What to do if the child choked?
The word is to the senior pediatrician of the operational department of the A.S. Puchkov Emergency Medical Care Station in Moscow, the doctor of the highest category Larisa Anikeeva.
What's in the nose?Seeing a foreign body in the nose of a beloved child, the mother rushes to remove it. But, having at hand neither a suitable tool nor the relevant experience, most often pushes the body into the depths of the nasal cavity, from where only an otolaryngologist can extract it. Therefore, if you are not sure of the success of the operation, seek help from the ENT doctor immediately: in the afternoon - in the clinic, in the evening - in the emergency room of the hospital, where there is an otolaryngologist on duty. Often, the fact that the baby stuck a pebble or pea in the nose is not immediately detected. A few days after the event, mucous-purulent discharge with a putrefactive smell appears, more abundant from one half of the nose, difficulty nasal breathing, snoring breathing in a dream. Usually mothers regard this condition as a cold and do not rush to see a doctor. And the pediatrician during the first examination is not easy to guess about a foreign body in the nose. Only a persistent runny nose that is not treatable for a long time, and an unpleasant smell from the nose make you suspect the presence of a foreign object and send the baby to an otolaryngologist who will detect the find and extract it.
Bone in the throat In the throat, foreign bodies fall mainly with food. The most common items that doctors extract from children are fish and chicken seeds, seeds and husks from them. The clinical picture is usually so pronounced that doctors have no doubts: a sensation of a foreign object and a stabbing pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing, paroxysmal cough and vomiting movements, with the help of which the body seeks to remove a foreign body. Increased pain when swallowing forces the child to stop swallowing saliva, and the baby it flows out of the mouth, and the older child spits it out. These signs indicate the presence of a foreign body in the pharynx or in the tissue of the tonsils and cause parents to consult an otolaryngologist.
The recommended method in the people - to swallow a dry bread crust - can drive a sharp bone deep and make its extraction more difficult. Don't follow that advice! Removing a foreign body from the pharynx is not difficult for a specialist, and in a few seconds your child will be cheerful and healthy again.
More serious is the situation with the entry of foreign bodies into the larynx and further into the trachea and bronchi. Children often take various small objects into their mouths and, keen on playing, talking or laughing while eating, draw them into the airways with a current of air. Foreign bodies at the entrance to the larynx lead to a reflex closure of the vocal gap and are often removed independently under the influence of an immediately developed convulsive paroxysmal cough, accompanied by vomiting movements.
If a foreign body, having skipped this department, got into the vocal gap and blocked it, breathing stops, asphyxia and loss of consciousness occurs. The life of a child hangs in the balance and depends on your actions.
Five minutes of rescue.A small child should be turned upside down so that his face is facing you. Holding your baby’s legs with one hand, tap on his back with the other. Conduct these activities over the sofa, chair, bed so as not to cause additional injury if the child breaks out of your arms and falls.
Photo: Shutterstock.com/Ansis Klucis
Sit on a chair, place the child with your stomach on your left knee, with your left hand support his neck and chest, hold his legs under the arm. With your right hand, apply several blows between the shoulder blades.
In the same position, press on the root of his tongue or tickle the back wall of the pharynx, causing cough and gag reflexes.
Lay the older child on the floor and give him a few sharp blows between the shoulder blades.
Remember that you only have 5 precious minutes and count on yourself! No ambulance, even on a magic carpet, is able to rush to you during this time.
Artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" in the presence of a foreign body in the larynx will be ineffective, since the air injected by the rescuer will not be able to overcome the existing obstacle.
As an act of despair, the last way to return a child to life (there is nothing to lose!) is possible - with a sharp knife to cut soft tissue along the middle line of the neck, reach the trachea, open it and blow air into the resulting hole, while simultaneously conducting an indirect massage of the heart before the arrival of the ambulance crew. Not everyone is capable of such extreme actions, but “the courage of the city takes”, and in some cases, only this way can save a person’s life.
Photograph: Shutterstock.com/pryzmat
Hidden causeIf a foreign body slipped through the voice gap, the further development of events is not so threatening. A button, a pea can linger in the trachea, attach to the wall, hide and do not reveal themselves for a long time. Unless the baby coughs from time to time. In the future, a capsule, a bag, will form around a foreign object, which, as it increases, can cause difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, and prolonged inflammatory processes.
When it enters the bronchi, a spasm of the bronchial tree occurs, which is manifested by a painful cough with difficult to separate sputum, difficult to "whistling" exhalation. Then joins the inflammatory process in the form of untreatable bronchitis or pneumonia. It is good if the mother or the child himself remembers the possible entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Then, using the endoscopic method of examination (bronchoscopy), you can detect and remove a foreign object. But not every mother will associate long-term current pneumonia with that long-standing (a month three years ago) attack of convulsive cough, which suddenly happened to the child during the assembly of the designer.
