Calcaneal spur: 17 effective recipes of folk medicine
Heel spurs — bony growths in the form of a spike or beak on the sole from the heel bone or at the point of attachment of the Achilles tendon. Treatment of heel spurs is a long process. Overweight, diseases of the spine and large joints of lower extremities, flat feet can all cause heel spurs.
Treatment of heel spurs, growths of folk remedies:Potatoes from spurs on the legs. Boil 6-8 potatoes in "uniform", drain, mash and mix with kerosene until thick gentle puree. In this hot mash and put the heel. Hold until cool (15-20 minutes). Then wipe the feet warm damp cloth, put on woolen socks and to bed. Someone enough and 3-4 treatments. The largest number of procedures 12.
Fifty million sixty six thousand nine hundred twenty
Remedy for heel spurs. For treatment you will need 10 tea spoons of honey, 10 tbsp, of oat flour and a bit of patience.Procedure do for the night. Take 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal mix, it's a bit of flapjack. Pre-up legs, wipe them dry and applied to the patient heel. Fix the pellet bandage with plastic and put on socks. Do this 10 times. After the full course of the pain will be.
Compresses from spurs on the legs. On the spur you need to apply wet compresses. To prepare the means to compress, you first need to get the aloe juice. For this purpose suitable plant, which is 5 years old. Cut aloe Vera leaves and run them through a meat grinder.
The resulting mass squeeze through a nylon stocking. The dose need 500 g of juice. The juice pour half a liter of pure alcohol, 5 bottles of tincture of Valerian (sold in pharmacies), 10 tablets analgin and aspirin (tablets must be 0.5 g at the other weight expect another dosage) and 2 tablespoons of ground red pepper.
Tablets pre-mash, otherwise it will be difficult for them to dissolve. Mix all, pour into a 2-liter jar and close the lid. Put the jar in a dark place and let stand exactly 2 weeks. When the infusion is ready, make the night a wet compress on the spur area. Good wet gauze in the infusion and apply to spur, on top of the cellophane and fix all bandage up, put on a sock.
With regular use of this tool, the spur will soon resolve.
Aspirin iodine from the growths on his feet. To get rid of growths, bumps, etc., shalt in powder 6 tablets of aspirin, dilute them in 50 mg 5% iodine, morning and evening lubricate sore spots. The course of treatment a month. To the bumps, growths and spurs are fully absorbed, you need to drink activated silicon water. Use it for cooking, tea, etc. the Salt will gradually go away and the legs will no longer bother you. Also make lotions to the affected area with a gauze bandage soaked in silica and water.
Camphor oil from the growths on the big toe. To get rid of growths on the toes, use the following recipe. Spread the first lump of camphor oil and then iodine (in any case not Vice versa!). This should be done after hover and dry feet. If you carry out this procedure regularly, then after some time the bumps will disappear.
Chicken bile from the growths on the big toe. First poparte and dry feet. Then you can make the bumps iodine grid. Then you need to start making packs of fresh chicken bile, in a pinch you can buy in a pharmacy medical chicken bile. Put compresses every night, soak cotton wool and apply to a great place. Wrap with cellophane and then with a warm rag, and socks. For 1.5-2 months the bumps completely disappear.
Honey with the yolk from heel spurs. In the morning make a mixture of eggs and honey. Take the yolk of a chicken egg (preferably from domestic chicken), add 1 tbsp. of natural honey, all good RUB. This mixture is put in the refrigerator. In the evening to steam out your legs, then dry to wipe them, to make a compress on the heels of this mixture and heat wrap the feet until morning. In the morning, clean everything, Do the procedure until the spur will not resolve. Before applying the mixture slightly warmed in a water bath.
Baths from heel spurs. 550 mg of distilled water. 0.75 g of salicylic acid, 50-grated baby soap, 500 g of purified turpentine and 100 g of ethanol ( 96%). The solution is prepared as follows. Distilled water in a pot bring to a boil. Then it poured, stirring, salicylic acid, add 50 g shredded soap and stir until it dissolves.
The hot solution is poured in a bowl of turpentine and then alcohol is added. All carefully mix. To store the contents in a glass container with the lid tightly closed out of reach of children. In preparing the solution and applying avoid getting it in eyes, mucous membranes.
For foot bath put in a bath basin filled with water 37 ~39°C, sometimes up to 40°C, add to it, after a good shake, emulsion at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water, if portability is adjusted to 3-4 ml per 1 liter of the Bath daily for 15 minutes, 12-15 procedures for the course. In the presence of skin ulcers, abrasions, irritation baths are contraindicated. The use of baths relieves inflammation, and with it gone and pain.
Nettle from spurs. If you have a foot spur, try a very simple remedy: in the evenings, papariv feet, to trample them in the beam Urtica dioica, thrown on the floor, 30 minutes. Enough 5 sessions.
