Apocalypse with his own hands
10 of THE worst man-made DISASTERS,Accidents at nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power stations, oil platforms and chemical plants sometimes lead to monstrous consequences and the face of progress can turn into a death mask. Technological disaster always a chance (why we did not mention in the text of the story of the mustard gas or Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and when will the next — no one knows.
Alive buried13 Nov 1909, the Village of cherry, Illinois, USA it All started with the fact that in the mine cherry electricity went out, and the workers lit for lighting oil lamps and torches. From them lit up the trolley with hay for the mules caught fire. It tried to blow out the fans, but the fire just raged and devouring the coal seam, continuing for two days. People on the outside managed to cope with it, hermetically sealing the mine. While inside was still working, and some of them were alive.
Victims 259 people
The reason is Careless handling of fire.
After the fact the mine was reopened in 1910 and worked until 1935.
The butt and nitrateon April 16, 1947, the Port of Texas city, Texas, United States Ship "Grandcamp" arrived in Texas city to fill the holds the bags with ammonium nitrate. Suddenly, the ship was on fire. Water and soda-acid extinguishers couldn't stop it. Then the captain ordered to batten down the hatches and lowered into the holds of steam. But nitrate is detonated, and a terrible explosion destroyed the ship. The fire spread to the city. And since in Texas city were a lot of chemical plants, within three days there was a real Apocalypse.
The victim 1,5 thousand killed, 3.5 thousand wounded, hundreds missing
The reasons for the Outstanding cigarette butt thrown by some sailor, and paper bags instead of metal containers, in which it was to carry the explosive cargo.
After the fact the City quickly rebuilt, because it was and is strategically important water hub of the country.
Rusty caseon 29 September 1957, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk oblast In the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40, at the chemical plant Mayak blew up a storage tank of highly radioactive nuclear waste with a volume of approximately 300 cubic meters. The explosion destroyed a concrete slab weighing 160 tonnes and was thrown into the atmosphere 20 million Curie of radioactive substances.
Victims Injured hundreds of people
The reason the cooling System capacity for the storage of nuclear waste failed because it rusted.
After the fact, In our days, the crash — protected area where the research is conducted radiation.
The explosion in the brainon 28 March 1979, the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, USA First nuclear power station "Three Mile island" was rejected by the pumps operating in the cooling of the reactor. Then the problems began with every moment to grow as a snow clod, and the temperature too. The result — an explosion, melting unit, decay of the fission products of uranium. Americans panic: they no longer feel safe. The US authorities have decided not to build nuclear power plants.
The victim fortunately, no one was killed or injured.
The cause of the Accident was the result of rough violations of the rules of repair and maintenance of nuclear power plants.
After the fact the Station is still working, but only on one unit.
Nightmarish cloudof 3 December 1984, Bhopal, India At midnight in the Indian city of Bhopal, a deadly cloud hung over the huts that surrounded the plant for the production of pesticides. People began to gasp and cough terribly. Many died in their sleep.
The reason was that overheated and exploded were stored in the factory containers with hazardous liquid — methylisocyanate.
Victims Total number of victims – 150-600 thousand people. Of these, three thousand were killed at the crash site.
The reasons for Gross violations of safety, plus the desire of the owner of the plant of the American company Union Carbide — save on a failing enterprise.
After the fact Over 400 tons of hazardous chemicals from the abandoned plant continue to come in land and water. The waste disposal process has not started yet.
Under the lid of the sarcophagus, on 26 April 1986, Pripyat, Ukraine, USSR Chernobyl happened what nobody was prepared: nuclear reactor plant is out of control. His power began to grow rapidly and the explosion occurred. He destroyed the fourth reactor unit, the reactor and dumped on the territory of the Union a huge amount of isotopes of uranium, plutonium, cesium and other unpleasant chemicals.
The victim, hundreds of people fell ill with leukemia and other types of cancer. According to the world health organization 2005, could have been dead up to 4 thousand people.
The causes of Human error: lost, made a series of tragic mistakes in the fateful night.
After the fact what remains of the fourth unit, was in 1986, lies in the concrete and metal sarcophagus. He still holds back energy at a power equal to 500 atomic bombs.
