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Life in zero gravity, dream of attraction and elaboration of the traumatic experience

As a parable, "Gravity" can be "read" on several levels: literally – at the level of the story, allegorically, on the level of metaphor or interpretation, and symbolically – at the level of moral, ethical and philosophical understanding. Everyone can find at these levels the meaning that is available to him because of his abilities, knowledge and interests.

"Gravity," and in many parables, myths and other stories of the heroes, built on archetypal principles can be seen a typical example of elaboration of traumatic experience."Gravity" – a literal level (story)

Dr. Ryan stone, along with other astronauts performing work in space – it is necessary to set in motion a technical device, whose data will be used on Earth for medical purposes. Soon the astronauts will learn alarming news that a nearby crashed satellite, and around the Earth at high speed flying debris. As a result of collision the satellite debris destroys the telescope, the astronauts are killed, and Ryan and her partner Kowalski be in open space. Next we see the efforts of Ryan to save and return to the Earth.

"Gravity" as a universal principle of relations

Gravity translates from Latin language, both as a burden and as an attraction. Physicists call gravity a fundamental universal principle of interaction between all material objects. Gravity causes the stable position of the objects relative to each other and relative to the Earth, and yet creates a sense of his body, the feeling Itself, which is not in weightlessness, but which in the Earth is normal.

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In the mental space of relations between objects is also based on attraction. Mutual attraction in the relationship is the basis of intimacy. It is the proximity with Others allows a person to find Himself, to know Himself. However, the closeness we feel as a set of certain conditions, commitment to Another. The lack of mutual obligations in the relationship or their failure to create space zero gravity, instability, unpredictability and loss of control.

Space as a traumatic reality

In the course of the story we learn that Dr. Ryan stone in the accident had a young daughter die, then her life has lost its meaning. When Kowalski asks her what she listens to in the car when going home after work, Ryan says that she doesn't care, as long as it wasn't people talking, "she just goes." The trauma, irreparable loss (and any injury in one way or another, associated with the loss), separation from significant object trigger in the psyche of dissociative processes – a man is in a cocoon, which creates an obstacle to the interaction between the inner world and of the traumatic reality.

In "Gravity," a symbol of a traumatic reality is Space – space which has no gravity and proximity, where there is a vacuum, emptiness, silence and cold. A space of unpredictability, in which even a minor event might break a suit of psychological defenses and lead to disaster, flooding the psyche of traumatic memories, emotions of fear, panic, hopelessness, inability to understand and survive the loss.

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Hell Daniel in the book "Landscape depression" writes that "depressed behavior produces the impression that the patient is yourself and wants to be left alone. So many partners of depressed patients feel to prove it." We see that while the other astronauts get pleasure from the stay in Space – play with weightlessness, telling funny stories, joking, talking with a co-ordinating headquarters Houston, Ryan remains focused and self-absorbed. The work is not succeed, the device will not operate, attempt to fix it fail, everything goes wrong, it is alarming.

Any contact in Space as well as in the traumatic reality is only apparent contact for psychological protection, just like a spacesuit, real intimacy is impossible. Encouraging the voice "Houston" too far to do something to help and even the closest person that helps to get you out of this abyss, as Matt Kowalski, for Ryan, is held at a distance. Hell Daniel writes that prolonged exposure in contact with depressed patients is straining the resources of loved ones, causing them to feel helpless. So, Kowalski trying to drag Ryan to the station leads to the fact that in his satchel with the engine running out of fuel.

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A significant role in the complex plays a traumatic aggression. The injured subject is experiencing a lot of rage in connection with a history of pain and loss, but if this rage finds no way out, she is drawn inside. Donald Called in the book "the Inner world of trauma" writes about it as about the attack one part of the psyche of the other. Attack one part of the psyche to another is perceived by us as guilt. That is why the experience of trauma or loss of a loved almost always associated with the experience of intense feelings of guilt.

Kowalski tries to accumulate the activity of Ryan, the ability to aggressively counter the circumstances. He encourages her to use a rescue Shuttle and go home, but Ryan refuses activity/aggression because of feelings of helplessness and insecurity in their abilities – during the training, she broke the Shuttle, she broke it every time. We can assume that the loss of a daughter is not the only loss in the life of Ryan (we know she's lonely, she has no husband, and her father wanted a boy, so they named their daughter a male name). Perhaps Ryan really have several times in my life have failed in building a close relationship and now its feeling of total helplessness. As a result, as is often the case with depressed patients, fear and uncertainty about work as self-fulfilling prophecy. Ryan Kowalski does lose, he moves away from her farther and farther away, and Ryan can do is repeat "I kept, I kept you".