Thoracic surgeons (who perform operations on the chest organs) can tell a lot of cases when a foreign body long in the esophagus, trachea, bronchi gave a clinical picture of cancer, led to the development of chronic processes in the lungs, turning children into disabled.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.aif.ru/health/children/1460618
What's in the nose?Seeing a foreign body in the nose of a beloved child, the mother rushes to remove it. But, having at hand neither a suitable tool nor the relevant experience, most often pushes the body into the depths of the nasal cavity, from where only an otolaryngologist can extract it. Therefore, if you are not sure of the success of the operation, seek help from the ENT doctor immediately: in the afternoon - in the clinic, in the evening - in the emergency room of the hospital, where there is an otolaryngologist on duty. Often, the fact that the baby stuck a pebble or pea in the nose is not immediately detected. A few days after the event, mucous-purulent discharge with a putrefactive smell appears, more abundant from one half of the nose, difficulty nasal breathing, snoring breathing in a dream. Usually mothers regard this condition as a cold and do not rush to see a doctor. And the pediatrician during the first examination is not easy to guess about a foreign body in the nose. Only a persistent runny nose that is not treatable for a long time, and an unpleasant smell from the nose make you suspect the presence of a foreign object and send the baby to an otolaryngologist who will detect the find and extract it.
Bone in the throat In the throat, foreign bodies fall mainly with food. The most common items that doctors extract from children are fish and chicken seeds, seeds and husks from them. The clinical picture is usually so pronounced that doctors have no doubts: a sensation of a foreign object and a stabbing pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing, paroxysmal cough and vomiting movements, with the help of which the body seeks to remove a foreign body. Increased pain when swallowing forces the child to stop swallowing saliva, and the baby it flows out of the mouth, and the older child spits it out. These signs indicate the presence of a foreign body in the pharynx or in the tissue of the tonsils and cause parents to consult an otolaryngologist.
The recommended method in the people - to swallow a dry bread crust - can drive a sharp bone deep and make its extraction more difficult. Don't follow that advice! Removing a foreign body from the pharynx is not difficult for a specialist, and in a few seconds your child will be cheerful and healthy again.
More serious is the situation with the entry of foreign bodies into the larynx and further into the trachea and bronchi. Children often take various small objects into their mouths and, keen on playing, talking or laughing while eating, draw them into the airways with a current of air. Foreign bodies at the entrance to the larynx lead to a reflex closure of the vocal gap and are often removed independently under the influence of an immediately developed convulsive paroxysmal cough, accompanied by vomiting movements.
If a foreign body, having skipped this department, got into the vocal gap and blocked it, breathing stops, asphyxia and loss of consciousness occurs. The life of a child hangs in the balance and depends on your actions.
Five minutes of rescue.A small child should be turned upside down so that his face is facing you. Holding your baby’s legs with one hand, tap on his back with the other. Conduct these activities over the sofa, chair, bed so as not to cause additional injury if the child breaks out of your arms and falls.
Photo: Shutterstock.com/Ansis Klucis
Sit on a chair, place the child with your stomach on your left knee, with your left hand support his neck and chest, hold his legs under the arm. With your right hand, apply several blows between the shoulder blades.
In the same position, press on the root of his tongue or tickle the back wall of the pharynx, causing cough and gag reflexes.
Lay the older child on the floor and give him a few sharp blows between the shoulder blades.
Remember that you only have 5 precious minutes and count on yourself! No ambulance, even on a magic carpet, is able to rush to you during this time.
Artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" in the presence of a foreign body in the larynx will be ineffective, since the air injected by the rescuer will not be able to overcome the existing obstacle.
As an act of despair, the last way to return a child to life (there is nothing to lose!) is possible - with a sharp knife to cut soft tissue along the middle line of the neck, reach the trachea, open it and blow air into the resulting hole, while simultaneously conducting an indirect massage of the heart before the arrival of the ambulance crew. Not everyone is capable of such extreme actions, but “the courage of the city takes”, and in some cases, only this way can save a person’s life.
Photograph: Shutterstock.com/pryzmat
Hidden causeIf a foreign body slipped through the voice gap, the further development of events is not so threatening. A button, a pea can linger in the trachea, attach to the wall, hide and do not reveal themselves for a long time. Unless the baby coughs from time to time. In the future, a capsule, a bag, will form around a foreign object, which, as it increases, can cause difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, and prolonged inflammatory processes.
When it enters the bronchi, a spasm of the bronchial tree occurs, which is manifested by a painful cough with difficult to separate sputum, difficult to "whistling" exhalation. Then joins the inflammatory process in the form of untreatable bronchitis or pneumonia. It is good if the mother or the child himself remembers the possible entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Then, using the endoscopic method of examination (bronchoscopy), you can detect and remove a foreign object. But not every mother will associate long-term current pneumonia with that long-standing (a month three years ago) attack of convulsive cough, which suddenly happened to the child during the assembly of the designer.
Thoracic surgeons (who perform operations on the chest organs) can tell a lot of cases when a foreign body long in the esophagus, trachea, bronchi gave a clinical picture of cancer, led to the development of chronic processes in the lungs, turning children into disabled.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.aif.ru/health/children/1460618