And again nitrate21 September 2001, Toulouse, France, Two explosions in a row destroyed one of the hangars of a chemical plant in Toulouse caused the seismic wave strength of not less than three points. Exploded 300 tons of ammonium nitrate — a popular French fertilizer. The sound of the explosion was heard by people in 80 kilometers from the epicenter.
The victims were Killed about 30 people
Causes of safety Violations in the storage of ammonium nitrate.
After the fact In 2013 in place of the hangar built a large cancer center.
Concrete and waterAugust 17, 2009, the Yenisei River, the border of Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Powerful water pressure broke the turbine, broke into the engine room of the station and began to fill it with frightening speed. The station was de-energized, so the water stopped almost manually. All the turbines were flooded, the engine room is destroyed. This is one of the largest disasters in the hydropower facility. Millions of cubic meters of concrete and water became the grave for the living.
Victims Killed 75 people, injured 13
The reason for the fastening of the turbine needed repair, but nobody took care of it.
After the fact the Affected station up and running, but gives two times less energy than before.
Oil on the horizonApril 20, 2010, Gulf of Mexico, USA Oil platform Deepwater Horizon exploded and sunk, and more than five million barrels of oil leaked into the ocean. Almost half a year — 152 day of oil from the well leaking into the water, killing tens of thousands of marine life. Special vehicles — skimmers for weeks collecting oil from the water, and people manually cleaned the black beaches.
The victim, 13 people were Killed, hundreds more injured
The reasons for British Petroleum took an oil platform in rent for half a million dollars a day. The issue price has forced the leadership of BP neglected safety in order to begin work.
After the fact In the Gulf until work is underway for oil production, but it is possible that someday they will resume.
The revolt of the disasteron 11 March 2011, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan First, the strongest ever Japan earthquake — almost 9 points! — brought down the power supply of NPP "Fukushima-1". Then the tsunami flooded the backup diesel generators. The cooling system was damaged, and the explosion nothing could prevent. Formed hydrogen, which detonated. Radioactive substances escape.
The victims Immediately and in subsequent years, killed more than 1.5 thousand people
The reason the Owners of nuclear plants are not taken care of in a timely fashion about safety measures during the disaster.
After the fact Now, "Fukushima-1" is closed and, according to estimates by the Japanese engineers, will earn not earlier than in 40 years. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kot.sh/statya/249/apokalipsis-svoimi-rukami

Alive buried13 Nov 1909, the Village of cherry, Illinois, USA it All started with the fact that in the mine cherry electricity went out, and the workers lit for lighting oil lamps and torches. From them lit up the trolley with hay for the mules caught fire. It tried to blow out the fans, but the fire just raged and devouring the coal seam, continuing for two days. People on the outside managed to cope with it, hermetically sealing the mine. While inside was still working, and some of them were alive.
Victims 259 people
The reason is Careless handling of fire.
After the fact the mine was reopened in 1910 and worked until 1935.
The butt and nitrateon April 16, 1947, the Port of Texas city, Texas, United States Ship "Grandcamp" arrived in Texas city to fill the holds the bags with ammonium nitrate. Suddenly, the ship was on fire. Water and soda-acid extinguishers couldn't stop it. Then the captain ordered to batten down the hatches and lowered into the holds of steam. But nitrate is detonated, and a terrible explosion destroyed the ship. The fire spread to the city. And since in Texas city were a lot of chemical plants, within three days there was a real Apocalypse.
The victim 1,5 thousand killed, 3.5 thousand wounded, hundreds missing
The reasons for the Outstanding cigarette butt thrown by some sailor, and paper bags instead of metal containers, in which it was to carry the explosive cargo.
After the fact the City quickly rebuilt, because it was and is strategically important water hub of the country.
Rusty caseon 29 September 1957, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk oblast In the closed city of Chelyabinsk-40, at the chemical plant Mayak blew up a storage tank of highly radioactive nuclear waste with a volume of approximately 300 cubic meters. The explosion destroyed a concrete slab weighing 160 tonnes and was thrown into the atmosphere 20 million Curie of radioactive substances.
Victims Injured hundreds of people
The reason the cooling System capacity for the storage of nuclear waste failed because it rusted.
After the fact, In our days, the crash — protected area where the research is conducted radiation.