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Depressed patients in great need of intimacy, support and care, but his detachment and helplessness they drained the resources of the partner, his inescapable sense of guilt provoke the partner to outbreaks of aggression, and in the end once again left alone, they find themselves in a situation of re-traumatization, thus confirming his most cruel fears.

Space station as a mental asylum

Jungian analyst Donald Called writes that salvation in such a situation for the mind is care in the fantasy: "man, rejected by all the gods, completely away from reality and creates another world for himself in which he, free from earth's gravity, can achieve whatever he wished. He was hated and even subjected to torture, now he separated himself from some part of that motherly love, cares for, and cares about another, sick part of his "I".

Same happens to Ryan. After suffering a disaster, the bombing of space debris and loss of attachment (Kowalski), losing touch with the Almighty and all-seeing "Houston", it gets to the space station, symbolizing a departure from reality in traumatic narcissism, inner fantasy world where you can recreate a primary relationship with a caring host mother.

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Donald Called indicates that fantasy a reality, which takes the person from a traumatic reality, cannot protect him indefinitely. A short stay in a space of fantasy (we know as dreams or day-dreams) helps to get a break in a difficult situation, but a long stay in fantasy is fraught with complete disadaptation in the real world (schizophrenia, psychosis). Donald Called tells about the ambivalent, dual nature of the protective processes in the psyche is both the Defender and the Pursuer. Space fantasies lovingly covers the injured subject from the aggressive reality, but when a person believes that he is ready to return – this is not so simple, fantasy-reality of a caring mother turns into a Stalker without letting go of their "child" from the grip, intimidating his imaginary demons (the phobia of normal life). We see that, when Ryan tries to leave the station, which has become dangerous due to an internal fire, it clings to the Shuttle station (or station clings to the Shuttle?) dozens of strong ropes.

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To what extent is the re-living of the trauma of birth (Otto Rank believed that any injury has as its prototype, the trauma of birth). To leave the station as mother's womb is dangerous, because it protects from the cold of space, gives warmth and nourishment. But after a certain period to remain in it is impossible – resources are exhausted, oxygen running out, the station lights up, vibrates and shudders, expelling its inhabitants. You have to fight for life, to move through the narrow channels to get to the surface. But the station, as over-protective mother, not letting you leave, she's holding a little space Shuttle, which a moment ago was part of it, sturdy rope (cord), have to make a lot of effort to begin your function independently.

The space Shuttle as a "transitional space»

The child made a separation (division) from the mother to the injured subject out of the protective cocoon of fantasy, psyche to create what Donald Winnicott called "transitional space." This space of play, creativity, ideas and experiments, which you can use to connect the elements of reality and fantasy, mix them and convert to something new. In childhood, the transitional space is created spontaneously during the game. In psychotherapy, the transitional space is created in the relationship between therapist and patient. In the film "gravity" transitional space is an escape pod, inside of which Ryan tries to apply the skills learned during training (aspect of reality), as well as new ideas suggested to her by a hallucination in the form of Kowalski (aspect fantasy), to creatively synthesize them, and to return home (to cope with the trauma). When Ryan is sitting in a Chinese Shuttle, Kowalski tells her, "it's safe, here no one will hurt you, you lost your daughter, what could be worse, but you need to think about what to do here and now, to plant the feet into the ground and start living".

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The study of trauma means multiple reproduction of the traumatic experience in terms of security of the transitional space until then, until the event, "stuck, like a thorn" cannot be considered as something benign. So Ryan a few times does the loop return and undock. Each action, despite the fact that it does not always lead to complete success, turns out she is more confident and in the end she manages to overcome weightlessness – it is in the dense layers of the atmosphere and guides the ship to land.

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She lands in the water, and the water, as we know, symbolizes the birth. After consideration of injuries to the person really like born again to new life.

The land is as the ability to reach

So, psychotherapy of injury involves mourning the loss, redirect aggression, the acquisition of new skills in a safe transitional space of the relationship with the therapist, dependence and a gradual exit from the symbiotic relationship with the therapist, the rejection of the fantasies and idealizations, gaining the ability to experience intimacy (not necessarily in that order). How wonderful said about this Vasilyuk F. E.: "a new life is as old as the forgiveness of the offended".

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We saw Ryan after a period of despair was able to start an active struggle for their lives, as she returned to the space station to recharge its resources and went into "free floating", as she was able from the space of weightlessness, absence of gravity and illusory freedom to steer your Shuttle to the Earth – its gravity, dangerous yet so desirable closeness, intimacy, which may cause the wounds of a failed landing, but which offers boundless resources for life.

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This freedom within the given framework, whereas the Space represented in the limited space of infinite possibilities. Ryan makes the first awkward and uncertain steps in building a new relationship based on attraction and gravity, but this awkward and insecure only smile on her face.

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P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: tolkoksana.com/2014/03/22/%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D1%8C-%D0%B2-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%87%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8/