Own business: it is not for the faint of heart
The adjective "cowboy" is derived from the dialectal word "Sarang" ("the poor, the rogues")
The expression "cowboy office" at first literally meant "an organization of crooks and liars",
but today used to refer to just undignified office
We all know that private business is sooooo hard sooooo hard and it really hurts, actually. And it's true. But since it is "everyone knows" that feel about as generic pain — say, "well, others may, I can." And rightly so, are so, because the analogy works here — many of those who tried it, second time it has decided not to:) And in business, where motivation is not as strong as in my analogy, this rule "had I known what was waiting for me, Yes, nizachto!".
So. Years of experiments on living people talking to me before starting a startup "Dissuade me!" he showed the awareness TO reduces painful sensations DURING.
So, warn those who haven't:
1. On the shore seems to be the Director — a lot of fun. Well, that is clear that there will be problems and you will need to stand here and there with a serious face and "solve the problems" (TM), but in fact you just periodically to give the head the most insulting words — deservedly so, and often almost no, for those people who live better than you receive the more you work less you and "all will soon quit your sharashka". And mom will not call. This is how Alina Farkash in the status — "Scary is not what we are adults, and that adults are WE." (for the accuracy of quotations can not vouch, from memory reproduce). For you at these meetings, no one will sit. The heroes of the occasion or hide in the corners, or will wait until you finish to spread on the table to throw at another — your — table statement, because see above about the lights. However, as you readers now will say, "well, Mary was wrong, but that's because it was not taught! The Director shall....!".
Never mind that Mary in her own head is the greatest expert in this area, next to which the Director is full bast. And that Masha was tested, taught missing, explained the mission, write instructions, read her role with Mary, found that she understood and learned that is willing and able, wants and dreams, and then just Mache became aaaaaa(yawns)aaaaaaaa lazy, and she just scored. The client — quite rightly — doesn't matter. The tax is not important. And Maria, too — it doesn't matter. It is important only to you.
2. While your business will not be conditionally average*, you will receive less than all of his company's money and relax and most of all see 1. and tasks on his neck.
The theoretical guru of the business have already put their feathers in order to inform us that you have the right to build and register the business processes and lie in a hammock in the middle of the office, enjoying a smoothly running processes. Am I even slightly agree. There is one small trouble with this scenario — the business-then we all not theoretical, not from the book. It every day happens, that books never dreamed of. And the second small trouble to register-all this is possible, but who all that the Philharmonic will be financed? Ah, Yes, "if you're a rogue, why start a business?!".
At the startup stage until you learn how to generate revenue sufficient to pay the normal functioning of the structure, if you are going to work very well, all to teach, instruct and perform other business feats, you get a team that will be able to solve some standard, average tasks. Everything will get out of this set (even though it is quite elementary task, different from standard only in name), will do you. Or tell how to do it.
All sick, vacation, decrees and other types of social responsibility will be on you. Made a double stock like me and rubbing their arms, admiring himself? Get the main employee on leave, the replacement had the flu, their chief was poisoned, his Deputy for the year agreed that talking to the baby in daycare for the morning. To the machine, BigBoss! At the same time professional the form will save!
3. In between bouts of self-contempt ("and where was I today, people with higher education and big ambitions, eh?!- will you pronounce to yourself scrubbing the floor in the hallway before important negotiations (and what to do if the cleaning woman comes only in the evening, or it does not fit into the budget?),- And I was such a promising employee, I have succeeded! Who the bastard that gave me an idea to open your own business?") — so, in those bright days when you will have a sense of self-heroism ("I make a big deal"), you will call the parents to ask to come to the celebration, OTHERS not at 7 PM like usual, and 3, and the timid attempts to answer "I'm working!" with a contemptuous snort and say ("you call THAT a job?!").
Well, or Papa, as my times, instead of "Daughter, how proud I am of you!" in a fit of tenderness will say "But you had such a promising youth! Would the savings work! Or, on!". And "find yourself a real job! if you are killed and still not a millionaire, why such work is needed?". Mary Vaughn, a neighbor, and that is very happily married to the official! And you?!
