.
Well as how to build a family, not knowing yourself, not healed their own injuries, and not even really understanding what a relationship and what is a family? As a team, then another person to take, if he did not know where to go? How can you create something durable and high quality, if there is no knowledge, no skills, and desire to work too much there, but we all have the desire to. "I do not want to work, and the salary I pay" is a standard topic for the entire post-Soviet space these days, I think. In relationships, certainly.
Relationship is work and any, relationship with another person begins with the relationship with ourselves, and on the analysis of your own head and training myself in new skills of interaction with the inner world often takes months and even years. Years!!! People today will spend two or three years to dismantle the head but destructive programs your work? "What do you say, why so long??? Can I go on a three-day training to go and that everything is OK? Who money to pay, say, the result is needed right now." Yeah. Twenty or thirty years before that is really, and in three days to solve all the problems :) don't know, maybe the people who do that so I don't have. And among dozens of other beautiful transformations I have not seen any one person love with itself happened quickly and effortlessly.
No need to rush to jump into a relationship, let the acceleration will be slow. First to sort out themselves, to understand what you want from a relationship and what you have to offer to your partner, then try to acquire the necessary for a healthy life skills, and there too everything will work out. No need to be afraid that you are so good and will remain one. Is it really that the professional is left without a job? No, of course.
Good specialists are needed everywhere, good wives, husbands, moms and dads are very much in demand in the modern world, and, unfortunately, professionals in the sphere of the relations among us are not so much. Let's try to raise the level of competence in family relationships. Family is for each person, it starts with our parents, grandparents and other elders of our family, but with them worth starting. Senior, then equal, then the youngest step by step is much to improve, I think. Every family. And without haste. Intently, to be honest, but without fanaticism. I wish you happiness. published
Author: Dean Richards
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mudrayavesta.ru/article/106/364/

We are several generations of blind beggars who know nothing about themselves, unable to love, unable to see the beauty of life, because heart is closed since childhood. We know how "should be", but I do not believe that the answer to the big questions of life, trapped inside ourselves, in our heart. In the heart, not the head. A strong mind with a closed heart is more like razminochnye compass — like all as should be, only the arrows are pointing the wrong direction. But the heart never deceives and is not mistaken, but he's way Oh what a long one.
Undoubtedly, sometimes the love arises at first sight, people meet and hold together for a lifetime, but in today's world, such stories are more the exception than an everyday reality. Often high speed of convergence due to nevalennyi injuries, not of a highly sensitive mental organisation. Close inner emptiness by someone external or something important, to stick the new patch on old wounds, to escape from myself into another "pleasant adventure" of struggling to try to fit unclear who coined the standards of life, instead of listening to the true voice of his soul.
To be loved, to be needed, to be valuable — the greatest desire of every person on earth, especially if he has been able to connect with the source of light and harmony within myself. When we are cold inside, you really want someone to came and warmed, but the problem is that in addition to beauty and warmth, such an external source brings a lot of suffering — fear that all this will one day end, and warming there will be nobody to obsessions to have an external source of heat beside him twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and next on the calendar. But if all the time under the sun can severely damage your health. The sun shown in the appropriate dosages, and without him was not cold, you need to learn to warm yourself from the inside out. All that you need to learn.
Can come to mind to get on the ice and perform a triple Axel, if you're barely able to stand on skates? But the splits with a running start to try to sit up if you've never done? And rod dvohsotkilohramovi traction with an injured knee? No, it can't, of course, at least, we fear to do it, and it is quite reasonable. So why in the sphere of the relations of so many foolish actions? It turns out that we learn everything except the most important — the basics of healthy relationships and creating a family, the art of fine living, coorientation without deep self-inquiry and the pursuit of maximum realization of our inborn potential.
Well as how to build a family, not knowing yourself, not healed their own injuries, and not even really understanding what a relationship and what is a family? As a team, then another person to take, if he did not know where to go? How can you create something durable and high quality, if there is no knowledge, no skills, and desire to work too much there, but we all have the desire to. "I do not want to work, and the salary I pay" is a standard topic for the entire post-Soviet space these days, I think. In relationships, certainly.
Relationship is work and any, relationship with another person begins with the relationship with ourselves, and on the analysis of your own head and training myself in new skills of interaction with the inner world often takes months and even years. Years!!! People today will spend two or three years to dismantle the head but destructive programs your work? "What do you say, why so long??? Can I go on a three-day training to go and that everything is OK? Who money to pay, say, the result is needed right now." Yeah. Twenty or thirty years before that is really, and in three days to solve all the problems :) don't know, maybe the people who do that so I don't have. And among dozens of other beautiful transformations I have not seen any one person love with itself happened quickly and effortlessly.
No need to rush to jump into a relationship, let the acceleration will be slow. First to sort out themselves, to understand what you want from a relationship and what you have to offer to your partner, then try to acquire the necessary for a healthy life skills, and there too everything will work out. No need to be afraid that you are so good and will remain one. Is it really that the professional is left without a job? No, of course.
Good specialists are needed everywhere, good wives, husbands, moms and dads are very much in demand in the modern world, and, unfortunately, professionals in the sphere of the relations among us are not so much. Let's try to raise the level of competence in family relationships. Family is for each person, it starts with our parents, grandparents and other elders of our family, but with them worth starting. Senior, then equal, then the youngest step by step is much to improve, I think. Every family. And without haste. Intently, to be honest, but without fanaticism. I wish you happiness. published
Author: Dean Richards
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mudrayavesta.ru/article/106/364/