7 Minutes of Exercise That Will Change Your Body Forever
Stop wasting time and money in the gym. Well, given the coming autumn and the enduring feeling of laziness - at least money. We have collected a few exercises that are not even athletes, but scientists consider the most productive. Seven minutes a day, three times a week, that's all the preparation you'll need this year.
Squats off the wall Go to the wall, stick your back in it. Hands crossed on his chest. Actually, you're ready to start. Get as low as possible, the legs parallel to the floor, the back remains pressed against the wall throughout the exercise. Take your time, do everything right, but don’t forget about the stopwatch: like everyone else, this exercise should take you no more than 30 seconds.
Push-ups. Yes, the most common push-ups, and what did you think, there will be a recipe for instant weight loss without training and diets? Push-ups, along with pull-ups, are one of the most useful exercises involving many muscle groups. Do not try to invent something new: hands on the width of the shoulders, back straight and forward, not forgetting about the timer.
Triceps. Take a chair and don't you dare sit on it. Turn your back, put your hands in the seat, go down until you feel the tension of the triceps. Try to work only with them, without using other muscles. To do this, you need to focus on the exercise.
Planck The bar perfectly develops almost all the muscles of your body - and the best thing is that you do not need to move at all. Less difficult exercise from this, however, does not become. You will have to spend a little more time on the bar than on other exercises on the list: take a couple of minutes on it.
Squatting out. That's what you did in school, remember. Keep your back straight, your eyes straight towards the bright future. Sit down with your arms out in front of you. You can make the exercise a little harder by raising your hands over your head, standing up.
Press Not the usual option. Lie on your back and put your arms up. Knees are bent. Lifting the body, make sure to pull the body with your stomach, and not what you have. This is a common mistake that can negate any exercise. The hands when lifted reach to the knees, which allows you to evenly use both the upper and lower part of the press. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: dnpmag.com/2015/09/06/sem-minut-trenirovok-kotorye-izmenyat-tvoe-telo-navsegda/
Squats off the wall Go to the wall, stick your back in it. Hands crossed on his chest. Actually, you're ready to start. Get as low as possible, the legs parallel to the floor, the back remains pressed against the wall throughout the exercise. Take your time, do everything right, but don’t forget about the stopwatch: like everyone else, this exercise should take you no more than 30 seconds.
Push-ups. Yes, the most common push-ups, and what did you think, there will be a recipe for instant weight loss without training and diets? Push-ups, along with pull-ups, are one of the most useful exercises involving many muscle groups. Do not try to invent something new: hands on the width of the shoulders, back straight and forward, not forgetting about the timer.
Triceps. Take a chair and don't you dare sit on it. Turn your back, put your hands in the seat, go down until you feel the tension of the triceps. Try to work only with them, without using other muscles. To do this, you need to focus on the exercise.
Planck The bar perfectly develops almost all the muscles of your body - and the best thing is that you do not need to move at all. Less difficult exercise from this, however, does not become. You will have to spend a little more time on the bar than on other exercises on the list: take a couple of minutes on it.
Squatting out. That's what you did in school, remember. Keep your back straight, your eyes straight towards the bright future. Sit down with your arms out in front of you. You can make the exercise a little harder by raising your hands over your head, standing up.
Press Not the usual option. Lie on your back and put your arms up. Knees are bent. Lifting the body, make sure to pull the body with your stomach, and not what you have. This is a common mistake that can negate any exercise. The hands when lifted reach to the knees, which allows you to evenly use both the upper and lower part of the press. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: dnpmag.com/2015/09/06/sem-minut-trenirovok-kotorye-izmenyat-tvoe-telo-navsegda/