No, they are proud of, really. And me marrying that classic "official", dad would greet me stopped. It's just they have such h/W h/W and elements of socialist construction in the head. But wait for recognition in life from family and friends do not advise. Get tired of waiting.
4. Creating a business, you will know how you will work with the staff. No, you are a tyrant, a tyrant — not you! You will not like your current boss, standing with a stopwatch at the door, gleefully cackling and whooping every time another victim hesitated in the Elevator and rush to the office at 09:00:32! You will not force adults to stoop, explaining that they need a doctor or the child in kindergarten for the morning. And early have — the main thing — not the time of his release in the office as a result.
That is why at the beginning until you get all this nonsense out of my head won't go, you'll occasionally be in the office some because the flow of those who just missed will not interfere with the flow of those who left a little early, and those who lunch used to being back in a little bit, not to run, like slaves, in the office, once back from lunch not half an hour later, and the day after. Or, in December already.
And the idea of self-democracy is sure to be the alarm pounding in your head. That's just to say it will be a very self-deprecating manner (something like "fucking liberal, popravlyus, gullible sheep!").
5. According to the results p. 4., and all attempts of material and non-material motivation, it becomes quite obvious that you are a bitch (of any gender), who sleeps and sees how to sleep at work, while workaholic, to urge you in the dream rake, the sweat of working for your welfare without any remuneration. The exceptions will be. You'll really appreciate the small size of this tribe and his apparent promotion to the red Book.
6. You are all so wonderful — took a huge pile of obligations, manage a large team, without delay pay on 300 thousand per month for office, half the budget of a small African country as wages and the other half in taxes, in General, BigBoss. That's just try to be in the Bank for a mortgage — I assure you, in the best case, you will feel a hired Manager on the chopping cabbage in the tent, sells Shawarma at a flea market. "Like YOU, mortgages and loans it is better not to ask; we businessmen do not give you unreliable" — will tell you in the Bank. Sha, third grade, do not go to the decent people. And spit all you in a month fulfill commitments for an amount 30 times greater than the mortgage.
7. Saw 6? About the same story with paid work. If you suddenly decide that "not shmogla, I don't shmogla" and set out to become an specialist, with pure soul and thoughts, and with a head full of ideas and understanding of how difficult it is, in fact, your potential boss and how to help him stop. HR guru will try to get you even for an interview not to miss. And if I make that mistake, then you will explain your prospects. "Same as YOU..." — well, you remember the lepers in you.
8. There was a paragraph about the attitude of government authorities to you, the person, from whose money they are paid. Keep hands, feet, not to continue this topic right here.
9. You will pay salaries above the market. Know the eye color of each of the employees, gently stroking them in the morning on the heads and sincerely consider them as their best friends and Holy living, but the toilet (!) paper, I'm talking about always wanted printer paper, a rare punchers and staplers, you will still acquire feet and move to the side of the house employees. You'll sit the evening long, strapping rolls, like a donut, in a garland in the manner that you saw in Hawaii (in a movie about the police, because on vacation you have no time) and think "who?!", Recalling everyone. But no, decent people, amazing, honest, smart! And the next day will order again in Comus another batch of scissors — mother of the employee need, because.
PS And then, six months later, it turns out that it was the man with the highest salary — commercial, for example, Director. Now commercial and Finance Director — they are the best, remember!
P. P. S. And don't forget about the old Russian tradition — resigned on his own, take with a Desk and all its contents.
10. Finalising the bitter truth. You — a masochist. And it also turns out after creating your own business. Because of PP. 1. — 9., leading you daily into a near epileptic fit, you still will not stop.
If you are a real entrepreneur (already) — you'll nod according to the head of my text and go away (to protect the scissors) to create. But if you want to become one, then smiles to my text and think "I'm wrong, I'll do it right!". And here is an attempt to do everything yourself and properly will distinguish you from the rest of 99.9(%) of the population.