The explosion in the brainon 28 March 1979, the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, USA First nuclear power station "Three Mile island" was rejected by the pumps operating in the cooling of the reactor. Then the problems began with every moment to grow as a snow clod, and the temperature too. The result — an explosion, melting unit, decay of the fission products of uranium. Americans panic: they no longer feel safe. The US authorities have decided not to build nuclear power plants.
The victim fortunately, no one was killed or injured.
The cause of the Accident was the result of rough violations of the rules of repair and maintenance of nuclear power plants.
After the fact the Station is still working, but only on one unit.
Nightmarish cloudof 3 December 1984, Bhopal, India At midnight in the Indian city of Bhopal, a deadly cloud hung over the huts that surrounded the plant for the production of pesticides. People began to gasp and cough terribly. Many died in their sleep.
The reason was that overheated and exploded were stored in the factory containers with hazardous liquid — methylisocyanate.
Victims Total number of victims – 150-600 thousand people. Of these, three thousand were killed at the crash site.
The reasons for Gross violations of safety, plus the desire of the owner of the plant of the American company Union Carbide — save on a failing enterprise.
After the fact Over 400 tons of hazardous chemicals from the abandoned plant continue to come in land and water. The waste disposal process has not started yet.
Under the lid of the sarcophagus, on 26 April 1986, Pripyat, Ukraine, USSR Chernobyl happened what nobody was prepared: nuclear reactor plant is out of control. His power began to grow rapidly and the explosion occurred. He destroyed the fourth reactor unit, the reactor and dumped on the territory of the Union a huge amount of isotopes of uranium, plutonium, cesium and other unpleasant chemicals.
The victim, hundreds of people fell ill with leukemia and other types of cancer. According to the world health organization 2005, could have been dead up to 4 thousand people.
The causes of Human error: lost, made a series of tragic mistakes in the fateful night.
After the fact what remains of the fourth unit, was in 1986, lies in the concrete and metal sarcophagus. He still holds back energy at a power equal to 500 atomic bombs.
And again nitrate21 September 2001, Toulouse, France, Two explosions in a row destroyed one of the hangars of a chemical plant in Toulouse caused the seismic wave strength of not less than three points. Exploded 300 tons of ammonium nitrate — a popular French fertilizer. The sound of the explosion was heard by people in 80 kilometers from the epicenter.
The victims were Killed about 30 people
Causes of safety Violations in the storage of ammonium nitrate.
After the fact In 2013 in place of the hangar built a large cancer center.
Concrete and waterAugust 17, 2009, the Yenisei River, the border of Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Powerful water pressure broke the turbine, broke into the engine room of the station and began to fill it with frightening speed. The station was de-energized, so the water stopped almost manually. All the turbines were flooded, the engine room is destroyed. This is one of the largest disasters in the hydropower facility. Millions of cubic meters of concrete and water became the grave for the living.
Victims Killed 75 people, injured 13
The reason for the fastening of the turbine needed repair, but nobody took care of it.
After the fact the Affected station up and running, but gives two times less energy than before.
Oil on the horizonApril 20, 2010, Gulf of Mexico, USA Oil platform Deepwater Horizon exploded and sunk, and more than five million barrels of oil leaked into the ocean. Almost half a year — 152 day of oil from the well leaking into the water, killing tens of thousands of marine life. Special vehicles — skimmers for weeks collecting oil from the water, and people manually cleaned the black beaches.
The victim, 13 people were Killed, hundreds more injured
The reasons for British Petroleum took an oil platform in rent for half a million dollars a day. The issue price has forced the leadership of BP neglected safety in order to begin work.
After the fact In the Gulf until work is underway for oil production, but it is possible that someday they will resume.
The revolt of the disasteron 11 March 2011, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan First, the strongest ever Japan earthquake — almost 9 points! — brought down the power supply of NPP "Fukushima-1". Then the tsunami flooded the backup diesel generators. The cooling system was damaged, and the explosion nothing could prevent. Formed hydrogen, which detonated. Radioactive substances escape.
The victims Immediately and in subsequent years, killed more than 1.5 thousand people
The reason the Owners of nuclear plants are not taken care of in a timely fashion about safety measures during the disaster.
After the fact Now, "Fukushima-1" is closed and, according to estimates by the Japanese engineers, will earn not earlier than in 40 years. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and in Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: kot.sh/statya/249/apokalipsis-svoimi-rukami