Boston Dynamics is developing a frighteningly fast robot
Ninety four million one hundred seventy thousand eight hundred ninety five
One of the divisions of the Corporation Google, which can be called autonomy, is now developing an unusual robot, resembling a hybrid of a scooter and Atlas. We are talking about Boston Dynamics, whose staff has long and densely occupied in robotics. But until now robots created by the developers has been rather slow. Some of them resembled bulls, part — dog, part — humanoid. Despite the large number of different systems, production robots Boston Dynamics was not very stable or fast.
But the new robot, which has flowed in the network, and fast, and sustainable. It is unknown how he will act on rough terrain, but in tests it shows excellent results. The network got a presentation of the company's founder that he had shown to investors. The first information Internet loaded venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson (Steve Jurvetson).
As for the founder of Boston Dynamics, Raibert, he describes the robot as "an experimental model with replacement feet wheels, very dynamic system that is balanced and at the same time understands how to move to a given point". He also added that the wheels are more efficient than legs, although this form of transportation and contributes some limitations. But as far as a smooth floor, the robot moves exceptionally well. "This is the debut presentation, which showed conjures up nightmares of the robot" — said the head of the unit.
In the video, the prototype robot Handle makes a complex dynamic movement, takes and carries cargo, leans on turns and no problems balancing. Moreover, this robot jumps over the obstacle, and the balance either before or after the jump, he does not lose.
The company Boston Dynamics has long been planning to create a robot that can perform basic functions like freight. Despite the large number of different robots are already created by the company, she has problems with the withdrawal of these robots on the market. According to representatives of holding Alphabet, which includes Google now, representatives of Boston Dynamics cannot develop products that you want to create. At the same time, the majority of robots are very complex, so they need to develop for many months, if not years.
As for the robot with the wheel system, the developers believe such a system is more effective from the point of view of energy consumption. Maneuverability on uneven surfaces falling, but, in General, the mobility of the robot is much higher than that of previous models from Boston Dynamics.
Last year, developers have shown the robot-giraffe SpotMini who knows how to take off the countertops or kitchen sinks dirty dishes. In addition, the robot is able to play, as it is able to do dogs. Things "giraffe" was taken with a special manipulator, which looks like a long neck. Thanks to the gyroscope, the robot can keep the "head" on the same level, regardless of body movements. This behavior is typical for birds. According to the company, robots can be used in everyday life, for only in industry. Additionally, the Spot Mini delivered multiple packages to residents of Boston. "Many talk about delivering with drones. But why not use a robot with legs-manipulators?", says Boston Dynamics CEO Marc Raibert.
The company Boston Dynamics Google has bought in 2013. In the beginning of last year there appeared information that Google wishes to sell the asset due to the fact that the appearance of the final product, which can be put on a commercial basis, will take years. The last straw before making the decision to sell was a video where a man kicks the humanoid robot Atlas and pokes him with a stick.
Potential buyers previously announced Boston Dynamics and Amazon Toytota Research Institute. In the latter organization last year took several employees Boston Dynamics. The founder of Boston Dynamics Marc Raibert (Marc Raibert) — each head of the robotics division of the Toyota Research Institute and program Director of DARPA's Gill Pratt (Gill Pratt). They worked together in the robotics lab at MIT in 1986, and then, Raibert founded the company Boston Dynamics in 1992.
"Had rave reviews in the technical press, says Courtney hon (Courtney Hohne), communications Director of Google, — but we also started to notice the negative discussion about how horrible it is that robots are ready to take jobs away from people." Director of communications, asked employees of Google X to distance themselves from this video and not to comment on it.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/285486/
One of the divisions of the Corporation Google, which can be called autonomy, is now developing an unusual robot, resembling a hybrid of a scooter and Atlas. We are talking about Boston Dynamics, whose staff has long and densely occupied in robotics. But until now robots created by the developers has been rather slow. Some of them resembled bulls, part — dog, part — humanoid. Despite the large number of different systems, production robots Boston Dynamics was not very stable or fast.
But the new robot, which has flowed in the network, and fast, and sustainable. It is unknown how he will act on rough terrain, but in tests it shows excellent results. The network got a presentation of the company's founder that he had shown to investors. The first information Internet loaded venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson (Steve Jurvetson).
As for the founder of Boston Dynamics, Raibert, he describes the robot as "an experimental model with replacement feet wheels, very dynamic system that is balanced and at the same time understands how to move to a given point". He also added that the wheels are more efficient than legs, although this form of transportation and contributes some limitations. But as far as a smooth floor, the robot moves exceptionally well. "This is the debut presentation, which showed conjures up nightmares of the robot" — said the head of the unit.
In the video, the prototype robot Handle makes a complex dynamic movement, takes and carries cargo, leans on turns and no problems balancing. Moreover, this robot jumps over the obstacle, and the balance either before or after the jump, he does not lose.
The company Boston Dynamics has long been planning to create a robot that can perform basic functions like freight. Despite the large number of different robots are already created by the company, she has problems with the withdrawal of these robots on the market. According to representatives of holding Alphabet, which includes Google now, representatives of Boston Dynamics cannot develop products that you want to create. At the same time, the majority of robots are very complex, so they need to develop for many months, if not years.
As for the robot with the wheel system, the developers believe such a system is more effective from the point of view of energy consumption. Maneuverability on uneven surfaces falling, but, in General, the mobility of the robot is much higher than that of previous models from Boston Dynamics.
Last year, developers have shown the robot-giraffe SpotMini who knows how to take off the countertops or kitchen sinks dirty dishes. In addition, the robot is able to play, as it is able to do dogs. Things "giraffe" was taken with a special manipulator, which looks like a long neck. Thanks to the gyroscope, the robot can keep the "head" on the same level, regardless of body movements. This behavior is typical for birds. According to the company, robots can be used in everyday life, for only in industry. Additionally, the Spot Mini delivered multiple packages to residents of Boston. "Many talk about delivering with drones. But why not use a robot with legs-manipulators?", says Boston Dynamics CEO Marc Raibert.
The company Boston Dynamics Google has bought in 2013. In the beginning of last year there appeared information that Google wishes to sell the asset due to the fact that the appearance of the final product, which can be put on a commercial basis, will take years. The last straw before making the decision to sell was a video where a man kicks the humanoid robot Atlas and pokes him with a stick.
Potential buyers previously announced Boston Dynamics and Amazon Toytota Research Institute. In the latter organization last year took several employees Boston Dynamics. The founder of Boston Dynamics Marc Raibert (Marc Raibert) — each head of the robotics division of the Toyota Research Institute and program Director of DARPA's Gill Pratt (Gill Pratt). They worked together in the robotics lab at MIT in 1986, and then, Raibert founded the company Boston Dynamics in 1992.
"Had rave reviews in the technical press, says Courtney hon (Courtney Hohne), communications Director of Google, — but we also started to notice the negative discussion about how horrible it is that robots are ready to take jobs away from people." Director of communications, asked employees of Google X to distance themselves from this video and not to comment on it.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/285486/