So — all of us — good luck! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: livejournal.com/magazine/1077232.html
The expression "cowboy office" at first literally meant "an organization of crooks and liars",
but today used to refer to just undignified office
We all know that private business is sooooo hard sooooo hard and it really hurts, actually. And it's true. But since it is "everyone knows" that feel about as generic pain — say, "well, others may, I can." And rightly so, are so, because the analogy works here — many of those who tried it, second time it has decided not to:) And in business, where motivation is not as strong as in my analogy, this rule "had I known what was waiting for me, Yes, nizachto!".
So. Years of experiments on living people talking to me before starting a startup "Dissuade me!" he showed the awareness TO reduces painful sensations DURING.
So, warn those who haven't:
1. On the shore seems to be the Director — a lot of fun. Well, that is clear that there will be problems and you will need to stand here and there with a serious face and "solve the problems" (TM), but in fact you just periodically to give the head the most insulting words — deservedly so, and often almost no, for those people who live better than you receive the more you work less you and "all will soon quit your sharashka". And mom will not call. This is how Alina Farkash in the status — "Scary is not what we are adults, and that adults are WE." (for the accuracy of quotations can not vouch, from memory reproduce). For you at these meetings, no one will sit. The heroes of the occasion or hide in the corners, or will wait until you finish to spread on the table to throw at another — your — table statement, because see above about the lights. However, as you readers now will say, "well, Mary was wrong, but that's because it was not taught! The Director shall....!".
Never mind that Mary in her own head is the greatest expert in this area, next to which the Director is full bast. And that Masha was tested, taught missing, explained the mission, write instructions, read her role with Mary, found that she understood and learned that is willing and able, wants and dreams, and then just Mache became aaaaaa(yawns)aaaaaaaa lazy, and she just scored. The client — quite rightly — doesn't matter. The tax is not important. And Maria, too — it doesn't matter. It is important only to you.
2. While your business will not be conditionally average*, you will receive less than all of his company's money and relax and most of all see 1. and tasks on his neck.
The theoretical guru of the business have already put their feathers in order to inform us that you have the right to build and register the business processes and lie in a hammock in the middle of the office, enjoying a smoothly running processes. Am I even slightly agree. There is one small trouble with this scenario — the business-then we all not theoretical, not from the book. It every day happens, that books never dreamed of. And the second small trouble to register-all this is possible, but who all that the Philharmonic will be financed? Ah, Yes, "if you're a rogue, why start a business?!".
At the startup stage until you learn how to generate revenue sufficient to pay the normal functioning of the structure, if you are going to work very well, all to teach, instruct and perform other business feats, you get a team that will be able to solve some standard, average tasks. Everything will get out of this set (even though it is quite elementary task, different from standard only in name), will do you. Or tell how to do it.
All sick, vacation, decrees and other types of social responsibility will be on you. Made a double stock like me and rubbing their arms, admiring himself? Get the main employee on leave, the replacement had the flu, their chief was poisoned, his Deputy for the year agreed that talking to the baby in daycare for the morning. To the machine, BigBoss! At the same time professional the form will save!
3. In between bouts of self-contempt ("and where was I today, people with higher education and big ambitions, eh?!- will you pronounce to yourself scrubbing the floor in the hallway before important negotiations (and what to do if the cleaning woman comes only in the evening, or it does not fit into the budget?),- And I was such a promising employee, I have succeeded! Who the bastard that gave me an idea to open your own business?") — so, in those bright days when you will have a sense of self-heroism ("I make a big deal"), you will call the parents to ask to come to the celebration, OTHERS not at 7 PM like usual, and 3, and the timid attempts to answer "I'm working!" with a contemptuous snort and say ("you call THAT a job?!").
Well, or Papa, as my times, instead of "Daughter, how proud I am of you!" in a fit of tenderness will say "But you had such a promising youth! Would the savings work! Or, on!". And "find yourself a real job! if you are killed and still not a millionaire, why such work is needed?". Mary Vaughn, a neighbor, and that is very happily married to the official! And you?!
