Remote presence robots for teaching children with disabilities
In Russia, more than 20 million students, of which about 90 thousand. Children have impaired physical status, which hampers their movement in space and access to social and educational resources and more about 500 thousand. Have other health problems that prevent them regularly attend classes in schools.
For children with disabilities was a system of inclusive education, which involves the training of these children in a specialized and in the ordinary school. Access to education for all children, regardless of the restrictions on their health, enshrined in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012.
To implement this bill all schools are required to attach ramps to wheelchair users were free to get into the school building. How should they get to the building and how they will move within the school itself - this bill is silent. As they say, the main thing - the opportunity ...
Unfortunately, we can not physically provide freedom of movement for all children in school classrooms and corridors. But we can do it remotely with our robotic telepresence Vebot (Webot).
The robot is equipped with a video camera Vebot good resolution, built-in microphone and speakers. With their help, you can communicate with other people. At the base of the robot is a three-wheeled cart, which provides good maneuverability and stability of the robot. The lower chamber and the system parktronikov at the base of the trolley can accurately overcome all sorts of obstacles. The "head" and "neck" of the robot can be rotated in all directions, also can track Vebot look for the selected object.
Controlling the robot going through the service on the Internet. Access to the robot can be either public (robots in museums and other public places), and private, that is, Password protected. The height of the robot is 140 cm, weight 26 kg. Long battery life between charges is 9 hours.
As part of our educational experiment, we placed the robot in a school in the mountains. Rainbow Vladimir region. Access to the robot was a disciple who for a long time can not attend school classes as zdorovya.Rebёnok quickly mastered intuitive interface robot control and assured us that «everything as in a shooter, only people can not shoot» i> . Robot placed in one of the classes of elementary school. During the lesson, the robot stands up for the party, but at the invitation of the teacher can "go" to the board.
At first, the children were very interested in his new classmate, but soon ceased to pay too much attention to it.
Within a few months of testing student who attended school with the help of a robot, not only improved svyu performance, but also established contact with their peers. Who says robots hinder live communication? Nothing of the sort!
The results of the experiment on the introduction of robots in the environment of inclusive education found to be successful. At the moment we opened on Bumstartere проект to raise funds for a new robot components for , which will be donated to a Moscow school.
A detailed description of our robot device can be viewed on his website . There you can get temporary access to a device and learn the basics of management.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247590/
For children with disabilities was a system of inclusive education, which involves the training of these children in a specialized and in the ordinary school. Access to education for all children, regardless of the restrictions on their health, enshrined in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012.
To implement this bill all schools are required to attach ramps to wheelchair users were free to get into the school building. How should they get to the building and how they will move within the school itself - this bill is silent. As they say, the main thing - the opportunity ...
Unfortunately, we can not physically provide freedom of movement for all children in school classrooms and corridors. But we can do it remotely with our robotic telepresence Vebot (Webot).

The robot is equipped with a video camera Vebot good resolution, built-in microphone and speakers. With their help, you can communicate with other people. At the base of the robot is a three-wheeled cart, which provides good maneuverability and stability of the robot. The lower chamber and the system parktronikov at the base of the trolley can accurately overcome all sorts of obstacles. The "head" and "neck" of the robot can be rotated in all directions, also can track Vebot look for the selected object.

Controlling the robot going through the service on the Internet. Access to the robot can be either public (robots in museums and other public places), and private, that is, Password protected. The height of the robot is 140 cm, weight 26 kg. Long battery life between charges is 9 hours.
As part of our educational experiment, we placed the robot in a school in the mountains. Rainbow Vladimir region. Access to the robot was a disciple who for a long time can not attend school classes as zdorovya.Rebёnok quickly mastered intuitive interface robot control and assured us that «everything as in a shooter, only people can not shoot» i> . Robot placed in one of the classes of elementary school. During the lesson, the robot stands up for the party, but at the invitation of the teacher can "go" to the board.

At first, the children were very interested in his new classmate, but soon ceased to pay too much attention to it.

Within a few months of testing student who attended school with the help of a robot, not only improved svyu performance, but also established contact with their peers. Who says robots hinder live communication? Nothing of the sort!
The results of the experiment on the introduction of robots in the environment of inclusive education found to be successful. At the moment we opened on Bumstartere проект to raise funds for a new robot components for , which will be donated to a Moscow school.
A detailed description of our robot device can be viewed on his website . There you can get temporary access to a device and learn the basics of management.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247590/