5 most dangerous things you do every day of courtesy
Politeness can also be opasnaRazumeetsya, courtesy - it's great when we are talking about etiquette, but it is necessary to extend these rules to other aspects of human society - and everything begins to fall apart. The site warns that in these cases, your politeness can turn against you!
1. Politeness driving - akin ubiystvuProstoy example. You lead the car in the right lane on the one-way street, with bars on this street - two. Here you can see that some well-dressed woman trying to cross the road. It is located a few blocks from the nearest intersection, pedestrian crossing nearby, too, no, she's obviously in a hurry, and it might just get stuck there and not go to the other side. You did not catch, met her eyes and then waved his hand, indicating that you can move on.
and becomes a killer.
Lawyers have long been familiar with such situations. They have to do even a special term - "wave of death." The problem is that when the driver allows pedestrians to cross the road, just to appear polite, pedestrian unconsciously assumes that the driver had looked around
No, not always.
Most often it happens that the driver's gesture means only "if you now become to cross the road in front of my car, I'll move you do not." Notice in this example is not specified anywhere that you checked out what's going on behind you.
As a result, there is a good chance that what you will be responsible for the fact that a well-dressed lady will turn into beef, go astray when her car flying in the nearby, left the band (with which a pedestrian on the road is not visible).
The same applies to situations with a turn to the left (by the rules, the driver decided to turn left to first miss those traveling in the opposite lane). Wave a somebody out of politeness, without checking the pre-strip next to you, and you will have a good chance to get to the hospital
2. courtesy to the head can result in the loss of innocent lyudeyNavernyaka all experienced this: Your boss was stupid. However, you do not tell him something like: "Well, where did you get these figures in the report? From the ceiling? You generally think, what you are doing? " No, it is considered rude.
Instead, you act more delicately: «Oh, and you know that the most difficult thing in the world? Mathematics! And spreadsheets. I can not imagine how you can deal with it ».
Saying all this, you still zhestikuliruete and to look convincing in the eyes of the chief. Experts call this "softened it».
There are some studies to suggest that politeness should make a list of things, forbidden for employees of airlines h4> The problem is that for, to decipher polite and delicate hint on stupidity it requires much more mental effort than deciphering straight and rough indication of the error
40% of British will not go to the hospital with symptoms of cancer simply because they think, not very polite to bother the doctor your personal inconveniences h4> And who the world would prefer a slow death short of rudeness?
1. Politeness driving - akin ubiystvuProstoy example. You lead the car in the right lane on the one-way street, with bars on this street - two. Here you can see that some well-dressed woman trying to cross the road. It is located a few blocks from the nearest intersection, pedestrian crossing nearby, too, no, she's obviously in a hurry, and it might just get stuck there and not go to the other side. You did not catch, met her eyes and then waved his hand, indicating that you can move on.
and becomes a killer.
Lawyers have long been familiar with such situations. They have to do even a special term - "wave of death." The problem is that when the driver allows pedestrians to cross the road, just to appear polite, pedestrian unconsciously assumes that the driver had looked around
No, not always.
Most often it happens that the driver's gesture means only "if you now become to cross the road in front of my car, I'll move you do not." Notice in this example is not specified anywhere that you checked out what's going on behind you.
As a result, there is a good chance that what you will be responsible for the fact that a well-dressed lady will turn into beef, go astray when her car flying in the nearby, left the band (with which a pedestrian on the road is not visible).
The same applies to situations with a turn to the left (by the rules, the driver decided to turn left to first miss those traveling in the opposite lane). Wave a somebody out of politeness, without checking the pre-strip next to you, and you will have a good chance to get to the hospital
2. courtesy to the head can result in the loss of innocent lyudeyNavernyaka all experienced this: Your boss was stupid. However, you do not tell him something like: "Well, where did you get these figures in the report? From the ceiling? You generally think, what you are doing? " No, it is considered rude.
Instead, you act more delicately: «Oh, and you know that the most difficult thing in the world? Mathematics! And spreadsheets. I can not imagine how you can deal with it ».
Saying all this, you still zhestikuliruete and to look convincing in the eyes of the chief. Experts call this "softened it».