12 things real gentlemen do differently

A list of the true things that characterize a real gentleman is out of range of our usual perceptions. A three-piece suit sticking out a pocket handkerchief, a watch on a chain that is back in fashion, however, all this clothing does not classify a gentleman.

Today we are going to look at the true qualities that a real gentleman possesses. I would also like to stress that this applies to women. Because essentially being a gentleman means not being an asshole to people. There are many women who hold similar views in their daily lives.

So when you read these paragraphs, rest assured that we are speaking on behalf of both sexes. Also, know that you won’t find below bad words about dresses, wine, or various specific words.

© Jim Jordan

1. I am very annoyed by the common misconception that a gentleman is actually a good guy who should respect the woman he is interested in. It simply cements the idea that respect is only a tool to get sex. A true gentleman and gentlewoman, for that matter, should be respectful to everyone, regardless of gender. He or she should not use this as a means of seduction.

2. If his partner does not aspire to be stupid, a gentleman should respect his life ambitions, even if they are difficult to achieve. In my life, my partner is amazingly supportive of my writing hobby because she is amazing and believes in me. Besides, I don't think it's a duty to give financial support to someone who doesn't make money. Again, in my case, she earns more than me, however, I work several jobs to contribute to the household. It's my choice, not hers.

3. They are honest and open-minded Gentleman is unlikely to play oh-some-seductive games when it comes to romance. He is open and honest, because when he finds the right person, none of them will feel the urge to count how many days after a date you should call to pretend that he likes you more than the other way around.

4. They don’t give up on their partners when it becomes difficult Relationships aren’t always sunny and rainbow. Some days can be difficult no matter how much you love each other. A gentleman doesn’t leave when life gets a little harder, he supports his partner and relationship.

5. Again, politeness should not be used as a weapon to drag someone into bed. A gentleman should be polite to everyone without much reason and a back-think.

6. They hold the door for everyone. It may be controversial, but I know a lot of people hate it when someone opens the door in front of them. But here's my point: If I am going to go through a door, I will always let the person who comes after me pass first, or hold the door open for him or her. I find it quite rude when someone (he or she) closes the door right in front of my face. In my humble opinion, a gentleman should hold the door open to the person behind him, regardless of gender or age. It's a common courtesy.

7. A gentleman knows that compromise is necessary when it comes to a healthy relationship. Regardless of their desires and needs, they accept the opinions of their partners. Again, the same applies to women.

8. They're feminists. Yes, you heard right. Feel free to write a scathing comment. Despite the fact that today is 2014, many people, both men and women, are mistaken that feminism is a bad concept. In addition, people often confuse the concepts of “feminism” and “Misandria”. A true gentleman knows that feminism is a belief in which both men and women deserve to be equal, with absolutely no problem.

9. Gentlemen try their best to help the people around them, whether it’s their loved ones or someone they’ve never met. This is not to say that they should devote their entire lives to helping others every second. However, random acts of kindness do occur.

10. Whether it is their partner, parents, brother or sister, or even close friends, these people will always come first with a gentleman. They do not refuse to be near their wives when they are sick and when they are called to drink. Or they will always stay at home for Easter, because they may not be annoyed by the meeting of the spouse’s relatives. Family is everything.

11. My friend said recently that a gentleman is someone whose actions are directed further than their own interests. I think that sums it up perfectly.

12. They don’t pretend to be “good guys.” A gentleman in the true sense of the word is not a "good guy." In case you don’t know, “Good Guys” are individuals who show attention to the female gender, showing how wonderful they are, and are unhappy when girls don’t agree to take off their underwear in front of them. This is usually because, within two to three weeks of courtship, a girl reacts badly and sharply to such signs of attention, such as terrible poetry, declarations of love, expensive gifts, and especially when they are addressed - "Milady". It is also usually accompanied by accusations as well as whining about returning to a "friendly" relationship. These guys are by no means “good” or “gentlemen,” no matter how many roses they send. In fact, this is how they hide their psychological problems and their inherent misogyny under a veil of outdated chivalry and felt hats.

A true gentleman is not a beautiful shell with beautiful manners, but, first of all, a well-bred, educated and harmonious personality who sincerely cares about others no less than herself, regardless of gender.published

P.S. And remember, just changing our consciousness – together we change the world!

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