Why the Athonite monks don't get cancer
First, this remarkable fact was noticed only Greek physicians, but soon they were joined by scientists from around the world, and as a result of serious scientific work, which continues to this day since 1962, it has been proven that the monks of mount Athos monastery not get cancer.
And not just sick, but never sick.
But this conclusion was obtained by examination of the remains, whose age varies in the range of several thousand years.
To explain this surprising fact, there have been a variety of theories from which, ultimately, the right to exist got only one: to avoid this dangerous disease Athonite monks helps their nutrition and daily lifestyle, which will be discussed below...
It turned out that they don't eat meat, but eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, because most of the year, adhere to strict fasting.
And healthy, almost devoid of fat food protects the monks from cancer and other diseases and gives them an amazing longevity, but there are known cases when on Athos monks lived to 110 years or more. Well, the average age of life – 94 years, has long been an officially confirmed fact.
Surprisingly, but the basic principles of their diet spelled out the main rules of the Orthodox Church, materialcarbon foods to eat in moderate amounts without fats and oils, and smaller but more frequent portions.
Even on holidays, such as Easter, the monks do not eat meat. But in their diet there is a variety of fish, goat, sheep and cow cheeses, and other protein foods, such as peas and beans.
It should be noted that all the fruits and vegetables that arrive on their Desk, the monks grow themselves and this also is a pledge of health and longevity. And it's not just that organic food perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and antioxidants. Very important is the fact that every day in any weather, all the monks spend in the fresh air doing physical labor, and it is also one of the important components of a healthy and long life.
Along with the Orthodox diet, a key role, according to scientists, the good health of the Athonite monks is that they live far away from the hustle and bustle, stress and dirty air of the cities.
Although it's likely not that. So, settling near the Holy mountain of Athos town of Mandemohoria the number of cancer cases per capita is equal to almost 30%, but local inhabitants eat the same food, breathe the same air and live in the same climate. Or in this case, it would be appropriate to add the word "almost"?
How to apply the rules themselves the monks of mount Athos, not only to get rid of all diseases without exception, but to live to a ripe old age, maintaining good physical and mental shape?
The rules are very few, and they are:
1.Avoid stress, worries, hassles and anger, purify your soul, and then it will be the main healer of your body.
2.Often be outdoors, go outside the city to the country, in the woods.
3.Go to eat simple food, avoid preservatives, fats, meat and food processing complex.
4. At least three times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – strict fast, eating only raw foods – fruits and vegetables.
5.At least two hours a day 5 times a week make physical labor or sports.
6.Place your order in your sexual life, reducing the number of sexual acts at least 3-4 per month.
7.Refrain from such self-destructive habits like Smoking and alcohol.
And then you are not only guaranteed to avoid diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, kidney problems and metabolism, but also get rid of diseases that have managed to get it, giving a happy, active and incredibly long life. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.zid.com.ua/rus_creativework/pochemu-afonskye-monahy-ne-boleyut-rakom
And not just sick, but never sick.
But this conclusion was obtained by examination of the remains, whose age varies in the range of several thousand years.

To explain this surprising fact, there have been a variety of theories from which, ultimately, the right to exist got only one: to avoid this dangerous disease Athonite monks helps their nutrition and daily lifestyle, which will be discussed below...
It turned out that they don't eat meat, but eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, because most of the year, adhere to strict fasting.
And healthy, almost devoid of fat food protects the monks from cancer and other diseases and gives them an amazing longevity, but there are known cases when on Athos monks lived to 110 years or more. Well, the average age of life – 94 years, has long been an officially confirmed fact.
Surprisingly, but the basic principles of their diet spelled out the main rules of the Orthodox Church, materialcarbon foods to eat in moderate amounts without fats and oils, and smaller but more frequent portions.
Even on holidays, such as Easter, the monks do not eat meat. But in their diet there is a variety of fish, goat, sheep and cow cheeses, and other protein foods, such as peas and beans.
It should be noted that all the fruits and vegetables that arrive on their Desk, the monks grow themselves and this also is a pledge of health and longevity. And it's not just that organic food perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and antioxidants. Very important is the fact that every day in any weather, all the monks spend in the fresh air doing physical labor, and it is also one of the important components of a healthy and long life.
Along with the Orthodox diet, a key role, according to scientists, the good health of the Athonite monks is that they live far away from the hustle and bustle, stress and dirty air of the cities.

Although it's likely not that. So, settling near the Holy mountain of Athos town of Mandemohoria the number of cancer cases per capita is equal to almost 30%, but local inhabitants eat the same food, breathe the same air and live in the same climate. Or in this case, it would be appropriate to add the word "almost"?
How to apply the rules themselves the monks of mount Athos, not only to get rid of all diseases without exception, but to live to a ripe old age, maintaining good physical and mental shape?
The rules are very few, and they are:
1.Avoid stress, worries, hassles and anger, purify your soul, and then it will be the main healer of your body.
2.Often be outdoors, go outside the city to the country, in the woods.
3.Go to eat simple food, avoid preservatives, fats, meat and food processing complex.
4. At least three times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – strict fast, eating only raw foods – fruits and vegetables.
5.At least two hours a day 5 times a week make physical labor or sports.
6.Place your order in your sexual life, reducing the number of sexual acts at least 3-4 per month.
7.Refrain from such self-destructive habits like Smoking and alcohol.

And then you are not only guaranteed to avoid diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, kidney problems and metabolism, but also get rid of diseases that have managed to get it, giving a happy, active and incredibly long life. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.zid.com.ua/rus_creativework/pochemu-afonskye-monahy-ne-boleyut-rakom
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