Summer Tesla S will become a robomobil

Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images i>
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, made on Thursday неожиданное Ads . According to him, this summer electric Tesla Model S will have a software update that will turn them into robomobili able to move on highways without a driver. Musk said that it does not need to somehow alter the car in the garage.
In addition, the assurances of the mask, then update car will arrive to you on a call from a smartphone, and automatically to park in the garage or in the parking lot. He noted that these features will be available for the time being only on private land - apparently to find a parking space for a supermarket for the robot while complicated.
The owners are waiting for the obstacle warning function in the "blind spot", an emergency brake and gasket using the navigator of this path, which will be held near the charging stations.
Experts note that the use of the car in many states in the US and other countries may be simply illegal. In several states yet adopted laws allowing robomobili test on the road, but do not use them in normal mode. One of the main issues that arise in the case of autonomous driving - who is to blame for the accident? Driver or manufacturer?
Representative of concern Tesla, Alexis Georgeson, says that "our autopilot system does not contradict the current laws. We do not want to get rid of the driver. The system simply release him from the most routine tasks, allowing you to concentrate on other things ».
Some manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz, Infiniti, Honda) there are models that can automatically move on the highway - but they require the presence of the driver. If you remove your hands from the steering wheel, the car will give a warning signal, and then completely stop.
Inspired by the success of mask, another bright billionaire owner of Virgin Group's Richard Branson hinted that he is not averse to compete with him not only in the field of private space flight. Branson said , that he has a team that is working on electric vehicles for special racing competitions Formula E, and it's quite possible that this will lead to the emergence of rival Tesla in the consumer market.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247592/