The team, which will relieve the heel spur. In a bottle of dark glass to half pour acetic essence (70 %). Put 6 dark blades, broken in half. To wait 1-1.5 months. During this time, in a tightly closed bottle, the fluid will acquire a brown color. A cotton swab moistened with saline and lubricated several times a day spur, sepici. Doing so before complete disappearance.
Red pepper from a spur on the heel. Heel spurs resolve, if in a sock, under the heel, put a pinch of red pepper. Walk with him all day. Soon will come relief.
Kombucha eliminates spurs. First poparte feet in hot water with the addition of a small amount of baking soda, then apply a small piece of mushroom or just soaked in Kombucha gauze. After 3-4 hours the gauze dries, and it needs to be wet again. After 10 days you completely get rid of spurs.
Old recipe from heel spurs. Collect the shoots of pine-tree pollen and pinecones, young buds of spruce and forest Heath. All dry grind and mix in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1 liter of water, bring to the boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Pour into a large bowl of hot water, add the broth and soak my feet for 20-30 minutes, as necessary pouring hot water. To do so the night across the day, taking approximately 10-15 treatments and get rid of heel spurs.
When heel spurs can help beef.
To fight off the flesh with a hammer and applied to problem areas at night. Top — polyethylene and bintawa bandage. To go, sometimes only 3 treatments.
Lilac against spurs When a calcaneal spur, make compresses of infusions of lilac. Dried lilac flowers pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 8-10 days in a tightly closed container.
Magnesia will win heel spur The procedure is done at night. The counter 6 bags of magnesia and dissolved in 1 liter of water. Heat the solution magnesia (somewhere up to t 60°), pour into a bowl and put it in his heel, hover somewhere in 10 minutes. Then, dry wiping of the heel, to make them compress of liquid Valerian. A good warm (wear socks) and so all night, in the morning remove the poultice. 3A 10 treatments you will forget about the pain in the heels, a heel spur you will leave
Getting rid of the spurs for 2 weeks. Spur — a fairly common disease, most often plaguing the elderly. Try a proven recipe: take 100 ml of alcohol, 100 g of salt and 10 grams of vinegar, fill with water to 3 liters. Warm the water and pour into a bowl. Temperature — to have suffered leg. Soak feet until the water cools. Storing the composition in a tightly closed glass container. Re-using again heat, add 1 tbsp of essence and 1 tablespoon of alcohol. From the spur cured in 2 weeks of daily treatments. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/0-61
Treatment of heel spurs, growths of folk remedies:Potatoes from spurs on the legs. Boil 6-8 potatoes in "uniform", drain, mash and mix with kerosene until thick gentle puree. In this hot mash and put the heel. Hold until cool (15-20 minutes). Then wipe the feet warm damp cloth, put on woolen socks and to bed. Someone enough and 3-4 treatments. The largest number of procedures 12.
Fifty million sixty six thousand nine hundred twenty
Remedy for heel spurs. For treatment you will need 10 tea spoons of honey, 10 tbsp, of oat flour and a bit of patience.Procedure do for the night. Take 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal mix, it's a bit of flapjack. Pre-up legs, wipe them dry and applied to the patient heel. Fix the pellet bandage with plastic and put on socks. Do this 10 times. After the full course of the pain will be.
Compresses from spurs on the legs. On the spur you need to apply wet compresses. To prepare the means to compress, you first need to get the aloe juice. For this purpose suitable plant, which is 5 years old. Cut aloe Vera leaves and run them through a meat grinder.
The resulting mass squeeze through a nylon stocking. The dose need 500 g of juice. The juice pour half a liter of pure alcohol, 5 bottles of tincture of Valerian (sold in pharmacies), 10 tablets analgin and aspirin (tablets must be 0.5 g at the other weight expect another dosage) and 2 tablespoons of ground red pepper.
Tablets pre-mash, otherwise it will be difficult for them to dissolve. Mix all, pour into a 2-liter jar and close the lid. Put the jar in a dark place and let stand exactly 2 weeks. When the infusion is ready, make the night a wet compress on the spur area. Good wet gauze in the infusion and apply to spur, on top of the cellophane and fix all bandage up, put on a sock.
With regular use of this tool, the spur will soon resolve.
Aspirin iodine from the growths on his feet. To get rid of growths, bumps, etc., shalt in powder 6 tablets of aspirin, dilute them in 50 mg 5% iodine, morning and evening lubricate sore spots. The course of treatment a month. To the bumps, growths and spurs are fully absorbed, you need to drink activated silicon water. Use it for cooking, tea, etc. the Salt will gradually go away and the legs will no longer bother you. Also make lotions to the affected area with a gauze bandage soaked in silica and water.