No, they are proud of, really. And me marrying that classic "official", dad would greet me stopped. It's just they have such h/W h/W and elements of socialist construction in the head. But wait for recognition in life from family and friends do not advise. Get tired of waiting.
4. Creating a business, you will know how you will work with the staff. No, you are a tyrant, a tyrant — not you! You will not like your current boss, standing with a stopwatch at the door, gleefully cackling and whooping every time another victim hesitated in the Elevator and rush to the office at 09:00:32! You will not force adults to stoop, explaining that they need a doctor or the child in kindergarten for the morning. And early have — the main thing — not the time of his release in the office as a result.
That is why at the beginning until you get all this nonsense out of my head won't go, you'll occasionally be in the office some because the flow of those who just missed will not interfere with the flow of those who left a little early, and those who lunch used to being back in a little bit, not to run, like slaves, in the office, once back from lunch not half an hour later, and the day after. Or, in December already.
And the idea of self-democracy is sure to be the alarm pounding in your head. That's just to say it will be a very self-deprecating manner (something like "fucking liberal, popravlyus, gullible sheep!").
5. According to the results p. 4., and all attempts of material and non-material motivation, it becomes quite obvious that you are a bitch (of any gender), who sleeps and sees how to sleep at work, while workaholic, to urge you in the dream rake, the sweat of working for your welfare without any remuneration. The exceptions will be. You'll really appreciate the small size of this tribe and his apparent promotion to the red Book.
6. You are all so wonderful — took a huge pile of obligations, manage a large team, without delay pay on 300 thousand per month for office, half the budget of a small African country as wages and the other half in taxes, in General, BigBoss. That's just try to be in the Bank for a mortgage — I assure you, in the best case, you will feel a hired Manager on the chopping cabbage in the tent, sells Shawarma at a flea market. "Like YOU, mortgages and loans it is better not to ask; we businessmen do not give you unreliable" — will tell you in the Bank. Sha, third grade, do not go to the decent people. And spit all you in a month fulfill commitments for an amount 30 times greater than the mortgage.
7. Saw 6? About the same story with paid work. If you suddenly decide that "not shmogla, I don't shmogla" and set out to become an specialist, with pure soul and thoughts, and with a head full of ideas and understanding of how difficult it is, in fact, your potential boss and how to help him stop. HR guru will try to get you even for an interview not to miss. And if I make that mistake, then you will explain your prospects. "Same as YOU..." — well, you remember the lepers in you.
8. There was a paragraph about the attitude of government authorities to you, the person, from whose money they are paid. Keep hands, feet, not to continue this topic right here.
9. You will pay salaries above the market. Know the eye color of each of the employees, gently stroking them in the morning on the heads and sincerely consider them as their best friends and Holy living, but the toilet (!) paper, I'm talking about always wanted printer paper, a rare punchers and staplers, you will still acquire feet and move to the side of the house employees. You'll sit the evening long, strapping rolls, like a donut, in a garland in the manner that you saw in Hawaii (in a movie about the police, because on vacation you have no time) and think "who?!", Recalling everyone. But no, decent people, amazing, honest, smart! And the next day will order again in Comus another batch of scissors — mother of the employee need, because.
PS And then, six months later, it turns out that it was the man with the highest salary — commercial, for example, Director. Now commercial and Finance Director — they are the best, remember!
P. P. S. And don't forget about the old Russian tradition — resigned on his own, take with a Desk and all its contents.
10. Finalising the bitter truth. You — a masochist. And it also turns out after creating your own business. Because of PP. 1. — 9., leading you daily into a near epileptic fit, you still will not stop.
If you are a real entrepreneur (already) — you'll nod according to the head of my text and go away (to protect the scissors) to create. But if you want to become one, then smiles to my text and think "I'm wrong, I'll do it right!". And here is an attempt to do everything yourself and properly will distinguish you from the rest of 99.9(%) of the population.
So — all of us — good luck! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: livejournal.com/magazine/1077232.html