Camphor oil from the growths on the big toe. To get rid of growths on the toes, use the following recipe. Spread the first lump of camphor oil and then iodine (in any case not Vice versa!). This should be done after hover and dry feet. If you carry out this procedure regularly, then after some time the bumps will disappear.
Chicken bile from the growths on the big toe. First poparte and dry feet. Then you can make the bumps iodine grid. Then you need to start making packs of fresh chicken bile, in a pinch you can buy in a pharmacy medical chicken bile. Put compresses every night, soak cotton wool and apply to a great place. Wrap with cellophane and then with a warm rag, and socks. For 1.5-2 months the bumps completely disappear.
Honey with the yolk from heel spurs. In the morning make a mixture of eggs and honey. Take the yolk of a chicken egg (preferably from domestic chicken), add 1 tbsp. of natural honey, all good RUB. This mixture is put in the refrigerator. In the evening to steam out your legs, then dry to wipe them, to make a compress on the heels of this mixture and heat wrap the feet until morning. In the morning, clean everything, Do the procedure until the spur will not resolve. Before applying the mixture slightly warmed in a water bath.
Baths from heel spurs. 550 mg of distilled water. 0.75 g of salicylic acid, 50-grated baby soap, 500 g of purified turpentine and 100 g of ethanol ( 96%). The solution is prepared as follows. Distilled water in a pot bring to a boil. Then it poured, stirring, salicylic acid, add 50 g shredded soap and stir until it dissolves.
The hot solution is poured in a bowl of turpentine and then alcohol is added. All carefully mix. To store the contents in a glass container with the lid tightly closed out of reach of children. In preparing the solution and applying avoid getting it in eyes, mucous membranes.
For foot bath put in a bath basin filled with water 37 ~39°C, sometimes up to 40°C, add to it, after a good shake, emulsion at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water, if portability is adjusted to 3-4 ml per 1 liter of the Bath daily for 15 minutes, 12-15 procedures for the course. In the presence of skin ulcers, abrasions, irritation baths are contraindicated. The use of baths relieves inflammation, and with it gone and pain.
Nettle from spurs. If you have a foot spur, try a very simple remedy: in the evenings, papariv feet, to trample them in the beam Urtica dioica, thrown on the floor, 30 minutes. Enough 5 sessions.
The team, which will relieve the heel spur. In a bottle of dark glass to half pour acetic essence (70 %). Put 6 dark blades, broken in half. To wait 1-1.5 months. During this time, in a tightly closed bottle, the fluid will acquire a brown color. A cotton swab moistened with saline and lubricated several times a day spur, sepici. Doing so before complete disappearance.
Red pepper from a spur on the heel. Heel spurs resolve, if in a sock, under the heel, put a pinch of red pepper. Walk with him all day. Soon will come relief.
Kombucha eliminates spurs. First poparte feet in hot water with the addition of a small amount of baking soda, then apply a small piece of mushroom or just soaked in Kombucha gauze. After 3-4 hours the gauze dries, and it needs to be wet again. After 10 days you completely get rid of spurs.
Old recipe from heel spurs. Collect the shoots of pine-tree pollen and pinecones, young buds of spruce and forest Heath. All dry grind and mix in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1 liter of water, bring to the boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Pour into a large bowl of hot water, add the broth and soak my feet for 20-30 minutes, as necessary pouring hot water. To do so the night across the day, taking approximately 10-15 treatments and get rid of heel spurs.
When heel spurs can help beef.
To fight off the flesh with a hammer and applied to problem areas at night. Top — polyethylene and bintawa bandage. To go, sometimes only 3 treatments.
Lilac against spurs When a calcaneal spur, make compresses of infusions of lilac. Dried lilac flowers pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 8-10 days in a tightly closed container.
Magnesia will win heel spur The procedure is done at night. The counter 6 bags of magnesia and dissolved in 1 liter of water. Heat the solution magnesia (somewhere up to t 60°), pour into a bowl and put it in his heel, hover somewhere in 10 minutes. Then, dry wiping of the heel, to make them compress of liquid Valerian. A good warm (wear socks) and so all night, in the morning remove the poultice. 3A 10 treatments you will forget about the pain in the heels, a heel spur you will leave
Getting rid of the spurs for 2 weeks. Spur — a fairly common disease, most often plaguing the elderly. Try a proven recipe: take 100 ml of alcohol, 100 g of salt and 10 grams of vinegar, fill with water to 3 liters. Warm the water and pour into a bowl. Temperature — to have suffered leg. Soak feet until the water cools. Storing the composition in a tightly closed glass container. Re-using again heat, add 1 tbsp of essence and 1 tablespoon of alcohol. From the spur cured in 2 weeks of daily treatments. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/0-61